LunaTrace is a vulnerability scanner that tags and tracks inventories through to production deployment. It combines static analysis at build time with runtime tracking and the capability to automatically patch some high-profile vulnerabilities.
Hasura manages the GraphQl API and postgres database, found in the ./hasura
for info on bringing up Hasura and Ory.
Do not use the Hasura "console" GUI for managing the database, either creating tables or modifying them. Hasura produces
low quality up migrations and broken down migrations that are not maintainable. For pre-production, modify the existing init migration files.
For production migration, use hasura migrate create <name>
to scaffold manual migrations.
Use hasura migrate apply --down 1
to do a down migration.
Tmux-p is used to start the cluster in dev mode. From the bsl folder, run tmuxp load luantrace-tmuxp.yaml
Backend services written in typescript can add data to postgres directly, bypassing Hasura when necessary. These are found in the
folder. Run yarn run vulnerabilities:update
from this folder to load the database with grype vulnerabilities.
To scaffold a project and a build/scan run yarn run test:scan:upload