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File metadata and controls

187 lines (137 loc) · 10.5 KB

The GME file format

This is the result of reverse engineering (i.e. staring at hex codes for a long time), and might not always be accurate. Also, it is not complete; see the TODO list in

The file format consists of these parts

  • a header, with offsets into
  • the data area, which includes the play scripts, the games, the audio files and other stuff, and finally
  • a checksum.

All offsets are always relative to the start of the file. If we say something is an 8-bit number followed by a zero byte, it might of course also be a 16-bit number, and we just did not see high values yet.

All values are stored in little-endian format; offsets in this document are hexadecimal numbers, printed in the usual (big-endian) format. So if you see d5b2 0100 in the hexdump, it is an offset to position 0x1B2D5.

The header

The header begins with these 8 32-bit numbers, listed with their offset:

  • 0x0000: 32bit offset to the play script table
  • 0x0004: 32bit offset to the media file table
  • 0x0008: 32bit. If you change this value in a working game file it will no longer be accepted. Its value is 0x0000238b for all tiptoi products seen so far. Maybe this is the Ravensburger customer number at Chomptech.
  • 0x000C: 32bit. The offset to an additional script table. Purpose unknown.
  • 0x0010: 32bit. The offset to the game table
  • 0x0014: 32bit. Product id code (== OID code of the power on symbol on page 1)
  • 0x0018: 32bit. Pointer to register init values (16bit counter followed by n×16bit values. First value is register $0, followed by $1 and so on.)
  • 0x001C: raw XOR value (8bit), see below at media table explanation.
  • 0x001D: three bytes with unknown meaning, 0 for all products seen so far.
  • 0x0020: a variable length string, consisting of its length (8bit), and that many characters. Commonly CHOMPTECH DATA FORMAT CopyRight 2009 Ver2.xx.yyyy (varies between products, xx can also be one digit only)
  • Next is a 8 date string (20111024). The date string seems optional with one condition: if a language string follows the date must consist of at least one ASCII number.
  • Next is an optional language string (currently known: GERMAN, DUTCH, FRENCH, ITALIAN. If the language string is provided it must match the language of the firmware that is running on the pen (it is unclear where is is checked; the file .tiptoi.log is NOT taken into account here!) or the pen will ignore it. If the language is missing any TipToi pen will accept the file. In the YAML file, this can be set using, for example, gme-lang: FRENCH
  • Next there is sequence of zeros up to and including to position 0x5f.
  • 0x0060: 32bit offset to an additional media file table
  • 0x0071: 32bit offset to the playlistlist for the the power-on sound (played, when the product is recognized. If 0, no sound is played.)

The following entries might exist only from Version 2.10.0901

  • 0x008C: 32bit offset purpose unknown. Some products have 0 here.
  • 0x0090: 32bit offset to the game binaries table
  • 0x0094: 32bit offset to the two OIDs for the Restart symbol and the Stop symbol
  • 0x0098: 32bit offset to an additional game binaries table
  • 0x009C: 32bit. purpose unknown, can be 0.
  • 0x00A0: 32bit offset to a game binaries table, which consists of a single binary
  • 0x00A4: 32bit number, purpose unknown (it might be the number of offsets to follow).
  • 0x00A8: 32bit offset to another game binaries table, which also consists of a single binary

The script table

At the position referenced at 0x0000 (commonly 0x0200), is the script table. It consists of

  • 32 bit: last used OID code
  • 32 bit: first used OID code
  • Then, 32bit offsets that point to play scripts (see below). These correspond linearly to the OID codes. E.g. WWW_Bauernhof: The first piglet on page 6 has OID code 1499, the corresponding play script is located at 0x766A. The 100th 32bit word in the script table contains that offset. So 4×(OID - 1401) = script table index + 8. The value 1401 in this example is the first used OID code in the product (second 32bit word in the script table).
  • Some of these offsets are 0xFFFFFFFF. This indicates that the corresponding OID code is not used within the product.
  • The end of the offsets can be found at (script table + 8 + 4×(last used OID code - first used OID code).

The play script

A play script consists of a 16bit number (defining the length of the list to follow) and a list of 32bit offsets. The offsets point to script lines.

The script line

A script line consists of a list of conditionals, a list of actions, and a so called playlist consisting media file table indices.

A script line has the format aaaa conditionals... bbbb actions... cccc media... where

  • a is the number of conditionals. Each conditional consists of 8 bytes.
  • b is the number of actions. Each action is 7 bytes.
  • c is a playlist

The conditionals are of the format t1 aaaa cccc t2 bbbb

  • t1 & t2 (uint8) type of a and b resp. (0 == register, 1 == value)
  • a & b (uint16) value or id of register
  • c (uint16) is the comparison operator The rest of the line is only considered when the comparison between the register and the value or other register holds.

Known comparison operators are:

  • FFF9 (written $r==m? in tttool's output and the yaml files): Equality
  • FFFA (written $r>m? in tttool's output): Greather than
  • FFFB (written $r<m? in tttool's output): Less than
  • FFFD (written $r>=m? in tttool's output): Greater or equal
  • FFFE (written $r<=? in tttool's output): Less or equal
  • FFFF (written $r!=m? in tttool's output): Not equal

The actions are of the format rrrr cccc tt mmmm

  • r (uint16) id of register
  • c (uint16) is the command
  • t (uint8) type of m (0 == register, 1 == value)
  • m (uint16) value or id of register

Known commands are:

  • FFF0 (written $r+=m): Increment register $r by m or value of $m
  • FFF1 (written $r-=m): Decrement register $r by m or value of $m
  • FFF2 (written $r*=m): Multiply register $r by m or value of $m
  • FFF3 (written $r%=m): Set register $r to $r mod m
  • FFF4 (written $r/=m): Set register $r to $r div m
  • FFF5 (written $r&=m): Bitwise add to register $r the value of m
  • FFF6 (written $r|=m): Bitwise or to register $r the value of m
  • FFF7 (written $r^=m): Bitwise xor to register $r the value of m
  • FFF8 (written Neg($r)): Negate register $r.
  • FFF9 (written $r:=m): Set register $r to m or value of $m
  • FFE0 (written P*: play one random sample of the media list
  • FFE1 (written PA*: play all samples of the media list
  • FFE8 (written P(m)): Play audio referenced by the mth entry in the indices list.
  • FB00 (written PA(b-a)): Play all samples from that inclusive range. a := lowbyte(m), b := highbyte(m)
  • FC00 (written P(b-a)): Play one random sample from that inclusive range. a := lowbyte(m), b := highbyte(m)
  • FD00 (written G(m)): Begin game m.
  • F8FF (written J(m)): Jump to script m.
  • FAFF (written C): Cancel game mode.
  • FF00 (written T($r,m)): Writes an internal counter to $r with values in the range 0..m.

There are Currently unknown commands (e.g. FE00).

The commands P, G , J and C seem to ignore their registers, C also its parameter (which always is FFFF).

The playlist

A playlist consists of a 16bit number (defining the length of the list to follow) and a list of 16bit indices to the media file table. Because the "play random" command only knows 8bit values for the range definition the size of a playlist might be limited to 256 indices.

The playlistlist

A list that references playlists. A 16bit value followed by that many 32bit offsets to playlists.

The register init values

This is a 16bit value defining the number of registers used in the product followed by that many 16bit values. The first value is the init value for register $0, followed by $1 and so on Registers can hold 16bit values and are referenced in the play scripts.

The media file table

The media file table consists of pairs of offsets and length (both 32bit). There seems to be no explicit definition of the number of records in this list, so we simply look until either

  • the first media content referenced in the list begins,
  • or the additional audio table appears, which is then followed by the first media content.

The media files themselves are encrypted using a simple scheme, using a magic XOR value (x):

  • The values 0x00, 0xFF, x and x XOR 0xFF are left alone
  • Everything else is XORed bytewise by x.

The magic XOR value can be found by finding the number which makes the first 4 bytes of the first media file read OggS or RIFF.

In the header at position 0x001c there is raw XOR value that is used by the firmware to deduct the real XOR value. It might use some algorithm or a lookup table for that. For all seen TipToi gme files same raw XOR value here leads to same real XOR value. As of now ~55 different combinations have been identified by looking at exisiting gme files.

The purpose of the additional audio table is unknown, and so far it has been equal to the main audio table in all instances.

Additional script table

Used only in 'Puzzle Ponyhof' and 'Reise durch die Jahreszeiten' and their FR, NL, IT Version. The format is that of a play script (see above). In most files, it is an empty play script, i.e. simply 0x0000 . In 'Reise durch die Jahreszeiten' it is a playscript with empty script lines.

TODO: When is this executed?

The game binaries table

Existing at least in 'WWW Weltatlas', this table holds (ARM) binary data, recognizable from the different strings contained in the binaries. The table consists of a 16bit? length and another 112bit (14 bytes) padding, adding up to 16 bytes. Then, the entries of the table follow: Each entry consists of a 32bit pointer to the binary data, a 32bit length of the binary data and 8bytes for an abbreviated binary name (Non-zero terminated).

Very likely, the 0-th entry of the table is skipped, because it starts in the same place as the table length entry. The same layout can be found in the additional game binaries table.

The checksum

The last 4 bytes of the file are a simple additive check-sum over the file, which is not checked by the pen.