To build it locally, run the following commands from root project location.
./gradlew clean app:build
After the build, an all dependency inclusive fat jar will be produced in location:app/build/libs
with name app-<version-info>.jar
you can use the jar for deployment.
Alternatively you can download the latest standalone jar file directly.
Go to Maven Repository Link
and select the latest version and then select jar option in the Files Section.
This module comes with following configurations:
bootstrapServers: "localhost:9092" # comma separated list of host:port pairs of kafka brokers.
configs: # additional configs to be used in kafka consumer auditor-consumer-client-id auditor-consumer-group-id
enabled: true # enable/disable kafka producer. Default value: false
topic: auditTopic # name of the kafka topic
clusterUrl: "localhost:9200" # host:port url of elastic search cluster.
auditEventIndexPrefix: "item-" # prefix to be used to generate index/table name while saving the audit event data
auditLogIndexAlias: "log-item-rollover-alias" # alias to be used to generate index/table name while saving the audit log data
Refer application.yml for configurations.
All the below commands are supposed to be executed inside app
This examples uses containers behind the scene to spin up elastic-search and kibana containers.
You can run the containers by executing either of the following commands:
docker compose up -d
lima nerdctl compose up -d
Once the containers are up you can run the app server locally by executing following command:
../gradlew clean run