Get workflow status notifications to Telegram chat or channel.
First of all, you need to create a Telegram bot by talking to @BotFather bot. See official guide here:
If you want to get notifications to personal chat with bot, find your user id, for example by talking to @jsondumpbot.
Also you can use channel for notifications, in this case just get your channel name in format @channelname
Then add your bot token and user id (or channel name) to repository Secrets.
Add following step to the end of your workflow:
- uses: naiw1023/notify-telegram@v0.0.2
if: always()
chat: ${{ }} # user id or channel name secret
token: ${{ secrets.token }} # token secret
status: ${{ job.status }} # do not modify this line
message: "Custom Message"
Issue Notify Telegram is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.