- The user invokes the program via the commandline.
- The program responds with the help synopsis.
- The user invokes the program via the commandline.
- It is immediately obvious from the output of the program what command line options to specify.
- The user specifies the command line parameters for a Base score calculation.
- The program asks questions for the Base score calculation. No more, no less.
- The program responds with
- How it interpreted the user’s input
- The Base score for the vulnerability
- The CVSS string.
A user wants to calculate CVSS Temporal and Environmental scores for a known vulneratiblity, for which the CVSS Base string can be found in a vulnerability database.
- The user invokes the program via the commandline.
- It is immediately obvious from the output of the program what command line options to specify.
- The user specifies the known CVSS string and command line parameters for Temporal and/or Environmental score calculation.
- The program asks for the Temporal and Environmental input. No more, no less.
- The progam responds with
- How it interpreted the user’s input
- The Base, Temporal, Environmental and Overall scores
- The CVSS string
A user wants to calculate the Base score for a vulnerability, for which there already exists a CVSS Base string
- The user invokes the program via the commandline.
- It is immediately obvious from the output of the program what command line options to specify.
- The user specifies the command line paramteras and the CVSS Base string
- The program responds with
- How it interpreted the user’s input
- The Base score for the vulnerability
- The CVSS string.
- The user invokes the program via the commandline.
- It is immediately obvious from the output of the program what command line options to specify.
- The user specifies the command line paramteras and the erroneous CVSS string
- The program responds with
- How it interpreted the data
- … indicating what it did and did not interpret correctly.
- The user understands, based on the output, what part of the CVSS String is incorrectly specified.
An Emacs user wants to generate a properly formatted CVSS string, and associated scores, for insertion into a document. The user wants the inserted text to be properly formatted.
- The user invokes an Emacs function for calculating either Base or Base + Temporal and Environmental scores.
- Emacs asks the relevant questions.
- A properly formatted output, for the specific mode of the current buffer in Emacs, is inserted at the insertion point.
- The user modifies a mode-template file, using specific syntax to specify substitution fields and boilerplate text, headings and so forth.
An Emacs user wants to add support for a mode for which the noble programmers of CVSS could not foresee the usage of.
- The user adds a mode-template file, using a file naming scheme, so that the correct template is chosen for the “new” mode.
- The user modifies the mode-template file, using specific syntax to specify substitution fields and boilerplate text, headings and so forth.