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Eclipse plugin for PIT. Update site:

Plugin Build Requirements

If you wish to build the plugin from source, you will need the following.

You will need to setup p2 proxys for the following update sites:

Eclipse Build


Import the project as a maven project. You may need to disable the maven nature from the org.pitest.pitclipse.core & org.pitest.pitclipse.ui modules (right-click Maven -> Disable Nature). If you check the build properties of org.pitest.pitclipse.core & org.pitest.pitclipse.ui, ensure it has the Plug-in Manifest Builder enabled.

The UI tests use SWTBot to drive the UI interactions. To run the UI tests, open SimpleJavaProjectTest and Run As -> SWTBot Test. This launches JBehave and runs stories matching the file name pattern u*.story.

Plugin Command line build

Due to limitations with Tycho, the PIT build has to be run it two steps:

  1. mvn clean install deploy -Pbundle
  2. mvn clean install -Pplugin

The contents of pitclipse-plugin/ can then be used as an update site.

NB - there is also a ui-test profile which should run the UI tests. However, for reasons not yet ascertained, the eclipse instance started by tycho does not seem to be able to add JUnit to the classpath of the test projects.

Building a development plugin

If you wish to develop the Pitclipse plugin and run the acceptance tests, you will need to build a development plugin locally. There is a bit of a chicken and egg situation in that you need to build and install the plugin before you can develop against. You can then setup a local update site and install everything from there. Again, needs to be done in two steps:

  1. mvn clean install deploy -Pbundle,ui-test -U
  2. mvn clean install -Pplugin,ui-test -U

The contents of pitclipse-plugin/org.pitest.pitclipse.test-site/target/repository/ should be used as the update site.