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Ph 121c

I invite anyone to use this software so long as they follow the Caltech Honor Code:

"No member of the Caltech community shall take unfair advantage of any other member of the Caltech community."

If you find any bugs, I encourage you to report an issue, or even better, to fix it a make a pull request.


This is a package of code I wrote to do assignments for a course on computation in quantum-many body systems. Specifically 1D chains of spins. Herein are functions that:

  • Generate TFIM Hamiltonians in sparse and matrix-vector multiplication formats
  • Generate an interface to a tensor manipulation framework for MPS simulations
  • Some functions to measure observables and change bases or permute indices



Since I am using the Intel distribution for Python, you can take the following steps to (hopefully) reproduce my environment exactly:

  • Install the Intel oneapi basekit
  • Using conda packaged with the basekit, use the environment.yml file to create a virtual environment with the exact packages
  • Install the local package within the virtual environment, i.e. with: > cd ph121c_lxvm; python develop

Advanced note: the installation builds a Fortran module using whatever compiler is available on your machine (i.e. gfortran, ifort), so if you have no Fortran compiler, the code won't build. You can also override the default compiler by appending build_ext --fcompiler=<gnu95, intelem, ...> to the argument list. Equivalently, add [build_ext] \n fcompiler = <...> to setup.cfg. Look for more help with python build_ext --help[-fcompiler].

I believe that Intel Python is also available in the intel channel on conda. Note this is specific to my Python code and if I use Fortran anywhere then a Fortran compiler is necessary, and I am using those provided by Intel.

You could also probably get this to work without Intel Python. My code probably will only depend on numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas, pillow, and h5py, and so you could just install my package into a virtual environment with those and install any additional packages that are needed. Since I am using conda only for Intel Python, you would probably be better off by installing this into a Python venv which is less complicated. Here's how to do it:

$ pwd
$ python3 -m venv pyenv
$ . pyenv/bin/activate
$ python3 -m pip install numpy
$ cd ph121c_lxvm
$ python3 build # or 'develop'


I made a package to collect my Python code for this project. If you would like to test the code, you might want to use this package with an editable installation.


There are tests, such as the module ph121c_lxvm.tests.models that can be run at the command line via commands such as

> python -m ph121c_lxvm.tests.models
> python -m unittest ph121c_lxvm.tests.models.tfim_test_case


  • Needs argument specifications in all docstrings
  • Most of the models and tensor tasks have an associated test -- keep it up!



Don't be afraid to learn Fortran! But also don't expect to use Fortran for anything: It's strengths currently lie in rapid and parallel numerics (aka FORmula TRANslation), though there is a growing standard library for other tasks (however, incomparable to Python).

As a language, it is statically and strongly typed, meaning that there are fewer gotcha's because every data type needs a type declaration, and every procedure needs an interface: these traits make Fortran code verbose, but readable. To learn some Fortran from a book, take a look at a free section of an ebook here. For historical reasons, you may also be interested in perusing the 1956 manual here.


Disclaimer: The Fortran community dates to 1954 and continues to represent the demographics of the scientific computing community. These demographics are disappointing with respect to gender equity and racial diversity, and currently, there appear to be no efforts on behalf of the Fortran community to do outreach in these areas. You might compare this to actions and statements from the Julia and NumFOCUS communities. I wonder with whom I should invest my time and these issues matter to me, so I want to bring attention to this for anyone else who is thinking about it too. That being said, the Fortran community is small, and all contributors are welcome according to the Fortran language webpage. This old language has been seeing a bit of revival since 2020, and new work by the community promises many good things.

These are the places one can get started with Fortran:

Look out for these people/blogs/projects in the Fortran community:

The present is in the the near future (for Fortran)

LFortran is an under-development Fortran compiler designed to be compiled just-in-time with LLVM technology. This makes it available for interactive use: LFortran has a Jupyter kernel! It's not good enough because it doesn't have enough intrinsics to be useful, but it is cool and I think should be mentioned because it might make learning Fortran more fun (at the risk of not being complete).

fpm is a Fortran package manager that aims to make using and building Fortran code similar to Rust's cargo -- an experience much closer to Python's pip than the age-old process of building libraries using make via directly linking libraries and such.

stdlib, a growing standard library for Fortran aimed at providing basic utilities not implement intrinsically by Fortran compilers (i.e. not accepted by the Fortran Standards Committee).

Integration with Python

The module numpy.f2py allows for integration of Fortran code into Python. This can be very beneficial, especially for very loopy tasks that are purely computational, such as building Hamiltonians in COO format. The actual integration can be a little tedious, but the numpy docs and this example package provide a lot of help to do so. Ultimately, fast code, even with numpy, requires memory allocation. For simple computational tasks, the activation energy for using Fortran isn't too large. For using Fortran-specific modules that don't have a numpy or scipy equivalent, I imagine that there begin the typical difficulties one experiences in Fortran related to compiling and linking libraries.

There are many microscopic bugs that this introduces: one about certain parts of the Fortran code needing to be understood by C (such as '**'), or how to actually distribute the Fortran code as a Python package, which for me led to an error. That only occured when using pip install -e . but python develop works.

The recommended way to interface Fortran and Python is actually via Cython. What f2py does in the background anyway is to port the Fortran to C. I would recommend using these best practices , however after I got started with f2py, it was too late to go back. You can't exactly reuse existing Fortran code with f2py. For example, you cannot use allocatable arrays, and also using functions in array size declarations is allowed only when they are understood by C (such as pow()) so you may have to write your own Fortran wrapper if you prefer that over passing the array size as an argument. On the other hand, Cython requires a lot of setup and understanding how to interface Fortran to C and C to Python.

I can't assure you that my Fortran code is really portable, but hopefully it works if you have an Intel compiler.

Update: I've also fixed the Fortran code so that it compiles with gfortran version 10.2 (by accident, because it happened to be installed with R). The Intel compiler has a number of extensions that are incompatible with other compilers.


Note: I tried to setup this package using pyscaffold, which seems pretty useful, but I ran into an error with setuptools_scm not liking where my git repository was located. Reference this issue. I didn't want to figure this out, so I just went for the bare minimum by copying another Python package I wrote for something else.

Note: Dashes and underscores are not interchangable in Python. If a package name contains a dash, the actual directory names must have underscores instead. This gave rise to many a ModuleNotFoundError for me.