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External Telegram Notifications

Configure an endpoint to get the content to send to a telegram chat
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Externalized Telegram Notifications Action

GitHub Action that sends messages to Telegram, retrieving the message content from an external URL. HTML (default mode) or Markdown formats are both supported.

The purpose of this action is getting a changelog with the changes from an external URL and sending it to a Telegram channel.

You should add configurations for: to with a channel id or a chat id , token with your telegram token, content-url with a public accesible URL that has the content that you want to send. Optionally you can send the parse_mode that it'll be used for the telegram API.

Example usage

name: Send notifications to telegram
    name: A job to launch telegram notifications
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Send notifications
      id: send_notifications
      uses: danilat/externalized-telegram-notifications-action@master
        to: ${{ secrets.TELEGRAM_ID_OR_CHANNEL }}
        token: ${{ secrets.TELEGRAM_TOKEN }}
        content-url: ${{ secrets.CONTENT_URL }}
        parse_mode: html


  • You can get the Telegram token creating your bot using BotFather.
  • If you want to send messages to a channel you should use @channelname in the to variable.
  • If you want to send messages to an user you need the id of the conversation, you can get it with curl<telegram_token>/getUpdates.
  • In the content that responds to content-url you should use only the supported formatting options.

External Telegram Notifications is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Configure an endpoint to get the content to send to a telegram chat

External Telegram Notifications is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.