install-and-cache python tools
(1)This GitHub action installs python-based packages and cache them for later use. When executed next time with same package list, and any other environment are not changed, installed files are extracted from the cached archive.
When valid cached archive is not found, all packages are installed by
Output is same as @actions/cache
# inputs:
# tools: { required: true, type: string }
# version: { required: false, type: string, default: 3 }
# cache: { required: false, type: string, default: yes }
# key: { required: false, type: string }
- uses: tecolicom/actions-use-python-tools@v1
# python packages
tools: ''
# python version
# Default: 3
version: '3'
# Cache strategy
# yes: activate cache
# no: no cache
# workflow: effective within same workflow (mainly for test)
cache: yes
# Additional cache key
key: ''
- uses: tecolicom/actions-use-python-tools@v1
tools: legit
- Always install as a root. I could't find a good way to install under user directory across ubuntu and macos.
install-and-cache python tools is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.