- 👋 Hi, I’m @lukeharwood11
- 👀 I’m interested in ... Machine learning, AI and data science, along with all things software development
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ... Zig 🦎
- 📫 How to reach me ... lukeharwood.dev@gmail.com
- I'm an Applied AI Team Lead at Direct Supply
Python 🐍| Zig 🦎 | Rust 🦀 | React.js | Node.js | Java | C/C++ | Kotlin
- pysimulate release 1.0
- Q-Learning Agent for pysimulate
- Genetic Algorithm agent for pysimulate
- AI snake (Q-Learning)
- AI flappy bird (Genetic Algorithm)
- Portfolio Website (as a Linux Terminal)
- Zig (pt. 1) - First Project
- Zig (pt. 2) - Data Structures
- Zig (pt. 3) - WebAPI Framework (in-progress)
- Connect 4 MLE Tutorial Repo
- MLE FastAPI Chat Application Template Repo
- Normal Portfolio Rewrite