OpenLDAP custom metrics plugin for agent.
To use this plugin, you need to enable the monitoring interface of slapd.
Details of setting are on this page. ->
mackerel-plugin-openldap <-bind=<bind dn>> <-pw=<password>> [-host=<hostname>] [-port=<port number>] [-tls]...
-bind string
bind dn ("cn=config" read user dn)
-host string
Hostname (default "localhost")
TLS accepts any certificate.
-metric-key-prefix string
Metric key prefix (default "openldap")
-port string
Port (default "389")
-pw string
bind password
-replBase string
replication base dn
-replLocalBind string
replicationlocalmaster bind dn
-replLocalPW string
replication local bind password
-replMasterBind string
replication master bind dn
-replMasterHost string
replication master hostname
-replMasterPW string
replication master bind password
-replMasterPort string
replication master port (default "389")
replication master TLS(ldaps)
-tempfile string
Temp file name
command = '''
-host localhost \
-port 636 \
-tls -insecureSkipVerify \
-bind "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=net" \
-pw "password" \
-replBase "dc=example,dc=net" \
-replMasterBind "uid=master_user,ou=system,dc=example,dc=net" \
-replMasterPW "password" \
-replMasterHost master-server-hostname \
-replMasterPort 636 \
-replMasterTLS \
-replLocalBind "uid=local_user,ou=system,dc=example,dc=net" \
-replLocalPW "password"