A template for STM32 development with vscode
- CubeMX
- Cortex-debug (vscode extension)
- Makefile Tools (vscode extension)
- C/C++ (vscode extension)
- C/C++ Extension Pack (vscode extension)
- gcc arm none eabi
- Cmake
- J-link
- ST-link
- Setting up debug config
- Set absolute paths in .vscode/settings.json. Paths can be found using "which xxx" in terminal.
- Create a new CubeMX project
- Select the target MCU
- Config clocks and peripherals as needed
- In "Project Manager":
- In "Project" select "Toolchain / IDE: Makefile"
- In "Code Generator" tick "Copy only the necessary library files"
- In "Advanced Settings" select "LL" instead of "HAL" in Driver Selector
- Format document (clang-format) in vscode: right-click -> Format Document
- Boost::ext: a lite State Machine Language Library
- Get device header files
- Get device svd file (for debug)
- script for automatic project mcu update
- update CMAKE
- update c_cpp_properties