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Library of Elements

  1. Queue
  2. Network Elements
  3. Other Library Elements

1. Queue

A queue is used to connect and send data from one segment to another, either between devices or within the same device. A queue connecting segments on the same device can be used as a temporary storage.

1.1 Primitive Queue (not recommended as it is hard to use)

Floem supports two kinds of primitive queues: a default queue and a custom queue.

A. Default Queue
import queue
queue.queue_default(name, entry_size, size, insts, checksum=False,
                    enq_blocking=False, deq_blocking=False, enq_atomic=False, deq_atomic=False,
                    clean=False, qid_output=False)
return (EnqueueReserve, EnqueueSubmit, DequeueGet, DequeueRelease, clean_inst)

Usage Summary

Enqueuing Routine:

  • Reserve an available queue entry (EnqueueReserve)
  • Construct the queue entry in-place (user-defined elements)
  • Submit the queue when finish constructing (EnqueueSubmit)
  • Optionally, clean an old queue entry before enqueuing a new one (clean_inst and user-defined elements in its subgraph)

Dequeuing Routine:

  • Get a ready queue entry (DequeueGet)
  • Process the entry (user-defined elements)
  • Release the entry (DequeueRelease)

Requirements An entry of a default queue must be:

def entry_t(State):
  flag = Field(Uint(8))
  task = Field(Uint(8))
  len  = Field(Uint(16))
  checksum = Field(Uint(8))
  pad  = Field(Uint(8))
  # and other fields for actual content
  layout = [flag, task, len, checksu, pad, ...]

or in C struct format:

typedef struct {
    uint8_t flag;
    uint8_t task;
    uint16_t len;
    uint8_t checksum;
    uint8_t pad;
    // and other fields for actual content
} __attribute__((packed)) entry_t;

Users are responsible to fill in the content of an entry at the right location, and must not mutate the other fields except the task field.


  • name: name of the queue
  • entry_size: maximum size of an entry in bytes. (For performance, entry_size should be 32 bytes or a multiple of 64 bytes.)
  • size: number of entries in each physical queue instance
  • insts: number of physical queue instances
  • checksum: when True, checksum is enabled. checksum must be set to True for a queue from a CPU to a Cavium NIC, whose entry_size > 64 bytes.
  • enq_blocking: when True the enqueue routine gaurantees to succesfully enqueue every entry, which requires blocking (waiting) when the queue is full.
  • deq_blocking: when True, the dequeue routine always returns an entry with content. When False, it will returns NULL when the queue is empty.
  • enq_atomic: when True, the enqueue routine is atomic. If multiple threads may enqueue to the same queue instance, enq_atomic should be set to True.
  • deq_atomic: when True, the dequeue routine is atomic. If multiple threads may dequeue from the same queue instance, deq_atomic should be set to True.
  • clean: when True, the enqueue routine cleans up an entry before enqueueing a new one.
  • qid_output: when True, DequeueGet element class outputs qid.


EnqueueReserve: element class to reserve the next emptry entry.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
inp input entry size (int) size of entry (should not exceed queue's maximum entry size)
qid (int) queue instance id (valid qids are 0 to insts-1)
out output entry_buffer (q_buffer) queue entry with some metadata. entry_buffer.entry is a pointer to an actual entry.

EnqueueSubmit: element class to submit a queue entry when finish filling in the content.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
inp input entry_buffer (q_buffer) queue entry

DequeueGet: element class to get the next ready entry when qid_output=False.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
inp input qid (int) queue instance id
out output entry_buffer (q_buffer) queue entry

DequeueGet: element class to get the next ready entry when qid_output=True.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
inp input qid (int) queue instance id
out output entry_buffer (q_buffer) queue entry
qid (int) queue instance id

DequeueRelease: element class to release a queue entry when working on the entry.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
inp input entry_buffer (q_buffer) queue entry

clean_inst: element (not element class) that starts the process for cleaning a queue entry. The subgraph rooted at clean_inst is the cleaning routine.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
out output entry_buffer (q_buffer) queue entry

Example Usage

import queue
EnqReserve, EnqSubmit, DeqGet, DeqRelease, clean = \
    queue.queue_default("myqueue", 32, 16, 4, clean=True)
Creating enqueue function involves
1. reserve a queue entry (using EnqueueReserve)
2. fill the queue entry (using user-defined elements)
3. submit the queue entry (using EnqueueReserve)
4. cleaning the old entry (using clean). (This is optional.)
class enqueue(CallableSegment):
    def configure(self):
        self.inp  = Input(Int, SizeT)  # val, core

    def impl(self):
        # Create elements
        compute_core = ComputeCore(); fill_entry = FillEntry();
        enq_reserve = EnqReserve(); enq_submit = EnqSubmit();
        display = Display();
        # Enqueuing routine
        self.inp >> compute_core
        compute_core.size_qid >> enq_reserve >> fill_entry.size_qid
        compute_core.val >> fill_entry.size_qid
        fill_entry >> enq_submit

        # Cleaning routine (display old content before enqueuing a new entry)
        clean >> display
Creating dequeue function involves
1. get a ready queue entry (using DequeueGet)
2. process the queue entry (using user-defined elements)
3. release the queue entry (using DequeueRelease)
class dequeue(CallableSegment):
    def configure(self):
        self.inp = Input(SizeT)

    def impl(self):
        self.inp >> DeqGet() >> Display() >> DequeueRelease()

See floem/programs/ for a complete example.

B. Custom Queue
import queue
queue.queue_custom(name, entry_type, size, insts, status_field, checksum=False,
                   enq_blocking=False, deq_blocking=False, enq_atomic=False, deq_atomic=False,
return (Enqueue, DequeueGet, DequeueRelease)

Usage Summary

Enqueuing Routine:

  • Construct a queue entry (user-defined elements)
  • Copy the built queue entry into the queue (Enqueue)

Dequeuing Routine:

  • Get a ready queue entry (DequeueGet)
  • Process the entry (user-defined elements)
  • Release the entry (DequeueRelease)


Unlike that of the default queue, the fields of an entry of a custom queue is not fixed. However, the entry must meet the following requirements.

  • An entry must contain a field (with any name) for storing an entry's status. This field should come after the other fields in an entry.
  • If checksum is enabled, an entry must contain a field (with any name) of type uint8_t for storing checksum. This field should come after the status field.
  • It is recommended for performance that an entry's size is 32 bytes or a multiple of 64 bytes. Therefore, if the struct/state representing an entry is not 32 bytes or a multiple of 64 bytes, it should be padded. The padding can come after the status and checksum fields.


  • name: name of the queue
  • entry_type: entry type
  • size: number of entries in each physical queue instance
  • insts: number of physical queue instances
  • status_field: name of the status field in an entry type
  • checksum: name of the checksum field in an entry type. When checksum is False, checksum is disabled. Checksum must be enabled for a queue from a CPU to a Cavium NIC, whose entry_size > 64 bytes.
  • enq_blocking: when True the enqueue routine gaurantees to succesfully enqueue every entry, which requires blocking (waiting) when the queue is full.
  • deq_blocking: when True, the dequeue routine always returns an entry with content. When False, it will returns NULL when the queue is empty.
  • enq_atomic: when True, the enqueue routine is atomic. If multiple threads may enqueue to the same queue instance, enq_atomic should be set to True.
  • deq_atomic: when True, the dequeue routine is atomic. If multiple threads may dequeue from the same queue instance, deq_atomic should be set to True.
  • enq_output: when True, Enqueue element class outputs the entry being copied to the queue.


Enqueue: element class to copy a queue entry into a queue when enq_output=False.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
inp input entry pointer (entry_type *) pointer to a queue entry
qid (int) queue instance id

Enqueue: element class to copy a queue entry into a queue when enq_output=True.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
inp input entry pointer (entry_type *) pointer to a queue entry
qid (int) queue instance id
done output entry pointer (entry_type *) pointer to a queue entry (same as the input entry pointer)

DequeueGet: element class to get the next ready entry.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
inp input qid (int) queue instance id
out output entry_buffer (q_buffer) queue entry

DequeueRelease: element class to release a queue entry when working on the entry.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
inp input entry_buffer (q_buffer) queue entry

Example Usage

import queue

class Tuple(State):
    val = Field(Int)
    task = Field(Uint(8))
    layout = [val, task]
Enq, Deq, Release = queue.queue_custom('myqueue', Tuple, 16, 4, Tuple.task)

class enqueue(CallableSegment):
    def configure(self):
        self.inp = Input(Pointer(Tuple), SizeT)

    def impl(self):
        self.inp >> Enq()

class dequeue(CallableSegment):
    def configure(self):
        self.inp = Input(SizeT)

    def impl(self):
        self.inp >> Deq() >> Display() >> Release()

If we need to do a post processing on a queue entry after enqueuing, we can set enq_output=True as follows:

Enq, Deq, Release = queue.queue_custom('myqueue', Tuple, 16, 4, Tuple.task, enq_output=True)

class enqueue(CallableSegment):
    def impl(self):
        self.inp >> Enq() >> PostEnq() >> ...

Note that if enq_blocking=False and the queue is full, Enq will still output the pointer to an entry although it does not succesfully copy the entry into the queue.

See floem/programs/ for a complete example.

1.2 Smart Queue (recommended)

Smart queue can be used within a flow and per-packet state. Unlike the primitive queue, users do not have to explicitly define the queue entry type. Floem infers which fields in the per-packet state need to be sent to the other side of the queue. Users also do not have to release a queue entry manually. Internally, Floem transforms a smart queue to a default queue and inserts elements to release a queue entry as earliest as it can.

import queue_smart
queue_smart.smart_queue(name, entry_size, size, insts, channels, checksum=False,
                        enq_blocking=False, deq_blocking=False, enq_atomic=False, deq_atomic=False, 
                        enq_output=False, clean=False)
return Enqueue, Dequeue, Clean


  • It is recommended for performance that an entry's size is 32 bytes or a multiple of 64 bytes.
  • Enqueue element class does not explicitly takes qid as an input. Users must assign state->qid inside any element that is executed before Enqueue.


  • name: name of the queue
  • entry_size: maximum size of an entry in bytes. (For performance, entry_size should be 32 or a multiple of 64 bytes.)
  • size: number of entries in each physical queue instance
  • insts: number of physical queue instances
  • channels: number of logical channels (number of connections between the segments connected by the queue)
  • checksum: when True, checksum is enabled. checksum must be set to True for a queue from a CPU to a Cavium NIC, whose entry_size > 64 bytes.
  • enq_blocking: when True the enqueue routine gaurantees to succesfully enqueue every entry, which requires blocking (waiting) when the queue is full.
  • deq_blocking: when True, the dequeue routine always returns an entry with content. When False, it will returns NULL when the queue is empty.
  • enq_atomic: when True, the enqueue routine is atomic. If multiple threads may enqueue to the same queue instance, enq_atomic should be set to True.
  • deq_atomic: when True, the dequeue routine is atomic. If multiple threads may dequeue from the same queue instance, deq_atomic should be set to True.
  • enq_output: when True, Enqueue element class outputs the entry being copied to the queue.
  • clean: when True, the enqueue routine cleans up an entry before enqueueing a new one.


Enqueue: element class to enqueue a per-packet state to a queue when enq_output=False.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
inp[i] input none

Enqueue: element class to enqueue a per-packet state to a queue when enq_output=True.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
inp[i] input none
done output none

Dequeue: element class to enqueue a per-packet state from a queue.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
inp input qid (int) queue instance id
out[i] output none

Clean: element class that starts the process for cleaning a queue entry. The subgraph of starting from this element is the cleaning routine.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
out[i] output none

i = 0 to channels-1.

Example Usage

import queue_smart

class MyState(State):
    type = Field(Int)
    a = Field(Int)
    b = Field(Int)
    qid = Field(Int)
class main(Flow):
    state = PerPacket(MyState)

    def impl(self):
        Enq, Deq, Clean = queue_smart.smart_queue("queue", 32, 16, 4, channels=2)

        class run1(CallableSegment):
            def configure(self):
                self.inp = Input(Int)

            def impl(self):
                save = Save()
                classify = Classify()
                enq = Enq()

                self.inp >> save >> classify
                classify.out1 >> A0() >> enq.inp[0]  # A0 defines state->a (channel 0)
                classify.out2 >> B0() >> enq.inp[1]  # B0 defines state->b (channel 1)

        class run2(CallableSegment):
            def configure(self):
                self.inp = Input(SizeT)

            def impl(self):
                deq = Deq()

                self.inp >> deq
                deq.out[0] >> A1()                   # A0 users state->a (channel 0)
                deq.out[1] >> B1()                   # A0 users state->b (channel 1)


See floem/programs/ for a complete example.

When enq_output=True, enq.done must be connected to an element e. e and its subsequent elements are executed immediately after an entry is enqueued. Often, this feature is used with FromNetFree element for freeing a packet buffer when packet content has been copied into a queue.

When clean=True, element clean = Clean() must be connected to an element e. e and its subsequent elements are for cleaning an entry that has been done processing (after dequeue release) on the sender's side. e and its subsequent elements must be in the same segment as an instance of Enqueue. They are executed immediately before a new entry is being enqueued.

See floem/programs/ for an example with enq_output=True and clean=True.

Pointer to shared memory region

When a pointer to a shared memory region it sent over a queue, the compiler needs to convert the address value with respect to the process's and the device's address space. Users must inform the compiler if a particular field is a pointer to which shared memory region. For example,

class MyState(State):
    p = Field(Pointer(Int), shared='data_region')  # a pointer to shared memory region 'data_region'

See compile/programs_perpacket_state/ for a working example.

Variable-size field

When a variable-size field is sent over a queue, the compiler needs the information about the size of the field. Users must inform the compiler by annotating the size parameter of Field. For example,

class MyState(State):         
   pkt = Field(Pointer(KVSmessage))
   key = Field(Pointer(Uint(8)), size='state->pkt->mcr.keylen')  # variable-size field

See floem/programs_perpacket_state/ for a working example.

Field Granularity

Floem attempts to send the least amount of data across a field with respect to the information provided by the users. For example, assume that the field state->pkt->mcr.keylen needs to be sent over a queue.

The compiler will send just the keylen field, if the users define a per-packet state as follows:

class ProtocolBinaryReq(State):
    keylen = Field(Uint(16))
class KVSmessage(State):
    mcr = Field(ProtocolBinaryReq)
class MyState(State):         
   pkt = Field(Pointer(KVSmessage))

class Main(Flow):
  state = PerPacket(MyState)  # per-packet state

However, if the users decide to define KVSmessage in a C header file that is included into a Floem program, and define a per-packet state as below. The compiler will send the entire pkt field as supposed to just the keylen field because it does not have information about the keylen field.

class MyState(State):         
   pkt = Field('KVSmessage *')

class Main(Flow):
  state = PerPacket(MyState)  # per-packet state
Byte order

x86 is little-endian, while Cavium LiquidIO is big-endian. When using a smart queue, the compiler will automatically convert the byte order on the NIC side for the fields that use provided data types. Users are responsible for converting the byte order manually when using primitive queues.

2. Network Elements

import net

net.FromNet(configure=[batch_size]): element to get a packet from the network. This element fires out port if there are packets in the ingress buffer; otherwise it fires nothing port. Default batch_size is 32. Chaniging batch_size will not change the behavior of the program, it is for performance tuning.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
out output size (size_t) packet's size in bytes
packet pointer (void *) pointer to a packet
buffer pointer (void *) pointer to a packet's buffer
nothing output none

net.NetAlloc(): element to allocate a buffer for building a packet. This element fires out port if it successfully allocates a packet's buffer; otherwise, it fires oom port (out of memory).

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
inp input size (size_t) packet's size in bytes
out output size (size_t) packet's size in bytes
packet pointer (void *) pointer to an allocated packet
buffer pointer (void *) pointer to an allocated packet's buffer
oom output none

net.ToNet(configure=[source, batch_size]): element to send a packet to the network. source should be either "from_net" (the input packet is from FromNet element) or "net_alloc" (the input packet is not from FromNet element). Default source is "from_net". Default batch_size is 32.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
inp input size (size_t) packet's size in bytes
packet pointer (void *) pointer to a packet
buffer pointer (void *) pointer to a packet's buffer

net.FromNetFree(): element to free a packet's buffer created from FromNet element. Users must use this element if a packet from FromNet does not flow to ToNet elemnet.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
inp input packet pointer (void *) pointer to a packet
buffer pointer (void *) pointer to a packet's buffer

See apps/benchmarks/ for a basic working example. See apps/storm/ for a more sophisticated working example.

3. Other Library Elements

import library

library.Drop(): element to drop anything that comes in.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
inp input none
As described earlier, an input port with zero argument, like this input port, can be connected from an output port with any number of arguments of any data types.

library.Constant(configure=[data_type,const]): element that produces a constant. data_type is the data type of the constant const.

Port Port type Argument (datatype) Argument description
out output const (data_type) the given constant const

See all provided elements in floem/