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Configuring the Azure Functions Application Settings

The solution requires a set of application settings on the Azure Functions environment.


Cosmos DB configuration

Property Description
CosmosDbConnectionString The Cosmos DB connection string. It must be in the following format: AccountEndpoint=https://<database name>;AccountKey=<key>
CosmosDbDatabaseName The Cosmos DB database name
CosmosDbOrchestratorCollectionName The collection name on Cosmos DB for the Saga Orchestrator service
CosmosDbValidatorCollectionName The collection name on Cosmos DB for the Validator service
CosmosDbTransferCollectionName The collection name on Cosmos DB for the Transfer service
CosmosDbReceiptCollectionName The collection name on Cosmos DB for the Receipt service
CosmosDbSagaCollectionName The collection name on Cosmos DB for Saga observability

Event Hubs Configuration

Property Description
EventHubsNamespaceConnection The Event Hubs namespace connection string. It must be in the following format: Endpoint=sb://<namespace name>;SharedAccessKeyName=<key name>;SharedAccessKey=<key>
ValidatorEventHubName The Event Hub name for the Validator service
TransferEventHubName The Event Hub name for the Transfer service
ReceiptEventHubName The Event Hub name for the Receipt service
ReplyEventHubName The Event Hub name for the Saga Event Processor service

Retry configuration

Property Description
EventHubsProducerMaxRetryAttempts Max number of retry attempts for producing commands and events to Event Hubs
ActivityMaxRetryAttempts Max number of retry attempts for calling the Command Producer Activity and Saga Orchestrator Activity functions
ActivityRetryInterval Retry interval in seconds for calling the Command Producer Activity and Saga Orchestrator Activity functions

Circuit Breaker configuration

Property Description
EventHubsProducerExceptionsAllowedBeforeBreaking Max number of exceptions allowed on producing commands and events to Event Hubs before breaking the circuit
EventHubsProducerBreakDuration Duration in seconds of the break on the Event Hubs producer

Timeout configuration

Property Description
ValidatorTimeoutSeconds Timeout in seconds for waiting a state response from the Validator service in the orchestrator
TransferTimeoutSeconds Timeout in seconds for waiting a state response from the Transfer service in the orchestrator
ReceiptTimeoutSeconds Timeout in seconds for waiting a state response from the Receipt service in the orchestrator

Receipt service configuration

In order to simplify the simulation of compensating transaction scenarios, two additional properties were added:

Property Description
CreateRandomReceiptResult Flag for creating random state results (successful or failed operations). If the flag is set to false, the Receipt service will always return successful operations.
ReceiptSuccessProbability Success probability percentage on random state results for the Receipt service. When set to 100, means that 100% of the requests will generate successful operations, while 0 mean that all requests will generate failed operations.

Updating settings

For running the solution locally, make sure you have the local.settings.json file under the Saga.Orchestration and Saga.Participants projects.

  "IsEncrypted": false,
  "Values": {
    "CosmosDbConnectionString": "AccountEndpoint=https://<database name>;AccountKey=<key>",
    "CosmosDbDatabaseName": "sagadb",
    "CosmosDbOrchestratorCollectionName": "orchestrator",
    "CosmosDbValidatorCollectionName": "validator",
    "CosmosDbTransferCollectionName": "transfer",
    "CosmosDbReceiptCollectionName": "receipt",
    "CosmosDbSagaCollectionName": "saga",
    "EventHubsNamespaceConnection": "Endpoint=sb://<namespace name>;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=<key>",
    "ValidatorEventHubName": "validator",
    "TransferEventHubName": "transfer",
    "ReceiptEventHubName": "receipt",
    "ReplyEventHubName": "saga-reply",

    "EventHubsProducerMaxRetryAttempts": 3,
    "ActivityMaxRetryAttempts": 3,
    "ActivityRetryInterval": 5,

    "EventHubsProducerExceptionsAllowedBeforeBreaking": 5,
    "EventHubsProducerBreakDuration": 10,

    "ValidatorTimeoutSeconds": 30,
    "TransferTimeoutSeconds": 30,
    "ReceiptTimeoutSeconds": 30,

    "CreateRandomReceiptResult": true,
    "ReceiptSuccessProbability": 0,

    "AzureWebJobsStorage": "<storage connection string>",

Note: AzureWebJobsStorage can be set to use an Azure storage account or to use an Azure Storage Emulator that acts as a single storage account. For setting up the emulator, follow the Use the Azure storage emulator for development and testing instructions.