Prerequisites: sox and rtl_udp, cmake, build-essential or gcc (usual build tools)
There may be other build requirements, please submit issue if cannot build or
determine build requirements that are missing here and which platform. Thanks.
Raspberry Pi: libusb-1.0.0-dev
Build-Essential, Sox: Just run (on debian/ubuntu/pi, etc)

sudo apt update
sudo apt install sox cmake build-essential
sudo apt install rtl-sdr

#Raspberry Pi#
sudo apt install libusb-1.0.0-dev
or however your distro handles package management

#NCURSES support if desired
sudo apt install libncurses5 libncurses5-dev


Unzip included folder, should extract
into folder called 'rtl-sdr-master'

Then run:

chmod +x

to give these shell scripts execute permission, then run


to build the ledacs, dot-detector, and rtl_udp applications

if you wish to build only ledacs-esk or dot-detector, or both, then you
simply only need to run

gcc -o ledacs-esk ledacs-esk.c
gcc -o dot-detector dot-detector.c

ledacs-esk uses standard rtl_fm installation, whichever you may currently already have installed.
you may wish to simply use ledacs-esk standalone to only track EDACS-ESK trunking, but you will
not be able to tune the voice channels using rtl_udp and dot-detector programs.

dot-detector relies on rtl_udp(for now), which will need to be compiled manually or by to use
running the build script or manually running cmake/make will only make the software, it 
WILL NOT INSTALL THE SOFTWARE or otherwise overwrite or cause comflict with any currently existing.
It is strongly advised NOT TO run 'make install' after making rtl_udp, simply execute it from its 
build location.

To manually build rtl_udp, use the following procedure.

extract included into LEDACS-ESK folder
open terminal in LEDACS-ESK folder

cd rtl-sdr-master
mkdir build
cd build

this will compile rtl_udp and the rest of the rtl_sdr software, then simply call rtl_udp from its
finished build directly of:
