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Building on Linux / macOS

We provide here directions to install MARCO on Linux and macOS. The commands for installing some packages are based on the apt package manager, but it can be easily adapted to others.



MARCO has been though as a standalone project and thus does not live inside the LLVM repository. This allows for faster configuration and build. However, the LLVM infrastructures still needs to be installed within the host system. More in detail, a customized version of LLVM is used to take advantage of the Clang driver library within MARCO.

In order to ease the process for newcomers, the instructions needed to build LLVM are reported here.

The build type is set to Release in order to allow for faster build and execution times, but it strongly suggested setting it to Debug when developing on MARCO.

The LLVM_INSTALL_PATH variable must be set to the desired installation path.

git clone
cd llvm-project
git checkout marco-llvm
mkdir build && cd build

# Set the installation path.

cmake \
  -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;clang-tools-extra;mlir;openmp" \

cmake --build . --target install


In order to relieve MARCO from the object-oriented characteristics of Modelica, the frontend leverages the OpenModelica frontend to obtain a flattened version of the Modelica sources. The way it is used by MARCO is transparent to the end-user, but yet the compiler must be installed within the system.

The details on how to install OpenModelica are available on its dedicated website. It is recommended installing the nighly version, because some features leveraged by MARCO may not be present in the stable branch yet.

For macOS users, OpenModelica is available through Homebrew.


The SUNDIALS libraries can usually be installed through package managers.

sudo apt install libsundials-dev

If needed, a build script is also available inside the repository to manually build and install them. The following dependencies must be installed before attempting a build:

sudo apt install libgmp-dev libmpc-dev

The libraries can then be built by running the script inside the dependencies folder.

The SUNDIALS_INSTALL_PATH variable must be set to the desired installation path.

# Set the installation path.

cd marco/dependencies


LLVM's LIT is used to run the regression tests. It is available through pip, the Python's package manager.

sudo apt install python-pip
pip install lit

Building and installing the runtime libraries

The runtime libraries project provides the libraries to be linked for generating the simulation.

The RUNTIME_INSTALL_PATH variable must be set to the desired installation path.

The LLVM_PATH variable must be set to the installation path that was used during the LLVM installation process.

By default, the CMake configuration searches for SUNDIALS libraries within the OS. If the Sundials library have been built manually, the build system of MARCO must be instructed to use them by setting the MARCO_USE_BUILTIN_SUNDIALS CMake option must to ON and the SUNDIALS_PATH variable to their installation path.

The LLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT variable represent the path (including the executable name) to the lit tool. If it has been installed in user mode, it is usually /home/user/.local/bin/lit.

git clone
cd marco-runtime
mkdir build && cd build

# Set the installation path.

cmake \

cmake --build .

# Run the unit tests.
cmake --build . --target test

# Install the runtime library.
cmake --build . --target install

Building and installing the compiler

With all the requirements set in place, the compiler can be now built through the following procedure.

To use the script shown below you have to set or replace the following environment variables:

Name Value
MARCO_INSTALL_PATH Path to final installation directory of the compiler
MARCO_RUNTIME_PATH Path to the installation directory of the runtime libraries
LLVM_INSTALL_PATH Path to the installation of the adapted LLVM project (see LLVM above)
LIT_PATH Path to the executable LLVM Integrated Tester (lit)
cd marco
mkdir build && cd build

# Set the installation path.

# Set the path of LIT.

cmake \

cmake --build .

# Run the unit tests.
cmake --build . --target test

# Run the regression tests.
cmake --build . --target check

# Install the compiler.
cmake --build . --target install