Offb developed for px4 autopilot testing
The following assumes PX4-Autopilot is cloned to
and is checked out at v1.12.3
Clone this repository and its submodules:
mkdir -p ~/px4_offb_ws/src
cd ~/px4_offb_ws/src
git clone --recursive
Build the repository:
cd ~/px4_offb_ws
catkin build
Source the workspace:
cd ~/px4_offb_ws
source devel/setup.bash
Source PX4 and Gazebo environment
mv ~/px4_offb_ws/src/px4_offb/ ~/
source ~/
Launch the node:
roslaunch px4_offb sitl_circle_trajectory.launch
In another terminal, send takeoff command:
rostopic pub /user_cmd std_msgs/Byte "data: 1"
Ctrl-C and send follow waypoint command:
rostopic pub /user_cmd std_msgs/Byte "data: 2"