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Aikido Security Github Action

This action triggers a scan in Aikido. It will throw an error if any new critical issues were found
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GitHub has manually verified the creator of the action as an official partner organization. For more info see About badges in GitHub Marketplace.

Aikido Security Github action

This repository contains an application that can be used in Github action workflows. It will trigger a scan in Aikido to make sure no new critical issues are introduced into your application. The free tier plan allows for scanning on dependencies. Other features such as blocking on SAST or license findings are part of the paid plan.

Using the action

This is an example workflow you could use to trigger a scan for each new pull request

name: Aikido Security
      - '*'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Detect new vulnerabilities
        uses: AikidoSec/github-actions-workflow@v1.0.13
            secret-key: ${{ secrets.AIKIDO_SECRET_KEY }}
            fail-on-timeout: true
            fail-on-dependency-scan: true
            fail-on-sast-scan: false
            fail-on-iac-scan: false
            minimum-severity: 'CRITICAL'
            timeout-seconds: 180
            post-scan-status-comment: 'off'
            post-sast-review-comments: 'off'
            github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

The action has 3 possible outcomes:

  • SUCCEEDED: the scan was completed successfully and we did not encounter any new critical issues
  • FAILED: the scan was completed successfully, but we found new critical issues
  • TIMED_OUT: the scan did not complete before the set timeout. In this case we won't let the action fail, but we do return this special case to not block your pipeline.

Required fields:

  • secret-key: The secret key generated at CI integrations settings.
  • minimum-severity: Determines on which (minimum) severity Aikido should respond with FAILED. This value can be one of LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, CRITICAL.

Optional fields:

  • fail-on-timeout: Determines whether the workflow should respond with FAILED in case the scans timed out after 2 minutes.
  • fail-on-dependency-scan: Determines whether Aikido should block on new dependency issues (CVEs).
  • fail-on-sast-scan: Determines whether Aikido should block on new SAST issues. This is available in all paid plans.
  • fail-on-iac-scan: Determines whether Aikido should block on new Infrastructure as Code issues. This is available in all paid plans.
  • post-scan-status-comment: Let Aikido post a comment on the PR (when in PR context) with the latest scan status and a link to the scan results. Value can be one of "on", "off" or "only_if_new_findings". When setting this value to "only_if_new_findings" Aikido will only post a comment once new findings are found, and keep it updated afterwards.
  • post-sast-review-comments: Let Aikido post review comments on the PR of SAST findings that are above the failure treshold and a link to the Aikido platform. Value can be one of "on", "off".
  • github-token: Must be set only if you want Aikido to post a comment on the PR. If the default ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} environment token does not have write capabilities, Aikido needs a PAT with specific permissions to read and write comments in a PR.


Install the dependencies

$ npm install

When the changes have been implemented, you need to build and package the code for release. Run the following commands and commit it to the repository.

$ npm run build && npm run package

Change action.yml

The action.yml defines the inputs and output of our action.

See the documentation

Creating a new release

To update the app, you will need to update the app's bundle. First run

npm run build

Followed by:

npm run package

The contents of the dist folder should now be altered, commit these changes and merge them into the main branch.

Next, create a release on Github by clicking on tags and then releases. Then you can draft and release a new version.

Aikido Security Github Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


This action triggers a scan in Aikido. It will throw an error if any new critical issues were found


GitHub has manually verified the creator of the action as an official partner organization. For more info see About badges in GitHub Marketplace.



Aikido Security Github Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.