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Vercel Preview URL

Receive the deployment preview URL from Vercel
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Vercel Preview URL

Test Integration Test Release semantic-release: conventional Conventional Commits

Retrieve the preview URL from the Vercel API, filtered by the repo and branch. The URL can then be used for further end-to-end tests, link checks and other PR integrations/actions.

The main difference to Capture Vercel Preview URL is that the action runs on push and pull_request, not on issue_comment. This enables 3rd party GitHub integrations to report directly on the Pull Request.

Table of Contents


Vercel needs a little time to build the preview, you can check the average build time in your deployments and add the seconds plus a little to a sleep action, to wait until the deployment is READY.

Instead of an arbitrary time, the Await for Vercel deployment Action can be used.

- run: sleep 30
- name: vercel-preview-url
  uses: zentered/vercel-preview-url@v1.1.9
  id: vercel_preview_url
    VERCEL_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
    vercel_project_id: 'prj_XYZ123'
- name: Get URL
  run: echo "https://${{ steps.vercel_preview_url.outputs.preview_url }}"

Vercel Project ID

Your project name is not the same as the project ID. You can find the project ID in the Project Settings, it starts with prj_:

vercel project id

Environment Variables / Secret

In the repository, go to "Settings", then "Secrets" and add "VERCEL_TOKEN", the value you can retrieve on your Vercel account.

By optionally setting SEARCH_BRANCH_NAME as an environment variable, you can override the branch name used to search for deployments in Vercel. This environment variable is useful in cases where GITHUB_REF becomes the default branch, such as when commenting on pull requests or adding labels.


To see more information on inputs, see the Vercel Documentation.

Name Requirement Type Description
vercel_team_id optional string Team id
vercel_app optional string Name of the deployment
vercel_from optional timestamp Deployment after this date
vercel_project_id optional string Vercel project id
vercel_since optional timestamp Deployment since this date
vercel_state optional string Filter on state
vercel_target optional string Deployment environment
vercel_to optional timestamp Deployment before this date
vercel_until optional timestamp Deployment before this date
vercel_users optional string Filter on created by user(s)


Name Description
preview_url A string with the unique URL of the deployment. If it hasn't finished uploading (is incomplete), the value will be null
deployment_state A string with the current deployment state, it could be one of the following QUEUED, BUILDING, READY, or ERROR.
branch_alias A string with the branch alias, that is a custom domain that Vercel creates for that branch.





Vercel Preview URL is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Receive the deployment preview URL from Vercel

Vercel Preview URL is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.