All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Fine grained view + edit permissions per map
- Define route waypoints
- Update map lists with Hotwire broadcasts
- Maplibre 7.5
- MyMaps view
- Frontpage feature tour
- New navigation layout
- Support login via Github + Google
- UI editor for line/outline
- Rails 8.0
- UI editor for fill/outline colour, symbol
- Icon upload
- Line extrusion support
- Free paint mode
- GPX export
- Rails 7.2, Maplibre 7.4.0
- Direct link to map features
- Make feature details modal expandable
- First version of UI editor for description and point size
- sync center/zoom/pitch/bearing to other clients
- geojson import
- auto center + zoom
- image upload in µlogger API
- Burger menu navigation
- Dropped openlayers
- Modal for feature details
- Make Mapforge run without maptiler key
- Support µlogger API
- Switch to maplibre backend
- Admin map listing
- Layer view listing all features on the map
- gpx + kml upload
- Search bar
- Framework to control + cancel animations
- Adding rack-cache and cache-control headers for dragonfly media
- Calculate default map center based on features
- Introduce dragonfly to store 'icon' marker types
- Testing + maplibre gl backends
- Adding emoji pngs to use from 'marker-symbol' attribute
- Added Bootstrap5
- Upgrade to Openlayers 9
- Created new frontpage that iterates through demos of available features