Contributions to dotfiles are welcome.
Feel free to use all of the contribution options:
In general, MRs are welcome. We follow the typical "fork-and-pull" Git flow.
Fork the repo on Github
Clone the project to your own machine
Commit changes to your own branch using Git flow
Push your work back up to your fork
Submit a Pull Request so that we can review your changes
NOTE: Be sure to rebase the latest changes from "upstream" before making a pull request!
Your commit messages should serve these 3 important purposes:
- To speed up the reviewing process.
- To provide the least amount of necessary documentation
- To help the future maintainers.
Follow Conventional Commits to make git log
{.interpreted-text role="command"} a little easier to follow. We use commitlint enforcing conventional commits (See more here)
chore: something just needs to happen, e.g. versioning
docs: documentation pages in docs/
or docstrings
feat: new code in ./
fix: code improvement in ./
refactor: code movement in ./
style: aesthetic changes
test: test case modifications in test/
Examples commit messages:
- chore: IN-698 implement model devices
- docs: IN-698 implement configuration settings
- feat: IN-698 create lambda function
- fix: IN-698 retry upload on failure
- refactor: IN-698 extract duplicate code
- style: IN-698 format files python
- test: IN-698 coverage around add permissions
Keep it short and simple!
See Git flow.
Documentation is a part of the dotfiles code base. You can find the documentation files in the doc/
subdirectory of the main repository. This means that the contribution process is the same for both the source code and documentation.
See Testing.
- See if a Pull Request exists
- Add some comments or review the code to help it along
- Don't be afraid to comment when logic needs clarification
- Create a Fork and open a Pull Request if needed
- Anyone can review code
- Any Pull Request should be closed or merged within a week
Try to keep history as linear as possible using a [rebase] merge strategy.