Game Engine built in C++ and OpenGL.
Initial development is underway, but there is still no stable and usable version, suitable for the public.
- Cross platform (Windows, Linux and MacOS);
- Visual editor (multi-viewport);
- Modern OpenGL features;
- 2D batch rendering;
- 2D Dynamic illumination;
- Normal Map for 2D sprites;
- Specular Map for 2D sprites;
- Multiple file uploading (Drag and Drop);
- Basic Lua scripting support;
- PS4 controller support;
Building for Visual Studio IDE 2022
Double click on the generated Morpheus.sln
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential xorg-dev libgtk-3-dev mingw-w64
make config=release_x64
cd Dist/linux/Release/x64/Editor/ && ./Editor
make config=release_x64
cd Dist/macosx/Release/x64/Editor/ && ./
📷 Screenshots / :movie_camera: Video
The Engine uses the following libraries:
- EnTT: Entity-component system (ECS);
- FreeType2: Render fonts;
- Glad: OpenGL loader;
- GLFW: Window and input;
- glm: OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) is a header only C++ mathematics library;
- IconFontCppHeaders: C++11, C89 headers and C# classes for icon fonts Font Awesome;
- ImGui: Immediate Mode Graphical User interface;
- ImGuiColorTextEdit: Syntax highlighting text editor for ImGui;
- Lua: Script language;
- nativefiledialog: A tiny, neat C library that portably invokes native file open and save dialogs;
- nlohmann: JSON for Modern C++;
- Premake: Build configuration;
- sol3: A C++ library binding to Lua;
- spdlog: Very fast, header-only/compiled, C++ logging library;
- stb_image: Image loading/decoding from file/memory;
- TiledParser: Tiled parser;