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NOAA PMEL OME Kelly Metazoan 16S PCR Protocol

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Minimum Information about an Omics Protocol (MIOP)

See for list and definitions.

MIOP Term Value
methodology category omics analysis
project NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Ocean Molecular Ecology Program Protocols
purpose PCR [OBI:0000415]
analyses PCR [OBI:0000415]
geographic location North East Pacific Ocean [GAZ:00013765], Bering Sea [GAZ:00008990], Arctic Ocean [GAZ:00000323]
broad-scale environmental context oceanic epipelagic zone biome [ENVO:01000035], marine biome [ENVO:00000447]
local environmental context oceanic epipelagic zone biome [ENVO:01000035], marine benthic biome [ENVO:01000024]
environmental medium sea water [ENVO:00002149] , DNA extraction [OBI:0000257]
target 16S Mitochondrial Ribosomal RNA [NCIT_C131261]
creator Shannon Brown, Han Weinrich, and Zachary Gold
materials required agarose gel electrophoresis system [OBI:0001134] , PCR instrument [OBI:0000989]
skills required sterile technique, pipetting skills, and standard molecular technique
time required 225
personnel required 1
language en
issued 2024-05-30
audience scientists
publisher NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Ocean Molecular Ecology Program; University of Washington Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, & Ecosystem Studies
hasVersion 1
license CC0 1.0 Universal
maturity level mature


Shannon Brown Ocean Molecular Ecology, NOAA PMEL & UW CICOES 0000-0001-9808-2638 2024-02-02
Han Weinrich Ocean Molecular Ecology, NOAA PMEL & UW CICOES 0009-0007-6063-0986 2024-02-02
Sean McAllister Ocean Molecular Ecology, NOAA PMEL & UW CICOES 0000-0001-6654-3495 2024-02-02
Matt Galaska Ocean Molecular Ecology, NOAA PMEL 0000-0002-4257-0170 2024-02-02
Zachary Gold Ocean Molecular Ecology, NOAA PMEL 0000-0003-0490-7630 2024-02-02


Kelly et al. 2016 Protocol V1 2016-09-03
CaleDNA CO1 Protocol CaleDNA Protocols & Here v4.0 2018
Environmental DNA (eDNA) COI metabarcoding Illumina MiSeq NGS PCR Protocol V2 V2 2018-03-20



This protocol is for amplifying the 16S large subunit ribosomal RNA mitochondrial gene in eukaryotes. The primers (forward: 16s_Metazoa_fwd, reverse: 16s_Metazoa_rev) were first presented in Kelly et al. 2016. The target amplicon size is 114–140 base pairs.

This primer set targets metazoan organisms (e.g., molluscs, arthropods, and vertebrates). Important note, this primer also amplifies non-target organisms including single-celled phytoplankton (e.g., dinoflagellates, diatoms, and haptophytes), although to a much lesser degree than the Leray CO1 marker set (Gold et al. 2022).

The protocol presented here is intended as the first PCR of a two-step PCR next generation sequencing library preparation using Illumina Nextera Unique Dual Indices. Our written protocol does not include the second PCR step in which unique library-specific barcodes are attached to each round 1 PCR product.

Method description and rationale

This protocol was chosen because it has successfully identified a range of key benthic marine invertebrate species of interest and provides high complimentarity to the Leray CO1 target (Gold et al. 2022). Our protocol uses the same polymerase and chemistry as MBARI and MBON Leray CO1 protocols, but is only 25 µL in total reaction volume. We used the CaleDNA thermocycling conditions described in Gold et al. 2022 given previous success of the method. We intentionally chose this protocol to promote harmonization of ocean biomolecular observations and allow PMEL OME to utilize existing lab reagents used for other targets used in the lab (e.g. Leray CO1).

This amplification protocol is accessible to most molecular biology labs.

Spatial coverage and environment(s) of relevance

This protocol has been used to amplify extracted DNA from thousands of filtered sea water samples taken from coastal stations off the western coast of North America in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea and Arctic Ocean (primarily off California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska). Samples collected range in depth from surface ocean (epipelagic biome) to just off bottom (benthic biome) at varying distances from shore (coastal to off-shelf).

Personnel Required

One person with molecular biology experience.


This protocol does not involve any hazardous chemicals, although standard precautions including wearing PPE should be taken to avoid skin and eye exposure to chemical reagents.

Training requirements

Molecular biology training (including, at a minimum, sterile technique, pipetting small volumes, and programming and running PCR thermocyclers) is required to conduct this protocol.

Time required to execute the procedure

PCR preparation and running the PCR protocol for a single 96-well plate takes 3.75 hours (225 minutes), 150 mins of which is the thermocycler run time. Additional plates can be run simultaneously without greatly increasing the time required.


Durable equipment
Pipetter: 1-10 μl Pipetman P10L Gilson 1 Can be substituted with any accurate pipettor.
Pipetter: 20 - 200 uL Pipetman P200L Gilson 1 Can be substituted with any accurate pipettor.
Pipetter: 100-1000 uL Pipetman P1000 Gilson 1 Can be substituted with any accurate pipettor.
BioSafety II cabinet Biological safety cabinet (INT-1100A2) Kewaunee 1 Can be substituted with generic; internal UV light required.
Thermocycler Veriti 96-well thermal cycler Applied Biosystems 1 Can be substituted with generic.
Mini-centrifuge Personal mini centrifuge BioExcell 1 Can be substituted with generic, but needs to fit 1.5-2.0 mL tubes.
Vortex Analog vortex mixer Fisher Scientific 1 Can be substituted with generic.
Plate spinner Salad spinner Cuisinart 1 Can be substituted with generic or plate centrifuge.
Foil roller Rubber roller Generic 1
PCR cooler rack PCR cooler 0.2-0.5 mL Eppendorf 1 Can be substituted with generic.
1.5 mL tube cooler rack Benchtop cooler Thermo Scientific 1 Can be subsituted with generic. Store in the fridge to avoid refreezing reagents.
2 mL tube rack Microcentrifuge tube rack VWR 1 Can be substituted with generic.
0.2 mL PCR plate rack PCR tube rack for 0.2 mL micro-tubes Fisher Scientific 1 Can be substituted with generic.
Wash bottle Safety Wash Bottle for Ethanol 500mL VWR 1 Can be substituted with generic (not labeled specifically for EtOH). Must be sterilized before use
Wash bottle Safety Wash Bottle for Hypochlorite Bleach 500mL VWR 1 Can be substituted with generic (not labeled specifically for bleach). Must be sterilized before use
Freezer Freezer capable of reaching and maintaining -20°C Generic 1 Used to store DNA and PCR reagents. NOTE: a separate freezer should be used to store PCR products if possible.
Fridge Refrigerator capable of reaching and maintaining 4°C Generic 1 Used to store some PCR reagents NOTE: a separate fridge should be used to hold PCR products if possible.
Trash bag holder Bel-Art scienceware bench-top biohazard holders Fisher Scientific 1 Can be substituted with generic.
Cryoboxes TruCool hinged lid cryoboxes VWR 2 Can be substituted with generic, but recommend set color for eDNA and reagents. Must be sterilized before use. Can be used to store DNA tubes (pre-PCR) and reagent aliquots.
Consumable equipment
1000 μL pipette tips TipOne RPT filter tips 1000 μL XL graduated USA Scientific 4 Can be subsituted with generic. Must be sterile and filtered.
200 μL pipette tips TipOne RPT filter tips 200 μL graduated USA Scientific 4 Can be subsituted with generic. Must be sterile and filtered.
10 μL pipette tips TipOne RPT filter tips 10 μL graduated USA Scientific 96 Can be subsituted with generic. Must be sterile and filtered.
PCR plates Twin.tec LoBind PCR plates, semi-skirted (96-wells) Eppendorf 1 Can be subsituted with generic. Must be DNA low retention.
PCR aluminum foil Adhesive sterile PCR foil seals VWR 1 Can be subsituted with generic. Must be sterile.
2 mL tubes Snap cap DNA LoBind 2.0 mL tubes, PCR-clean Eppendorf 5 Can be substituted with generic. Must be sterile.
1.5 mL tubes Snap cap DNA LoBind 1.5 mL tubes, PCR-clean Eppendorf 2 Can be substituted with generic. Must be sterile.
Kimwipes Delicate task wipes Kimtech 5 Can be substituted with generic. Must be lint-free.
Nitrile gloves Powder Free Nitrile Gloves Fisher Scientific 4 Can be subsituted with generic nitrile gloves. Does not come sterile, must be sterilized before use (10% bleach followed by 70% EtOH)
Trash bags for BSC Teivio 1.2 Gallon 360 Counts Strong Trash Bags Teivio 1 Can be substituted with generic.
Lab notebook Durable, hardcover lab notebook Generic 1 Dedicated to the lab space
Writing utensils Sharpies and pens Generic 2 Dedicated to the lab extraction space. Not made of wood - must be able to be wiped down with bleach/EtOH.
Optional Equipment
Repeater Pipetter: 10-300 μL E1-ClipTip electronic single channel pipette, 10-300 μL ThermoFisher 1 Can be substituted with generic. Not required but reduces protocol time.
300 μl repeater pipette tips ClipTip 300 filtered sterile tips Thermo Scientific 2 Can be substituted with generic. Must fit repeater pipette. Must be sterile and filtered.
8-channel multichannel pipetter: 1-10 μL Pipetman Multichannel P8X10 Gilson 1 Can be substituted with generic. Not required but reduces protocol time.
UV crosslinker UV crosslinker AH (115V), 234100 Boekel Scientific 1 Recommended not required; can be substituted.
PCR master mix 2x AmpliTaq Gold Fast PCR master mix Applied Biosystems 1300 (μl per plate) Store at 4°C.
Forward primer Custom oligo IDT 104 (μl per plate) Store at -20°C.
Reverse primer Custom oligo IDT 104 (μl per plate) Store at -20°C.
Nuclease free water UltraPure DNase/RNase-free distilled water ThermoFisher 884 (μl per plate)
Positive control gBlocks HiFi Gene Fragments IDT 2 (μl per plate) Store at -20°C
70% EtOH Molecular grade ethanol Generic 20 (mL)
10% bleach Hypochlorite bleach Clorox 10 (mL) Remake every ~5 days as bleach decomposes quickly at 10% concentration.



Before PCR Setup:

  1. Sterilize workspaces and durable equipment, including pipettes within the BSC with 10% bleach. Then wipe down all surfaces and equipment with 70% EtOH.
  2. If you have a UV crosslinker available, UV pipettes and tube racks regularly for 2 minutes.
  3. Run the UV light in the BSC for 30 minutes before starting work.
  4. Label all PCR plates both on the side of the plate and on the top of the foil (in the plate margins). Recommended labeling scheme includes plate name, primer, date of PCR and personnel initials.


Primer Sequences without Adapters(not used): PCR primer sequences (target sequence bolded)

PCR Primer Name Direction Sequence (5’ -> 3’)

Primer Sequences Used: PCR primer sequences with Illumina Adapters (Adapter sequence + target sequence bolded)

PCR Primer Name Direction Sequence (5’ -> 3’)

Reaction Mixture: PCR reagents, volumes, initial and final concentrations

Reagent Volume (μL) per plate Volume (μL) per reaction Intial concentration Final concentration
AmpliTaq Gold Fast PCR Master Mix 1300 12.5 100% 50%
Forward Primer 104 1 5 μM 0.2 μM
Reverse Primer 104 1 5 μM 0.2 μM
Nuclease-Free Water 884 8.5 N/A N/A
Template DNA N/A 2 100% 8%
Total 2392 25 N/A N/A

This table breaks down the mixture per plate and per reaction. When running full plates (96-wells), each reagent volume was multipled by 104 (96+8 extra sample volumes to account for pipetting error) when preparing the final master mix.

PCR Cycling Program:

PCR step Temperature Duration Repetition
Initial denaturation 95°C 15 min 1X
Touchdown Cycling (changes -1.5°C per cycle)
Denaturation 94°C 30 sec 13X
Annealing Start @ 69.5°C
decrease by -1.5°C each cycle
end @ 51.5°C
30 sec 13X
Extension 72°C 90 sec 13X
Normal Cycling
Denaturation 94°C 30 sec 25X
Annealing 50°C 30 sec 25X
Extension 72°C 45 sec 25X
Final extension 72°C 10 min 1X
Hold 4°C

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Note: When possible, PCR set-up should be carried out in a separate pre-PCR space that is distinct from where the post-PCR space where thermocyclers are located and all post-PCR processing is performed. No equipment, consumables, or reagents should be shared between pre- and post-PCR spaces with a unidirectional flow of sample processing.

  1. Set out primers and positive control to thaw.
  2. Vortex and spin down thawed positive control, primers, and nuclease free water. Then tap/flick AmpliTaq rather than vortexing before spinning down. Thawed reagents should be stored in a cooling block or fridge when not in use.
  3. Pool reagents to make final master mix, as denoted in above in reagent mixture table.
  4. Set out template DNA to thaw if frozen.
  5. Aliquot 23 μL of final master mix into each well of the PCR plate. The plate should sit in a cold block to ensure the reagents remain at a low temperature.
  6. Add 2 μL DNA template to each well (See Kelly Metazoan 16S PCR Draft Protocol Sheet), but reserve two wells for the positive control and a no template control (NTC).
  7. To one well each, add 2 μL of the positive control and 2 μL of nuclease-free water for the NTC.
  8. Seal the PCR plate with foil.
  9. Spin down the plate, and then transport in cooler blocks before placing in thermocycler.
  10. Run thermocycler protocol.

Quality control

  1. Plates should be removed from the thermocycler after the run completes and stored at 4°C until run on a gel. Storing the PCR product at -20˚C is ideal for 1-6 month term storage, while -80˚C is ideal for long-term storage.
  2. Run gel visualization to confirm successful PCR. [NOAA-PMEL-OME-GelVisualization-Protocol pending]

Positive Control A positive control is used in every PCR run to verify success of the PCR reaction. 2μL of positive control diluted to 10^3 copies/µL is used in place of template DNA. One well per plate is alotted for the positive control. The positive control used for Kelly Metazoan 16S is the extinct Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) native to Mauritius. The reference sequence used to develop the positive control sequence can be found on GenBank: Accession KX902236.1

Positive Control Sequence

Negative Control

Nuclease-free water is used as a no template control (NTC) when setting up each PCR plate. One well per plate is alloted to a NTC. NTCs should be run in addition to both field blanks and extraction blanks.

Basic troubleshooting guide

Issue 1: Streaking is observed for sample wells in gel but positive control band appears normal.

Solution: Dilute the sample DNA to a 1:10 dilution with nuclease-free water. If smearing is still observed using a 1:10 dilution, dilute the DNA samples further to a 1:100 dilution. If the samples do not amplify under these conditions the sample likely is inhibited or has too little target DNA and thus is unlikely to yield valuable results. Alternative solutions include cleaning DNA extractions with a commercial clean up kit.

Issue 2: No bands were observed in the PCR, including the positive control.

Solution: The PCR likely failed. Check reagents to confirm they were not mishandled or expired and rerun the PCR. If positive control fails again, reagents or positive control are likely compromised.

Issue 3: Band observed in no template control.

Solution: The PCR was likely contaminated. Sterilize lab space thoroughly and rerun with new aliquots of reagents.


eDNA environmental DNA
PCR Polymerase chain reaction
PPE Personal protective equipment
EtOH Ethanol
16S 16S Mitochondrial Ribosomal RNA gene
IDT Integrated DNA Technologies
NTC No template control
BSC Biosafety cabinent
OME Ocean Molecular Ecology
PMEL Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
UW University of Washington
CICOES Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, & Ecosystem Studies
MBON Marine Biodiversity Observation Network
MBARI Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
WC-OBON West Coast Ocean Biomolecular Observing Network


Field blank Sampling negative control. Typically distilled or reverse osmosis water run through a filter like an seawater eDNA sample to control for contamination in the field sampling step.
Extraction blank Extraction negative control. Typically nuclease-free water or empty filter run through the DNA extraction process to control for contamination in the DNA extraction step.
No template control PCR negative control. Typically nuclease-free water loaded in place of a sample on a PCR to control for contamination in the PCR step.
Positive control PCR positive control. Typically a synthetic DNA strand, non-indigenous DNA extract, or intentionally designed mock community loaded in place of a sample on a PCR to control for contamination and index hopping in the PCR step.


  1. Kelly, R. P., O’Donnell, J. L., Lowell, N. C., Shelton, A. O., Samhouri, J. F., Hennessey, S. M., Feist, B. E., & Williams, G. D. (2016). Genetic signatures of ecological diversity along an urbanization gradient. PeerJ (San Francisco, CA), 4, e2444–e2444.

  2. Gold Z, Wall AR, Schweizer TM, Pentcheff ND, Curd EE, Barber PH, Meyer RS, Wayne R, Stolzenbach K, Prickett K, Luedy J, Wetzer R. 2022. A manager’s guide to using eDNA metabarcoding in marine ecosystems. PeerJ 10:e14071


Protocol Sample Sheet: Kelly Metazoan 16S PCR Draft Protocol Sheet