Thanks for getting involved and contributing to vt-composite 🎉 Below are a few things to setup when submitting a PR.
Each make
command is specified in Makefile
git clone
cd vtcomposite
# Build binaries. This looks to see if there were changes in the C++ code. This does not reinstall deps.
# Run tests
make test
# Cleans your current builds and removes potential cache
make clean
# Cleans everything, including the things you download from the network in order to compile (ex: npm packages).
# This is useful if you want to nuke everything and start from scratch.
# For example, it's super useful for making sure everything works for Travis, production, someone else's machine, etc
make distclean
# This skel uses documentation.js to auto-generate API docs.
# If you'd like to generate docs for your code, you'll need to install documentation.js,
# and then add your subdirectory to the docs command in package.json
npm install -g documentation
npm run docs
- Note for MacOS: if you're having issue building on MacOS, try commenting out
in binding.gyp (for more info see this).
Benchmarks can be run with the bench/bench.js script to test vtcomposite against common real-world fixtures (provided by mvt-fixtures) and to test vtcomposite against its predecessor compositing library node-mapnik. When making changes in a pull request, please provide the benchmarks from the master branch and the HEAD of your current branch. You can control the concurrency
, iterations
, and package
of the benchmarks with the following command:
node bench/bench.js --iterations 1000 --concurrency 5 --package vtcomposite
And the output will show how many times the library was able to execute per second, per fixture:
1: single tile in/out ... 16667 runs/s (3ms)
2: two different tiles at the same zoom level, zero buffer ... 4167 runs/s (12ms)
3: two different tiles from different zoom levels (separated by one zoom), zero buffer ... 633 runs/s (79ms)
4: two different tiles from different zoom levels (separated by more than one zoom), zero buffer ... 1429 runs/s (35ms)
5: tiles completely made of points, overzooming, no properties ... 3846 runs/s (13ms)
6: tiles completely made of points, same zoom, no properties ... 50000 runs/s (1ms)
7: tiles completely made of points, overzoooming, lots of properties ... 3333 runs/s (15ms)
8: tiles completely made of points, same zoom, lots of properties ... 50000 runs/s (1ms)
9: buffer_size 128 - tiles completely made of points, same zoom, lots of properties ... 50000 runs/s (1ms)
10: tiles completely made of linestrings, overzooming and lots of properties ... 1163 runs/s (43ms)
11: tiles completely made of polygons, overzooming and lots of properties ... 254 runs/s (197ms)
12: tiles completely made of points and linestrings, overzooming and lots of properties ... 10000 runs/s (5ms)
13: returns compressed buffer - tiles completely made of points and linestrings, overzooming and lots of properties ... 5556 runs/s (9ms)
14: buffer_size 128 - tiles completely made of points and linestrings, overzooming and lots of properties ... 12500 runs/s (4ms)
15: tiles completely made of points and linestrings, overzooming (2x) and lots of properties ... 16667 runs/s (3ms)
16: tiles completely made of polygons, overzooming and lots of properties ... 1042 runs/s (48ms)
17: tiles completely made of polygons, overzooming (2x) and lots of properties ... 2174 runs/s (23ms)
18: return compressed buffer - tiles completely made of polygons, overzooming (2x) and lots of properties ... 2083 runs/s (24ms)
19: buffer_size 4096 - tiles completely made of polygons, overzooming (2x) and lots of properties ... 1087 runs/s (46ms)
The viz/ directory contains a small node application that is helpful for visual QA of vtcomposite results. It requests a single Mapbox street tile at z6 and uses the composite
function to overzoom the tile at z7
. In order to request tiles, you'll need a MapboxAccessToken
environment variable and you'll need to run both a local tile server and a simple server for your viz
cd viz
npm install
MapboxAccessToken={token} node app.js
# localhost:3000
#in a separate terminal tab, run a simple server on a port of your choosing
#navigate to this port in your browser
python -m SimpleHTTPServer x000
If adding new code, be sure to include relevant code comments. Code comments are a great way for others to learn from your code. This is especially true within the skeleton, since it is made for learning.
Be sure to update any documentation relevant to your change. This includes updating the
We use this script to install a consistent version of clang-format
to format the code base. The format is automatically checked via a Travis CI build as well. Run the following script locally to ensure formatting is ready to merge:
make format
We also use clang-tidy
as a C++ linter. Run the following command to lint and ensure your code is ready to merge:
make tidy
These commands are set from within the Makefile.
In short, you'll need to push a commit with the log line containing [publish binary]
to build the binary, followed by an npm publish
. See node-cpp-skel for all the details.