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Deploy to Cloud Deploy

Use this action to deploy a deployment pipeline to Google Cloud Platform Cloud Deploy
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deploy-clouddeploy GitHub Action

Deploys delivery pipeline(s) and target(s) to Cloud Deploy and makes the URL available to later build steps via outputs.

Note that this product Cloud Deploy is still in Preview stage


This action requires:


- name: Deploy to Cloud Deploy
  uses: gcp-cloud-deploy-ecosystem/deploy-clouddeploy@main


Name Requirement Default Description
region optional us-central1 Region in which the resource can be found.
credentials Required if not using a the setup-gcloud action with exported credentials. Service account key to use for authentication. This should be the JSON formatted private key which can be exported from the Cloud Console. The value can be raw or base64-encoded.
project_id optional ID of the Google Cloud project. If provided, this will override the project configured by setup-gcloud.
file optional clouddeploy.yaml Path to the Cloud Deploy configuration file.
flags optional Space separated list of other Cloud Deploy flags.
gcloud_version optional latest Pin the version of Cloud SDK gcloud CLI.


  • None


There are a few ways to authenticate this action. A service account will be needed with the following roles:

  • Cloud Deploy Admin (roles/cloudeploy.admin):
    • Can create, update, and delete pipelines.
    • Approves pipeline executions
    • Can get and set IAM policies.

This service account needs to a member of the Compute Engine default service account, (, with role Service Account User. To grant a user permissions for a service account, use one of the methods found in Configuring Ownership and access to a service account.

Used with setup-gcloud

You can provide credentials using the setup-gcloud action:

- uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@master
    service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GCP_SA_KEY }}
    export_default_credentials: true

- name: Deploy to Cloud Deploy
  uses: gcp-cloud-deploy-ecosystem/deploy-clouddeploy@main

Via Credentials

You can provide Google Cloud Service Account JSON directly to the action by specifying the credentials input. First, create a GitHub Secret that contains the JSON content, then import it into the action:

- name: Deploy to Cloud Deploy
  uses: gcp-cloud-deploy-ecosystem/deploy-clouddeploy@main

Via Application Default Credentials

If you are hosting your runner, and those runners are on Google Cloud, you can leverage the Application Default Credentials of the instance. This will authenticate requests as the service account attached to the instance. This only works using a custom runner hosted on GCP.

- name: Deploy to Cloud Deploy
  uses: gcp-cloud-deploy-ecosystem/deploy-clouddeploy@main


  1. Create a new Google Cloud Project (or select an existing project).

  2. Enable the Cloud Deploy API.

  3. Create a Google Cloud service account or select an existing one.

  4. Add the the following [Cloud IAM roles][roles] to your service account:

    • Cloud Deploy Developer - allows for the creation of new Cloud Deploy Developer
  5. Download a JSON service account key for the service account.

  6. Add the following secrets to your repository's secrets:

    • GCP_PROJECT: Google Cloud project ID

    • GCP_SA_KEY: the downloaded service account key

Migrating from setup-gcloud

Example using setup-gcloud:

- name: Setup Cloud SDK
  uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v0.2.0
    project_id: ${{ env.PROJECT_ID }}
    service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GCP_SA_KEY }}

- name: Deploy to Cloud Deploy
  run: |-
    gcloud beta deploy apply \
      --region $REGION \
      --file clouddeploy.yaml

Migrated to deploy-clouddeploy:

- name: Deploy to Cloud Deploy
  uses: gcp-cloud-deploy-ecosystem/deploy-clouddeploy@v0.2.0




This action was initialally forked gcp-cloud-deploy-ecosystem/deploy-clouddeploy.



Deploy to Cloud Deploy is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Use this action to deploy a deployment pipeline to Google Cloud Platform Cloud Deploy

Deploy to Cloud Deploy is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.