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Check all links and ensure they are not broken
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Scan your repo for broken links. Whitelist links or files you wish to ignore. Works in private repos. Designed to be ideal for awesome-lists!

⚡ Check out the fast branch if you want lightning fast checking for large volumes and very short run time.

Example usage

name: Link-check
on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Run linksafe
        uses: TechWiz-3/linksafe@main
        with: # comma seperated lists
          # use relative paths, if no dirs specified root dir is scanned
          dirs: ".,./src,./src/data,./tests,./tests/pylint"
          # set to false by default
          verbose: true
          whitelist_links: ""
          # use relative paths
          whitelist_files: "./doc/"

More info and http://localhost are automatically ignored

Each directory to be scanned must be specified directly, otherwise only the root dir will be scanned and subdirs will be ignored. At the same time, if you want the root dir AND subdirs to be scanned, remember to include a . as part of the list.

Files and or links can be whitelisted i.e. ignored.

Please note, with repos with a lot of links, a scan can take a LONG time, even up to 40+ minutes. If you wish scans to be no longer than a minute or two, use the fast branch.


  • In depth error handling for user inputs (if they go wrong)
  • Recognition of removed yt videos
  • Emoji HTTP code (optional)
  • Enforce HTTPS option
  • Allow bad SSL cert option
  • Possible repo replacements, aliases or moves if a gh repo link fails
  • 429 error code

🎉 Commit labels

If you're interested in the commit labels used in this repo, check out my git emoji project

linksafe-action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Check all links and ensure they are not broken

linksafe-action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.