So you want to make a change to tilt
We welcome contributions, either as bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests.
We want everyone to feel at home in this repo and its environs; please see our Code of Conduct for some rules that govern everyone's participation.
Most of this page describes how to get set up making & testing changes. See a YouTube walkthrough showing some of the steps below, for macOS.
Small PRs are better than large ones. If you have an idea for a major feature, please file an issue first. The Roadmap has details on some of the upcoming features that we have in mind and might already be in-progress.
If you just want to build Tilt:
- make
- go 1.14
- golangci-lint (to run lint)
- yarn (for JS resources)
If you want to run the tests:
- docker - Many of the
build steps do work inside of containers so that you don't need to install extra toolchains locally (e.g., the protobuf compiler). - kubectl
- kustomize 2.0 or higher:
go get -u
- helm
- docker compose: NOTE: this doesn't need to be installed separately from Docker on macOS
- jq
Other development commands:
- goimports:
go get -u
(to sort imports, IDE-specific installation instructions in the link). You should configure goimports to run with-local
- toast:
curl -LSfs | sh
Used for generating some protobuf files - Our Python scripts are in Python 3.6.0. To run them:
- pyenv
- python:
pyenv install
- if you're using GKE and get the error: "pyenv: python2: command not found", run:
git clone git:// ~/.pyenv/plugins/pyenv-implict
To check out Tilt for the first time, run:
go get -u
The Go toolchain will checkout the Tilt repo somewhere on your GOPATH,
usually under ~/go/src/
To run the fast test suite, run:
make shorttest
To run the slow test suite that interacts with Docker and builds real images, run:
make test
If you want to run an integration test suite that deploys servers to Kubernetes and verifies them, run:
make integration
To install tilt
on PATH, run
make install
This will install the new tilt
binary in $GOPATH/bin
- typically $HOME/go/bin
. You can verify this is the binary you just built with:
./bin/tilt version
The build date should match the current date. Be aware that you might already have a tilt
binary in your $PATH, so running tilt
without specifying exactly which tilt
binary you want might have you running the wrong binary.
To start using Tilt, just run tilt up
in any project with a Tiltfile
-- i.e., NOT the root of the Tilt source code.
There are plenty of toy projects to play with in the integration directory
(see e.g. ./integration/oneup
), or check out one of these sample repos to get started:
- ABC123: Go/Python/JavaScript microservices generating random letters and numbers
- Servantes: a-little-bit-of-everything sample app with multiple microservices in different languages, showcasing many different Tilt behaviors
- Frontend Demo: Tilt + ReactJS
- Live Update Examples: contains Go and Python examples of Tilt's Live Update functionality
- Sidecar Example: simple Python app and home-rolled logging sidecar
Once you've connected Tilt to Tilt Cloud via GitHub, you cannot sign out to break the connection.
But sometimes during development and testing, you need to do this. Remove the token file named token
located at ~/.windmill
on your machine. Restart Tilt, and you will be signed out.
Tilt exposes the standard Go pprof hooks over HTTP.
To look at a 30-second CPU profile:
go tool pprof http://localhost:10350/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=30
To look at the heap profile:
go tool pprof http://localhost:10350/debug/pprof/heap
This opens a special REPL that lets you explore the data.
Type web
in the REPL to see a CPU graph.
For more information on pprof, see
If you're trying to diagnose Tilt performance problems that lie between Tilt and your Kubernetes cluster (or between Tilt and Docker) traces can be helpful. The easiest way to get started with Tilt's opentracing support is to use the Jaeger all-in-one image.
$ docker run -d --name jaeger \
-p 5775:5775/udp \
-p 6831:6831/udp \
-p 6832:6832/udp \
-p 5778:5778 \
-p 16686:16686 \
-p 14268:14268 \
-p 9411:9411 \
Then start Tilt with the following flags:
tilt up --trace --traceBackend jaeger
When Tilt starts one of the first lines in the log output should contain a trace ID, like so:
TraceID: 26256f1f6aa875e5
You can use the Jaeger UI (by default running on http://localhost:16686/) to query for this span and see all of the traces for the current Tilt run. These traces are made available immediately as you use Tilt. You don't need to wait until after Tilt has stopped to get access to the tracing data.
uses a web interface for logs investigation.
By default, the web interface runs on port 10350.
When you use a released version of Tilt, all the HTML, CSS, and JS assets are served from our production bucket.
When you build Tilt from head, the Tilt binary will default to development mode. When you run Tilt, it will run a webpack dev server as a separate process on port 46764, and reverse proxy all asset requests to the dev server.
To manually control the assets served, you can use:
tilt up --web-mode=local
to force Tilt to use the webpack dev server, or you can use
tilt up --web-mode=prod
to force Tilt to use production assets.
To run the server on an alternate port (e.g. 8001):
tilt up --port=8001
The user-facing landing page and documentation lives in the repo.
We write our docs in Markdown and generate static HTML with Jekyll.
Netlify will automatically deploy the docs to the public site when you merge to master.
For internal architecture, see the Tilt Architecture Guide.
Tilt uses wire for dependency injection. It generates all the code in the wire_gen.go files.
make wire-dev
runs wire
locally and ensures you have fast feedback when
rebuilding the generated code.
make wire
runs wire
in a container, to ensure you're using the correct
What do you do if you added a dependency, and make wire
is failing?
(This guide will work with any Dependency Injector - Dagger, Guice, etc - but is written for Wire)
Step 1) DON'T PANIC. Fixing a dependency injector is like untangling a hair knot. If you start pushing and pulling dependencies in the middle of the graph, you will make it much worse.
Step 2) Run make wire-dev
Step 3) Look closely at the error message. Identify the "top" of the dependency graph that is failing. So if your error message is:
wire: /go/src/ inject wireRuntime: no provider found for
needed by in provider set "K8sWireSet" (/go/src/
needed by in provider set "K8sWireSet" (/go/src/
wire: generate failed
wire: at least one generate failure
then the "top" is the function wireRuntime at wire.go:182.
Step 4) Identify the dependency that is missing. In the above example, that dependency is MinikubeClient.
Step 5) At the top-level provider function, add a provider for the missing dependency. In this example, that means we add ProvideMinikubeClient to the wire.Build call in wireRuntime.
Step 6) Go back to Step (2), and repeat until all errors are gone
Final Note: All dependency injection systems have a notion of groups of common dependencies (in Wire, they're called WireSets). When fixing an injection error, you generally want to move providers "up" the graph. i.e., remove them from WireSets and add them to wire.Build calls. It's OK if this leads to lots of duplication. Later, you can refactor them back down into common WireSets once you've got it working.
We use goreleaser for releases.
- Python
- gsutil
env variable with repo scope
We cross-compile the binary in a container, so that you don't need to have xcode or goreleaser installed.
To create a new release at tag $TAG
git fetch --tags
git tag -a v0.0.1 -m "my release"
git push origin v0.0.1
make release
goreleaser will build binaries for the latest tag (using semantic version to determine "latest"). Check the current releases to figure out what the latest release ought to be.
Add a summary section in the release notes.
The script has been updated to automatically update install scripts and docs.
For pre-v1.0:
- If adding backwards-compatible functionality increment the patch version (0.x.Y).
- If adding backwards-incompatible functionality increment the minor version (0.X.y). We would probably write a blog post about this.
Releasing a synclet should be very infrequent, because the amount of things it
does is small. (It's basically an optimization over kubectl cp
, kubectl exec
, and restarting a container.)
To release a synclet, run make synclet-release
. This will automatically:
- Publish a new synclet image tagged with the current date
- Update sidecar.go with the new tag
Then submit the PR. The next time someone releases Tilt, it will use the new image tag.