Elements with no id are not implemented yet.
In a given position, the pixels can represent :
- a color (transparent being color 240)
- a number (0-255 or 0xFF, the number of the color in the palette, 0 being black and 255 white)
- a reference to a tile : the number of the color is the number of the tile from left to right, top to bottom. note that the place of the color in the palette arranged in a 16x16 grid is the same as the position of the tile in the main area.
- a 2D field. The pixel color is placed in X,Y position on the palette. By example, black is (0,0) and white (15,15). color 81 = 5*16+1 -> x=1,y=5
description of the level : each id is an index on the level description bytes
level | property(0-7) | comment |
color | 0 | color of the terrain on the minimap |
player_color | 1 | color of the player on the level map |
control | 2 | see control types |
accel | 3 | X/Y (acceleration/gravity) as a 2D vector pixel. depends on controls |
maxspeed | 4 | X/Y max speed as a 2D vector pixel. depends on controls |
altaccel | 5 | X/Y alt acceleration / gravity (see controls) |
altmaxspeed | 6 | running / jumping X/Y max speed as a 2D vector pixel. depends on controls |
maxtime | 7 | must finish level before Nx2 seconds. If set to zero, just records it |
Player control type
control | id | description / controls / speeds & accels |
classic | 0 | standard controls : can (optional) run on pressing B, jump on pressing A, X fires (if available), L/R changes projectile type if several are available. AccelX=Walk, AccelY=LadderAccel, MaxSpeedX=Walk max speed, MaxSpeedY=LadderVSpeed. AltAccel_X=Run Accel, AltMaxSpeed_X=Run speed. AltAccel_Y = gravity, AltMaxSpeed Y=fall/jump speed. |
side | 100 | player can control X and Y (no gravity for player), always faces the same direction. No jumping/running. Autoscroll is given by AltMaxSpeed_X. |
modern | 249 | can double/wall jump, stomp vertically on enemies (like hitting them) |
runstomp | can charge by keeping B pressed while not moving then when ready runs, can stomp enemies forward by running (like hitting them) | |
runner | always goes right at average speed, can jump, sometimes fire (combine with side as no gravity + ladders everywhere ? ) - jump types as altspeedX, 0=none, 1=1, 15=inf | |
aim | can go left+right, aims by 45 degrees increments | |
hit | left/right ; B: run ; Y : hits enemies (horizontally or stomping) : 2 more sprites frame for hitting H/V | |
beatemup | can jump on ladders, falls back where we are (default) | |
nojump | cannot jump (nor run) | |
infjump | 255 | player has infinite jumps |
Terrain types. ie how a terrain tile behaves.
terrain | terrain_id | description |
empty | 87 | empty, does not interact with player |
animated_empty | 86 | 4 frames animated but behaves like empty. TileID will be +1 % 4 each 32 frames |
obstacle | 104 | blocks user from left or right |
kill | 240 | kills when touch it |
anim_kill | 168 | idem but animated |
ladder | 147 | can go up, down even with gravity |
ice | 151 | cannot stop on X, but can jump. |
platform | 136 | cannot fall but can go through up or sideways |
jump | makes the player automatically jump | |
animated_touch | animated once, transforms when user touches it |
You can also use any color defined as an enemy color. Remember that on tilemap, reference 255 is the level start (defaulting to top left if not found).
TODO : make terrains testable by bits ?? by %8 ?
Indices in object type definition bytes. 8 colors defined max.
property | position | comment |
color | 0 | color to prepresent object on tilemap, as well as id of the top left of the first tile for the sprite frames. 230 (transparent) if this object type is undefined |
movement | 1 | type of movement (see object movements) |
collision | 2 | type of collision - sprite_collide (see object collisions table) |
spawn | 3 | type of sprite spawned when this object dies (0-15) TODO COLOR ! |
alt_collision | alt collision type (does not influence respawning) | |
alt_collision_when | condition where alt collision is triggered See alt_collisions |
Object types movements.
mov | color id | comment |
nomove | 230 | (transparent) static, by example gives a bonus once touched. 1 frame |
alternate1 | 7 | (bright blue) no move, just alternating 2 frames each 16 frames |
alternate2 | 39 | (bright blue) no move, just alternating 2 frames each 32 frames |
alternate3 | 71 | (bright blue) no move, just ping-ponging 3 frames (ABCBA ..) each 16 frames |
alternate4 | 103 | (purple) no move, just cycling 4 frames each 16 frames |
throbbing | 25 | (bright green) static going up and down one pixel (to be better seen). 1 frame. |
singleanim4 | 107 | (grey) 4 frames animation then destroy sprite |
singleanim2 | 75 | (blueish grey) 2 frames animation then destroy sprite |
singleup8 | 128 | goes up slowly for a moment then disappear, 1 frame |
flybounce | 11 | flies 45° (starts up/left) but bounces on walls. state : current speed vector |
walk | 3 | walks and reverse direction if obstacle or holes. 2 frames |
bulletL | 8 | flies, not stopped by blocks, no gravity, right to left. 1frame |
bulletR | 9 | flies, not stopped by blocks, no gravity, left to right. 1frame |
walkfall | subject to gravity, left and right if obstacle, falls in holes. 2 frames | |
walkjump | walks but jumps every 2s. 2 frames | |
sticky | walks on borders of blocking sprites, will go around edges cw. 2frames | |
sticky_r | walks on borders of blocking sprites, will go around edges ccw. 2frames | |
vsine4 | vertical sine, 4 tiles height. 2frames alternating every 16frames | |
bouncing | bounces with gravity on the ground, 4 tiles high | |
bulletD | flies, not stopped by blocks, no gravity, goes down. 2frames | |
bulletLv2 | 11 | flies, a bit faster than preceding |
bulletRv2 | flies, a bit faster than preceding | |
generator | does not move, generates each ~2 seconds enemy with id just after this one. 2fr | |
ladder | stays on ladders. right to left, go back to right if finds border. 1 frame alternating | |
player | 255 | (white) implied for first object (??) |
walkdouble | walk but is 2x the size of its pixels (actually rendered differently) | |
minibulletL | 4 mini tiles per tile. fly horizontally, die on walls | |
minibulletLD | 4 mini tiles per tile. fly oblique, die on walls |
Object collision types : what happens when an object of this type collides with the player.
col | color id | comment |
none | 230 | no collision - respawns |
kill | 240 | red (==terrain_kill) kills player instantly - respawns |
killnorespawn | 237 | kills player instantly |
block | 104 | (=terrain obstacle) blocks the player - can push it |
coin | 249 | yellow, gives a coin - or Nb =next ? , 50 of them gives a life |
life | 25 | green, gives a life |
key | 137 | gives a key |
end | 255 | ends level |
switch | transform next object in list into its next object (ex. if object in pos 3, objects 4 get transformed in objects 5 and reciprocally) | |
three_keys | switch (next types...) only if you've got 3 keys - removes them | |
fire | allows firing of projectile of type defined just after | |
restart | the object dies once touched. the player will respawn here once touched. |
When is the alt collision triggered (and the standard collision by exclusion)
altcol | color_id | comment |
none | 230 | always standard collision |
top | when touches top | |
bottom | when touches bottom | |
side | when touch side | |
punched | when punched or run into | |
projectile | when a projectile touches it | |
punched_up | when punched from bottom to top |
Projectile types are similar to object types (and are defined in the same space) but collision handling is different.
proj_property | position | comment |
color | 0 | id of the 4 frame-8x8 mini sprites tile |
movement | 1 | type of movement (see object movements) |
collision | type of collision : projectiles collide only with objects. take object value | |
spawn | 3 | type of sprite spawned when this object dies - or TRANSPARENT |
instr_prop | id | description |
square12 | 0 | square wave, 12% ratio |
square25 | 1 | square wave, 25% ratio |
square50 | 2 | square wave, 50% ratio |
sawtooth | 3 | sawtooth wave |
triangle | 4 | triangle wave |
noise | 5 | noise wave |
sfx | id | description |
kill | 0 | player killed |
jump | 1 | player jumps |
fire | 2 | player fires projectile |
level | 3 | end of level |
coin | 4 | +1 coin |
key | 5 | +1 key |
life | 6 | +1 life |
switch | 7 | switch activated |
destroy1 | 8 | object destroyed 1 |
destroy2 | 9 | object destroyed 2 |
hit | 10 | player hits enemy |
unlock | 11 | when 3keys gets unlocked |
Standard terrains + New terrain types defined :
- definitions of ALTs Id (allowing two neighbour blocks to be defined independently with the same terrain type)
- also decors (which will be tranformed as background tiles ), alt BG, ...
terrains must be > 64 !
blk_terrain | color_id | comment |
empty | terrain_empty | see terrain |
obstacle | terrain_obstacle | |
kill | terrain_kill | |
ladder | terrain_ladder | |
alt | 181 | alt empty |
decor | 159 | clouds, bushes, flowers... |
decor2 | 95 | alt decor |
obstacle2 | 72 | alt obstacle terrain. allows defining zones better |
Black Mapper Tiles positions
those define the tile_id defined with black mapper (as well as how they behave)
blk_tile | tile id | comment |
empty | 0 | sky |
cloud | 1 | cloud 1x1 |
altcloud | 2 | alt cloud 1x1 |
longcloud | 3 | cloud Nx1 |
decor_one | 9 | decor 1x1 |
decor | 7+2*16 | |
decor_h | 6 | |
decor_v | 9+16 | |
decor_under | 10 | |
ground | 2*16+4 | |
altground | 3*16+6 | |
pipe1 | 16 | vertical pipe width 1 |
pipe2 | 17 | vertical pipe width 2 |
pipe1h | 3*16 | horizontal pipe (acts as a platform) |
obstacle_unique | 7+3*16 | |
water | 8+3*16 | |
kill_one | 11+2*16 | |
kill_over | 10+1*16 | |
kill_under | 10+2*16 | |
altbg | 11 | |
ladder | 11+16 |