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373 lines (287 loc) · 10.8 KB

Predictive Text Modeling


The main objective of this project is to build a predictive text model.The predictive texting consists of a data processed tool that makes it quicker and easier to write text by suggesting words as you type, predictive text can significantly speed up the input process.

In this file a large corpus of text documents is analized to discover the structure in the data and how words are put together in order to create a model of predctions using N-grams. It is shown how is loaded, cleaned, sampled and analized the data provided by Swiftkey from:

Data import and sampling


The data is loaded according to the saved path of the files, in this case in “final” folder. The News dataset is needed to be loaded in binary mode (“rb”).

blogs <- readLines("final/en_US/en_US.blogs.txt", warn = F)
twitter <- readLines("final/en_US/en_US.twitter.txt", warn = F)
con <- file("final/en_US/", open="rb")
news <- readLines(con, encoding="UTF-8")

First, we estimate size of loaded variables. The results below show that every dataset is over 250 Mb or even higher.

print(blogsSize, units = "Mb")  
## 255.4 Mb
print(twitterSize, units = "Mb")  
## 319 Mb
print(newsSize, units = "Mb")  
## 257.3 Mb

A word count is performed for every row of the files and then added in order to create a histogram of word count in millions of words contained in each file loaded.


blogsCount <- sum(blogsRowCount)
twitterCount <- sum(twitterRowCount)
newsCount <- sum(newsRowCount)

totalCount <- c(Blogs = blogsCount, Twitter = twitterCount, News = newsCount)*(1/1e6)
barplot(height = totalCount, xlab = "File", ylab = "Milions of words", main = "Number of words in each file", col=rgb(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.6))

So we have over 30 million words in each file. The exact amount of words contained in each file is shown below:

##    Blogs  Twitter     News 
## 38.15424 30.21812 34.76239

A summary is displayed for the variation of word counts in each row for every file loaded. As we see, most of the rows contain a few words, less than 50 words, but there are lines with thousands of words in a single row. Also, there are a few other that do not contain any word.

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    0.00    9.00   29.00   42.43   61.00 6726.00
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##     1.0     7.0    12.0    12.8    18.0    60.0
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    0.00   19.00   32.00   34.41   46.00 1796.00

Data Sampling

We first stablish a seed for reproducible purposes and a percentage of reference for the sampling of the data.


The sampling made is as shown in the next cell where a vector from 1 to 100 is sampled randomly, getting only the 10% of the data.

sample(c(1:100), size=100*0.1, replace =FALSE)
##  [1] 54 58 99 68 65 80 67  9 49 22

For speed reasons in the building process, only 1% of the total dataset was sampled. The same process as the cell before is applied for the blogs, news and twitter dataset:

blogs <- blogs[sample(c(1:length(blogs)), size=length(blogs)*percentage,

news <- news[sample(c(1:length(news)), size=length(news)*percentage, 
                    replace =FALSE)]

twitter <- twitter[sample(c(1:length(twitter)), size=length(twitter)*percentage,
                          replace =FALSE)]

Afeter that, the sampled data is saved a specific folder for later analysis

write.csv(blogs, file = "Sample/blogSample.csv", row.names = FALSE, 
          col.names = FALSE)
## Warning in write.csv(blogs, file = "Sample/blogSample.csv", row.names = FALSE, :
## attempt to set 'col.names' ignored
write.csv(news, file = "Sample/newsSample.csv", row.names = FALSE, 
          col.names = FALSE)
## Warning in write.csv(news, file = "Sample/newsSample.csv", row.names = FALSE, :
## attempt to set 'col.names' ignored
write.csv(twitter, file = "Sample/twitterSample.csv", row.names = FALSE,
          col.names = FALSE)
## Warning in write.csv(twitter, file = "Sample/twitterSample.csv", row.names =
## FALSE, : attempt to set 'col.names' ignored

Unnecesay variables are removed for workspace cleaning and memory optimization.

rm(blogsCount,blogsRowCount, blogsSize, newsCount, newsRowCount, newsSize,
   twitterCount, twitterRowCount, twitterSize, percentage, totalCount, 
   blogs, news, twitter)

Data cleaning

Once again, the data is loaded but only the sampled files obtained before and combined into a corpus. Transforming data into “Large Simple Corpus” type in order to make tm_map transformations possible

corpus <-Corpus(DirSource("Sample/"), readerControl = list(language="en_US"))

From the corpus, numbers, punctuation, and leading and/or trailing whitespace is removed. Also, every string element is transformed to lower case.

corpus<-tm_map(corpus, removeNumbers)
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, removePunctuation)
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, stripWhitespace)
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, tolower)

A special function is created for removing special characters on the corpus.

onlyLetters <- function(x)
          gsub("[^A-Za-z///' ]","" , x , = TRUE)
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, onlyLetters)

For removing bad words, a dirty, naughty and obscene bad words list was downloaded to remove those from the corpus. The original list can be found in:

For the purpose of this project, only the english version (“en”) was used.

badwords <- read.csv("en")
badwords <- badwords$X2g1c
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, removeWords, badwords)

Stop words are not removed beacuse that could be the case that those words were the expected prediction

N-Grams analysis

One of the most effective ways to explore the relationship between words is using N-gram models, in other words, examining which words tend to follow others immediately. This can be done by the frequency of times that a word was followed by another (bigram model), the number of times that a word was followed by two other words (trigram model) and so on. For code saving and for readability, a create “n” gram function model was created.

calcNgramModel <- function(mycorpus, N){
  token_delim <- " \\t\\r\\n.!?,;\"()"
  token <- NGramTokenizer(mycorpus, Weka_control(min=N,max=N, 
                                                   delimiters = token_delim))
  data <- data.frame(table(token))
  sort_data <- data[order(data$Freq,decreasing=TRUE),]

The function was used for creating the desired model by passing the recently clened dataset (corpus) and “n” which is the ngram model expected (number of analysed consecutive words). Also, a histogram of the 20 most frequent ngrams and a wordcloud is displayed. This process is repeated for the unigram, bigram and trigram model.

unigramModel <- calcNgramModel(corpus, 1)
##       token  Freq
## 50098   the 47542
## 50880    to 27556
## 2         a 24020
## 1705    and 23991
## 34781    of 19894
## 23887     i 16495
ggplot(data=unigramModel[1:20,], aes(x=reorder(token,Freq), y=Freq)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity",fill=rgb(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.6), colour="black") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + coord_flip() +
  ggtitle("Unigram Model")

wordcloud(unigramModel$token,unigramModel$Freq,random.order=FALSE,scale = 
            c(2,0.35),min.freq = 500,
          colors = brewer.pal(8,"Dark2"),max.words=150)

bigramModel <- calcNgramModel(corpus, 2)
##          token Freq
## 278358  of the 4357
## 197678  in the 4087
## 416213  to the 2167
## 148648 for the 1999
## 283395  on the 1941
## 412633   to be 1622
ggplot(data=bigramModel[1:20,], aes(x=reorder(token,Freq), y=Freq)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity",fill=rgb(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.6), colour="black") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + coord_flip() +
  ggtitle("Bigram Model")

wordcloud(bigramModel$token,bigramModel$Freq,random.order=FALSE,scale = 
            c(2,0.35),min.freq = 500,
          colors = brewer.pal(8,"Dark2"),max.words=150)

trigramModel <- calcNgramModel(corpus,3)
##                 token Freq
## 505492     one of the  341
## 9284         a lot of  291
## 656917 thanks for the  256
## 729670        to be a  183
## 675837     the end of  166
## 273250    going to be  159
ggplot(data=trigramModel[1:20,], aes(x=reorder(token,Freq), y=Freq)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity",fill=rgb(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.6), colour="black") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + coord_flip() +
  ggtitle("Trigram Model")

wordcloud(trigramModel$token,trigramModel$Freq,random.order=FALSE,scale = 
            c(2,0.35),min.freq = 50,
          colors = brewer.pal(8,"Dark2"),max.words=150)

The result is a frequency table of the most common consecutive words in english for 1,2,3 consecutive words. For the next word predictions this could be used as if the reference, selecting the “n”-gram model and searching for “n-1” words, we’ll be able to predict the next word.