Type 1: monocular (M), stereo (S), LiDAR 64 beams (L), LiDAR 4 beams (L4), RADAR (R)
Type 2: supervised (sup), unsupervised (unsup), semi-supervised, (semi-sup), self-supervised (self-sup)
ICCV 19 Pseudo-LiDAR e2e ()[Notes]
CVPR 19 Pseudo-LiDAR (convert depth map into pseudo 3d pcl) [Notes]
CVPR 17 Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Left-Right Consistency (end-to-end/ novel loss that enforces left-right depth/ An effective evaluation) [TOREAD]
ECCV 20 Pseudo RGB-D for Self-Improving MonocularSLAM and Depth Prediction (outperform state-of-the-art self-supervised monocular and stereo depth prediction networks (e.g., Monodepth2)) [TOREAD]
ICRL 20 Pseudo-LiDAR ++ () [Notes]
CVPR 19 PointRCNN () [Notes]