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A tool to manage your pai cluster.


Manage Cluster Configuration

Set external storage configuration to k8s

python config external-config-update -e external-config [ -c kube-config ] 
  • External storage is responsible for storing your cluster configuration. And it is not a part of OpenPai's service. Now OpenPai supports 2 method to integrate.

    • git: Admin could manage their cluster configuration with git such as VSTS, Github or Gitlab. Of course, you could setup your own git server.
    • local: If you don't have a git repo to manage your cluster configuration, you can store it in the local disk.
  • External storage configuration

#     Git       #

type: git
branch: example_branch
# relative path in the project source code
path: a/b/c
# Local storage. #

type: local
# absolute path in your system
path: /a/b/c
  • kube-config: The configuration for kubectl and other kubernetes client to access to the server. The default value is ~/.kube/config. For more detail information, please refer to the link

Generate cluster configuratin from quick-start.yaml

python config generate -i /pai/deployment/quick-start/quick-start/quick-start.yaml -o ~/pai-config -f
  • quick-start.yaml: Admin could generate a complete cluster configuration with quick-start.yaml. More detailed about this file please refer to this link.
  • More infomation about this command please refer to this link.
  • By default, in the generated configuration, a single-master Kubernetes is configured by default.
  • Advanced users or developers can fine-tune the content of the generated configuration files according to specific environments.

Push the cluster configuration in the k8s

1. Push cluster configuration from local path
python paictl config push -p /path/to/local/configuration [-c kubeconfig-path ]
  • Same as local storage.
2. Push cluster configuration from the external storage (Get the external storage from local)
python paictl config push -e external-storage-config [-c kubeconfig-path]
  • Configure the external storage configuration and pass the configuration file with the parameter -e.
3. Push cluster configuration from the external storage (Get the external storage from k8s)
python paictl config push [-c kubeconfig-path]
  • Note: Please ensure that you have upload the external storage configuration to k8s with the command.

Get the cluster configuration from the k8s config pull -o /path/to/output [-c kube-config]

Get the cluster ID from the k8s config get-id [-c kube-config]

Maintain machines

Add machines to the cluster

python machine add -p /path/to/cluster-configuration/dir -l machine-list.yaml
  • See an example of the machine list here.

Remove machines from the cluster

python machine remove -p /path/to/cluster-configuration/dir -l machine-list.yaml
  • See an example of the machine list here.

Fix crashed etcd node

python machine etcd-fix -p /path/to/cluster-configuration/dir -l machine-list.yaml
  • See an example of the machine list here.
  • Note: The opertion could only fix one node each time.

Maintain infrastructure services

Start service(s)

python service start [-c /path/to/kubeconfig] [ -n service-name ]
  1. Start all services by default.
  2. If the option -n is set, only the specified service will be started.

Stop service(s)

python service stop [-c /path/to/kubeconfig] [ -n service-name ]
  • Stop all services by default.
  • If the option -n is set, only the specified service will be stopped.

Delete service(s)

python service delete [-c /path/to/kubeconfig] [ -n service-name ]
  • 'Delete' a service means to stop that service and then delete all of its persisted data in HDFS, Yarn, ZooKeeper, etc.
  • Delete all services by default.
  • If the option -n is set, only the specified service will be deleted.

Refresh service(s)

python service refresh [-c /path/to/kubeconfig] [ -n service-name ]
  • Refresh all the labels on each node.
  • If the option -n is set, only the specified service will be upgrade.

Maintain your cluster

Bootstrap Kubernetes

python cluster k8s-bootup -p /path/to/cluster-configuration/dir
  • Install kubectl in the deployment box.
  • Bootstrap Kubernetes in the specified cluster.

Stop Kubernetes

python cluster k8s-clean -p /path/to/cluster-configuration/dir
  • Stop Kubernetes in the specified cluster.

Setup KUBECONFIG and install kubectl in the environment

python cluster k8s-set-env [ -p /path/to/cluster/configuration ]
  • Install kubectl in the deployment box.
  • Configure KUBECONFIG for kubectl or other kubernetes' client.
  • The args -p /path/to/cluster/configuration is optional. If admin don't pass this args, paictl will ask admin to input the necessary infomation to generate KUBECONFIG.
  • When in a clean dev-box, please run this command firstly.

Appendix: An example of the machine-list.yaml file


    - hostname: host1 # echo `hostname`
      machine-type: D8SV3
      etcdid: etcdid1
      #sshport: PORT (Optional)
      username: username
      password: password
      k8s-role: master
      dashboard: "true"
      zkid: "1"
      pai-master: "true"

    - hostname: host2
      machine-type: NC24R
      #sshport: PORT (Optional)
      username: username
      password: password
      k8s-role: worker
      pai-worker: "true"