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Matej Simek edited this page Dec 19, 2017 · 17 revisions

Common questions and troubles

How to upgrade or reinstall the mango-cli

Because of native dependencies update often breaks and the best way is to install a fresh copy

npm uninstall -g mango-cli
npm install -g mango-cli

Installation failed first time, then worked but mango build doesn't

You didn't complete the installation properly. Please reinstall.

I did update Node.js and mango-cli doesn't work

Different Node versions aren't binary compatible (yet) so all native dependencies will break and need to be recompiled against used version. The quickest way is to reinstall mango-cli after every Node update.

How to use multiple version of mango-cli

  • you can install any specific version of mango-cli as a project dependency npm install --save mango-cli@v1.3.0, then run it from package.json scripts.
  • or you can have multiple Node versions with different global modules and switch between them using


JavaScript runtime

Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined

You're probably mixing ES6 modules import, export with CommonJS require() together, which is not supported. Please use only one system. We prefer the ES6 modules as it's a standard.

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