# The complete name of the task is given by: <publisherid>.<extensionid>.<taskid>.<taskname>@<version>
# Only the task name and version are required.
- task: run-vcpkg@0
displayName: 'Run vcpkg'
# [required] arguments for the vcpkg install command, e.g. a response file containing the list of packages as well as the triplet to be used for all packages
# It is possible to specify a different triplet for each port, if not specified the one specified by --triplet will be used, e.g. a response file like the following:
# sqlite3:x64-osx
# libmodbus:x86-osx
# libmodbus
# --triplet
# x64-osx
# would install the following ports:
# sqlite3:x64-osx, libmodbus:x86-osx, libmodbus:x64-osx .
vcpkgArguments: '@response_file.txt'
# [optional] if vcpkg is a *submodule* of the parent repository, specify here the path to it. Do not use the vcpkgGitCommitId or vcpkgGitURL as they will not be used when vcpkg is a submodule.
vcpkgDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/vcpkg
# [optional] select the default vcpkg triplet. It can also be specified per port, such as "boost:x64-osx".
vcpkgTriplet: 'x64-linux'
# [optional] URL of the Git repository to fetch.
vcpkgGitURL: http://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git
# [optional] the commit id or tag of the vcpkg repository to fetch. Branch names are no recommended here,
# especially when using the same value as part of the key in Cache[2] task.
vcpkgGitCommitId: '$(vcpkgGitCommitId)'
# [optional] Content written into the .artifactignore[1] file, used to drive what to ignore and to not-ignore when creating a new cached content with the Cache[2] task.
vcpkgArtifactIgnoreEntries: '!.git\ndownloads\nbuildtrees\n'
# [optional] Append the argument '--clean-after-build' to vcpkgArgument input, to clean buildtrees, packages and downloads after building each port. Default is true.
cleanAfterBuild: true,
# [optional] Avoid to update vcpkg (launching git) in the specified 'vcpkgDirectory'. This is useful when vcpkg is being checkout indipendently of the run-vcpkg task. Default is false.
doNotUpdateVcpkg: false
- task: run-cmake@0
displayName: 'Run CMake with CMakeSettings.json'
# [required] select CMakeSettingsJson if the input is a CMakeSettings.json file, or select CMakeListsTxtBasic or CMakeListsTxtAdvanced for a CMakeLists.txt file specified in the 'cmakeListsTxtPath' property.
cmakeListsOrSettingsJson: 'CMakeSettingsJson'
# [required] the CMakeSettings.json, default value assumes it is in the root of the repository.
cmakeSettingsJsonPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/CMakeSettings.json'
# [optional] specify the CMake binary directory, where build files are generated. By default it is `$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/<configuration name>` .
buildDirectory: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/tools/
# [optional] using RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_ROOT env var, this will set the vcpkg's toolchain file and triplet.
useVcpkgToolchainFile: true
# [optional] selects which configurations to build with a regular expression.
configurationRegexFilter: 'Linux.*'
# [optional] reuse the vcpkg toolchain file, default is false. If set to true, the RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_ROOT environment variable set by the previous 'run-vcpkg' task will be used automatically to set the toolchain, unless the path is explicitly set in this 'run-cmake' task in 'cmakeToolchainPath'.
useVcpkgToolchainFile: true
# [optional] vcpkg default triplet, '$(RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_TRIPLET)' by default, which is set by the run-vcpkg
# task.
vcpkgTriplet: 'x64-linux'
# [optional] Append the argument '--clean-after-build' to vcpkgArgument input, to clean
# buildtrees, packages and downloads after building each port. Default is false.
cleanAfterBuild: true
# [optional] Avoid to update (launching git) the specified 'vcpkgDirectory'. This is
# useful when vcpkg is being checkout indipendently of the run-vcpkg task. Default is
# false.
doNotUpdateVcpkg: true
- task: run-cmake@0
displayName: 'Run CMake with CMakeLists.txt'
# [required] use the task in basic mode with CMakeLists.txt. There is also an advanced mode 'CMakeListsTxtAdvanced'.
cmakeListsOrSettingsJson: 'CMakeListsTxtBasic'
# [required] path to CMakeLists.txt, default value assumes it is in the root.
cmakeListsTxtPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/CMakeLists.txt'
# [required] the default value is provided.
buildDirectory: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
# [optional] CMake toolchain file, empty by default.
cmakeToolchainPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/vcpkg_cmake/toolchain.cmake'
# [optional] reuse the vcpkg toolchain file, default is false. If set to true, the RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_ROOT environment variable set by the previous 'run-vcpkg' task will be used automatically to set the toolchain, unless the path is explicitly set in this 'run-cmake' task in 'cmakeToolchainPath'.
useVcpkgToolchainFile: true
# [optional] vcpkg default triplet, '$(RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_TRIPLET)' by default
vcpkgTriplet: 'x64-linux'
# [optional] specify CMake build type, Debug by default.
cmakeBuildType: 'Release'
# [optional] specify CMake generator, Ninja by default.
cmakeGenerator: 'Ninja'
# [optional] 'cmake --build --config' appended arguments.
buildWithCMakeArgs: '-- -v'