|- `excalidraw/`
|- `actions/` store all actions taking effects to canvas
|- `register` register a new action
|- `manager` `actionManager` that manages all actions
|- `executeAction` execute action
|- `updater` update `appState` by the result of `action.perform`
|- `renderAction` `actionManager.renderAction('toggleShortcuts')` render react components defined in action PanelComponent
|- `types` declare all types for actions related
|- `Action` the `Action` type definition
|- `contextItemPredicate` the assert condition for action to be displayed on context menu
|- `checked` whether enabled this feature on context menu
|- `app/` ExclidrawApp react component entry point
|- `ExclidrawApp` react entrypoint for excalidraw
|- `onChange` drives `CollabAPI.syncElements` to help realtime synchronization work
|- `charts/` excalidraw charts support
|- `components/` react components
|- `Actions` actions related components
|- `<ShapesSwitcher />` group shapes related widgets
|- `LayerUI` react entry point, core react components are aggregated here
|- `<Island className='menu-container' />` App Menu
|- `MenuUtisl` MenuLinks & Menu Seperator in the App Menu
|- `Island` the common react components to create a floating panel, aka "island"
|- `InitializeApp` The loading wrapper for <ExclidrawApp />. Presents <LoadingMessage /> if `i18n` is not ready.
|- `ContextMenu` context menu for excalidraw, wrapped with `<Popover />`.
|- `ExclidrawCore` core of excalidraw
|- `syncActionResult` sync `appState` to react after execute actions
|- `icons` declare all SVG icons here
|- `Stats` show current scene & selected element information
|- `css/` common stylesheets
|- `data/` data operation utilities
|- `element/` excalidraw canvas elements & helpers
|- `hooks/` react hooks
|- `renderer/` excalidraw canvas rendering implementations
|- `renderElement` control details about drawing element on canvas
|- `renderElement` renderElement by type
|- `renderScene` draw scene on canvas
|- `strokeGrid` controls the implementation of grid rendering
|- `editingLinearElement` add or editing linear element on canvas
|- `roundRect` draw round rectangle on canvas
|- `scene/` excalidraw scene related code
|- `tests/` unit tests and e2e tests
|- `align`
|- `analytics`
|- `appState` global app state
|- `currentItemBackgroundColor` shape background color
|- `bug-issue-template` excalidraw github bug issue report template
|- `clients` getClient Colors & getClientInitials
|- `shapes` declare all shape constants in `<ShapesSwitcher />`
|- `keys` declare all key constants for shortcuts etc.
Failed to run
meteor run
ormeteor add accounts-password
It probably is cased by
install request to https://github.com/kelektiv/node.bcrypt.js/releases/download/v5.0.1/bcrypt_lib-v5.0.1-napi-v3-darwin-x64-unknown.tar.gz failed, reason: connect ETIMEDOUT
.You can run meteor behind a proxy to fix the problem:
export HTTP_PROXY=http://user:password@ export HTTPS_PROXY=http://user:password@
See: https://github.com/meteor/meteor/wiki/Using-Meteor-behind-a-proxy
- Meteor DevTools Evolved
- React Devtools
npm run debug:brk
with Chrome Devtools to debug codenpm run visualize
visualize bundle sizes to help remove unnecessary deps