Name | Description |
useAnimationFrame | Handle the requestAnimationFrame API to call a function on every frame render. |
useArray | Use an array state with some common and simple array methods. |
useAsyncCallback | Handle the execution of an async function with return data, error, and pending states. |
useAudioAnalyser | Use the AnalyserNode API to analyze audio data. |
useBoolean | Toggle between |
useClickAway | Execute a function when the user clicks outside a target element. |
useClipboard | Copy and paste text using the clipboard with a copied state. |
useClock | Get the current time with an updated Date state. |
useCounter | Use simple counter methods to update a number state. |
useDebouncedState | Update a state after a specified delay. |
useDragAndDrop | Handle the user drag actions on a container element. |
useEventListener | Add an event listener with one or multiple events to an HTML element, |
useFileDropArea | Handle the user file uploading, dropping, and pasting to an area element. |
useForceUpdate | Force re-render the component. |
useFullscreen | Toggle the fullscreen mode on a target element. |
useGamepad | Handle the user gamepad connections and changes. |
useGeolocation | Track the current geolocation of the client using the Geolocation API. |
useGridLayout | Track the number of rows and columns of an element with a grid layout. |
useInView | Track the visibility of a target element using useIntersectionObserver hook. |
useIntersectionObserver | Handle the IntersectionObserver API. |
useInterval | Use a setInterval state with some methods to control it. |
useIsomorphicEffect | A replacement for useLayoutEffect that works on the browser and the server. |
useKeyboard | Bind any keyboard keys or hotkeys with handlers in a very simple way. |
useLocalStorage | Get and Set a specific value in the local storage. |
useMediaDevices | Use the user media devices (camera and microphone) with their MediaStream object. |
useMediaQuery | Track the user media query changes using a boolean state. |
useMousePosition | Track the user's mouse cursor position on the window or a target element. |
useMutationObserver | Handle the MutationObserver to track changes being made to the DOM tree. |
useNetworkState | Handle the NetworkInformation API and the user network connection changes. |
useOrientation | Track the device's orientation state and its changes. |
usePageVisibility | Check if the current tab is visible or hidden to the user. |
usePointers | Handle all the user pointer events at once. |
usePreferredLanguage | Get the user's preferred language from the browser. |
useRect | Track the bounding DOMRect of a target element. |
useResizeObserver | Handle the ResizeObserver API. |
useScreenCapture | Use the Screen Capture API to capture the screen, window, or browser tab. |
useScrollDirection | Detect the user scroll direction on the window or a target element. |
useScrollPosition | Track the scroll position or progress of the window or a target element. |
useScrollThreshold | Check if the user has scrolled past a certain threshold using a given offset or handler. |
useSelection | Get the current selected text with its position on the window or a target element. |
useSessionStorage | Get and Set a specific value in the session storage. |
useSwiping | Handle the user swipe actions on a container element. |
useTimeout | Use a setTimeout state with some methods to control it. |
useToggle | Toggle a state between a given array of values. |
useViewport | Track the current screen viewport (width and height). |
useWorker | Use the Worker API to run a script in the background. |
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