The Zurc is a text based game inspired in Zork where you play as the Zucc!. Your goal is to suck the private data from all the devices you can at the facebook headquarters.
This game has been solely machinated, written and designed by Luis Carlos Moyano Medina as a task
- Download the game here
- Unzip the zip file on windows.
- Execute the exe file.
- For instrutions on how to play, just keep reading.
- Enjoy!
There are 9 rooms interconnected, the items on the rooms will be randomly placed from a pool on each run. The room map looks like this:
Room 1 | Room2 | Room3 |
Room 4 | Room5 | Room6 |
Room 7 | Room8 | Room9 |
Keep in mind you always start at room 1
- look: Shows you the room, its contents and the neighbor rooms
- up, down, left, right: Allows you to move through the rooms
- pick: Allows you to pick one item, keep in mind Zuuc can't carry heavy items
- hand: Shows you the item at hand
- drop: Drops the item at hand on the current room
- embed: embeds one item of the room with the one at hand making it more tasty. The item on the room is destroyed in exchange
- succ: Sucks the data of the item at hand, makes you stronger and allows you to pick heavier items
- help: Shows a help menu
- exit: goes out of the game
I approached this game following a similar structure than the one provided at the sample code of the assignment. Although once read it, I knew there were things I wanted to do differently, for example, for rooms and items I used the Object factory pattern to create my items and rooms and provide them randomly or generate a dungeon from a single method if required.
Another unique feature I developed was the capacity to suck data from items which had me categorizing items by the amount of data they carry and make a formula that makes the character stronger by doing so and as such, at the beginning the character can't lift a laptop and at the end it can even lift a concrete wall!
Also please notice that the git structure follows the git flow pattern (even though, to keep simplicity, git flow hasn't been installed, I just use its convention)
I had lots of fun scheming a story fitting the kind of game Zork is and made an adventure of my own flavor.