- Mash >= v2.0
SQLite3Removed in version 1.4- Perl
- multithreading
- BioPerl library
Removed in version 1.4DBD::SQLite
- Quicktree
For most Linux OSs, you will need to set up your environment like this:
export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:$HOME/lib/perl5
Some system packages are needed. On Ubuntu, this is how you might install these packages.
apt update
apt install -y build-essential cpanminus libexpat1-dev wget
There are some perl packages too and so this is how you would install those on most Linux OSs:
cpanm -l ~ --notest BioPerl Bio::Sketch::Mash
mkdir -pv $HOME/bin/build
cd $HOME/bin/build
wget https://github.com/khowe/quicktree/archive/v2.5.tar.gz
tar xvf v2.5.tar.gz
cd quicktree-2.5
mv quicktree $HOME/bin/
mkdir -pv $HOME/bin/build
cd $HOME/bin/build
wget https://github.com/marbl/Mash/releases/download/v2.2/mash-Linux64-v2.2.tar
tar xvf mash-Linux64-v2.2.tar
mv -v mash-Linux64-v2.2/mash $HOME/bin/
Installing from CPAN installs the latest stable version of Mashtree. This method adds the Mashtree perl modules to the correct place in your home directory and adds the executables to your home bin directory.
export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:$HOME/lib/perl5
cpanm -l ~ Mashtree
mashtree --help # verify it shows usage and not an error
cpanm --uninstall Mashtree --local-lib=$HOME
Other instances of Mashtree can be found in the wild. Although I did not create these, others have found them useful. I cannot provide support for these outside instances.