(2)Based on the status of Wabbi gate associated with the issue keys defined in the pull request's commit messages, the pull request's title and the pull request's source branch, this action will display the Wabbi gate status. If the gate status is FAILED, the action exit code will be set to failure.
Required URL to Wabbi site
Required Wabbi project id associated with the GitHub repo
Required Comma separated list of associated issue project prefixes
Required Id of the Wabbi gate associated with the GitHub repo
Required Token to access the wabbi gate. save as secret named GATE_TOKEN
Required Token to access GitHub repo data, use githubToken: ${{ GITHUB_TOKEN }}
The status of the Wabbi gate pass for the associated issue keys.
on: [pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: A job to process pull request validation
- name: validate wabbi gate
id: validate_gate
uses: hiwabbi/wabbi-gate-by-issues@v0.5.6
wabbiHost: https://symphony.wabbi.io
wabbiProjectId: 1
issuePrefixes: AB,CD,EF
wabbiGateId: 1
wabbiGateToken: ${{ secrets.GATE_TOKEN }}
githubToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: display wabbi gate status
run: echo "wabbi gate status ${{ steps.validate_gate.outputs.status }}"
wabbi-gate-by-issues is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.