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Large Scale Image Segmentation Using Markov Flows

This repository contains an implementation of the Markov Clustering (MCL) Algorithm and Regularized Markov Clustering (R-MCL) Algorithm using the Hadoop MapReduce framework and utilities to apply those algorithms to image segmentation.


  • Linux (although not tested on Mac OS X)
  • Java 7+, 64-bit
  • Hadoop 2.4+
  • Maven 3+ (for building)
  • Cmake and gcc (for building native)
  • Zookeeper 3.4.5+ (only of not using embedded Zookeeper server)

Furthermore in general do file and folder parameters denote files and folders in the Hadoop FileSystem (HDFS). Thus paths in Amazon S3 are supported using s3:/// (or s3n:///) and local files need to be referred to using file://.


The project is a standard Maven project. Running


mvn clean install

is sufficient to build the Java implementation. For being able to run the native implementation, the project has to be build with


mvn clean install -Pnative

The executables and packaged files can then be found in the target folder.


The whole procedure of segmenting an image consists of four steps. Except for the first step, running HDFS recommended. For the second and third step a running ZooKeeper server is required (where the embedded server can be run via the -zk flag) for distributed metrics. If the embedded server is not used, then the Hadoop configuration should contain the options mcl.zk.hosts and zk.metric.path.

Extract Pixel similarities

First the pixel similarity information has to be extracted from the image material. Possible image formats are Java supported image formats (i.e. jpg, png, ...). Running


bin/mr-mcl load-img -i <input> -o <output> [-r <radius>] [-sF <sigmaF>] [-sX <sigmax>] [-cielab] [-te <threading>]

reads the image(s) and generates a matrix representation in ABC format with the following options:

  • -i: the local input file/folder
  • -o: the local output folder
  • -r: the radius in which pixel similarities are considered (default: 3.0)
  • -sF: scale factor for the value differences (default: 1.0)
  • -sX: scale factor for the spatial differences (default: 1.0)
  • -cielab: calculate pixel similarities with respect to the CIELab colour space
  • -te: number of threads to use and number of output files (default: 1)

This step is done outside the Hadoop framework and thus doesn't require to have running HDFS or YARN.

ToF Images

Furthermore are time of flight images (ToF) in *.mat files supported, where the Z coordinates (representing the depth of the pixel within the spatial space of the image) are stored on a numeric array named "Z".


bin/mr-mcl load-mat -i <input> -o <output> [-r <radius>] [-sF <sigmaF>] [-sX <sigmaX>]

Create a distributed column matrix

Given a matrix representation in ABC format, the matrix need to be converted into distributed matrix slices with respect to the implementation of the matrix slice:


bin/mr-mcl abc -i <input> -o <output> [-n] [-nsub <nsub>] [-te <te>] [--matrix-slice] [-vint] [-s <scale>] [--local] [-cm] [-co] [-zk] [-d] [-v]

Initialization parameters for the distributed matrix

  • -n: use NativeCSCSlice.class as the matrix slice implementation instead of the standard Java implementation (CSCslice.class)
  • -nsub: number of columns inside one matrix slice (default: 128)
  • -te: number of partitions to split the data into, which defines the number of tasks for the following algorithms
  • --matrix-slice: specify matrix slice class (default: CSCslice.class)
  • -vint: use variable length integer encoding for non native slice implementations

Other parameters####

  • -s: number of duplicates of the input matrix along the diagonal for benchmark purposes (default: 1)
  • --local: run in MapReduce local mode inside the client JVM without YARN
  • -cm: activate map output compress using LZ4-Codec
  • -co: activate job output compress using LZ4-Codec
  • -zk: start embedded ZooKeeer server
  • -d: activate DEBUG logging level for this project
  • -v: active INFO logging level for Hadoop

Run the algorithm

The actual clustering algorithm running on the distributed slice matrix in HDFS/S3. The MCL and R-MCL algorithm are triggered using the command bmcl with a balance parameter of 1.0 or 0.0 respectively. Calling


bin/mr-mcl bmcl -i <input> -o <output> [-a] [-I <inflation>] [-P <1/cutoff> | -p <cutoff>] [-S <select>] [-b <balance>] [-c <counters>] [-l <log>] [--stats] [--local] [-cm] [-co] [-zk] [-d] [-v]

generates a text file in the output folder, where each line contains a TAB delimited list of indices belonging to the same cluster.

Algorithm parameters

  • -b: rate of updating the block transpose (default: 1.0)
  • -a: use auto-prune instead of threshold prune
  • -I: inflation parameter (default: 2.0)
  • -P: 1/cutoff (default: 10000)
  • -p: cutoff (default: 1.0E-4)
  • -S: select (default: 50)

Other parameters####

  • -c: path of file to write counters to (default: none)
  • -l: path of file to write algorithm output to (default: none)
  • --stats: show additional stats
  • --local: run in MapReduce local mode inside the client JVM without YARN
  • -cm: activate map output compress using LZ4-Codec
  • -co: activate job output compress using LZ4-Codec
  • -zk: start embedded ZooKeeer server
  • -d: activate DEBUG logging level for this project
  • -v: active INFO logging level for Hadoop

Render an image of the clustering

To render an output of the clustering call


bin/mr-mcl result -i <source> -c <clustering> -o <output> [-f <format>] [-lc <linecolour>] [--component <component>] [--imin <imin>] [--imax <imax>]

with following parameters:

  • -i: source image file, folder of source images or .mat file
  • -c: clustering file (output from the algorithm)
  • -o: output folder
  • -f: output format (default: jpg)
  • -lc: gray scale line color if the rendered clusters (default: 1.0)
  • --component: for .mat files the component to render (default: I)
  • --imin: for .mat files min threshold to render pixel value (default: 0.0)
  • --imax: for .mat files max threshold to render pixel value (default: 65535.0)

Project structure

The main algorithm is implemented by mapred.alg.BMCLJob extending mapred.alg.AbstractMCLAlgorithm. The transpose and mcl job are implemented by mapred.job.TransposeJob and mapred.job.MCLStep respectively extending mapred.job.AbstractMCLJob. The matrix slice implementations providing methods for serialization and oparations on the slice matrix must extend io.writables.MCLMatrixSlice. io.writables.CSCslice and io.writables.nat.NativeCSCSlice (with native code in src/main/native/src/io/writables/nat) are the provided matrix slice implementations in this project.

Other software used in the project

  • JCommander: the excellent command line parser for Java.
  • JMatIO 1.0 from the Maven repository: for reading MAT files in Java.
  • Parts of Nathan Fiedler's Fibonacci Heap implementation in GraphMaker: used as a basic implementation for a priority queue in Java and C.


This project is part of the diploma thesis "Large Scale Image Segmentation Using Markov Flows" of Cedrik Neumann at the Technical University of Berlin.