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f90tw example

Let's assume that we want to test the functionality of the example module in example.f90 i.e. to make sure the module procedure method (implementing the addition of the given arguments), works in the expected and presumably in a correct way.

Preprocessor macros implementation

A demonstration of how you can use f90tw preprocessor macros is presented, following the Boost.Test framework example.

Fortran test code

The fortran testing code is located in test_example_boost.fpp. The structure of the file is simple. First we include f90tw_test.h which provides the necessary preprocessor's marco definitions for implementing tests in fortran.

#include "f90tw_test.h"

Since we want to implement more than one test, it is convenient to use a module since, among other benefits, we can easily share resources among tests. To do so, we use the TESTMODULE macro:

TESTMODULE(test_example, example)

which expands to:

module test_example      ! module name (first argument of the macro)
    use assertions_boost ! use module to be tested (second argument of the macro)
    use example
    implicit none

The TESTCONTAINS macro follows, which expands to the contain statement. It was separated from the TESTMODULE to leave room for the declaration of module resources common to all the tests implemented in the module.

Now we implement the test(s) in mind with the help of TESTCODE macro:

TESTCODE(BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE, DUMMY, test_example1, add_test_method,
    call F90_BOOST_WARN_EQUAL( method( 2,2), 3) ;
    call F90_BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( method( 2.0,-1.0), 1.0) ;
    call F90_BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( method( 1.d0,1.d0), 2.d0) ;

which expands to:

! the name of the function (4th argument of the macro)
subroutine add_test_method() BIND(C,name="add_test_method")
   ! test implementation (whatever comes after the 4th argument of the macro)
   call F90_BOOST_WARN_EQUAL( method( 2,2), 3)
   call F90_BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( method( 2.0,-1.0), 1.0)
   call F90_BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( method( 1.d0,1.d0), 2.d0) 
end subroutine add_test_method

You have to use ";" for terminating each source line since the preprocessor will output the macro's argument in a single line. Note that currently (05/2021) if ";" is used in a fortran string will cause compilation problems. Strings concatenation operator "//" also results in problems since the preprocessor considers it as c/c++ single line comment and neglects all the next statements. This is why you should use the F90CONCAT macro instead. For example, the line:

call F90_BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE( check, "some message" F90CONCAT C_NULL_CHAR ) ;

strictly expands to:

call F90_BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE( check, "some message" /&;&/ C_NULL_CHAR ) ;

and in turn, results in a bit strange, but still valid, code block:

call F90_BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE( check, "some message" /&

The rest of the tests (i.e. test_example2 and test_example3) are implemented similarly. In the last one, you can see the use of F90SPOT and F90SPOTMSG macros.

In the test(s) implementation, you should use the boost assertions wrappers as you see fit in your case.

The fortran implementation using the gtest framework is similar. The only differences are that a) in the TESTCODE macro you should provide also the name of the test suite, b) the gtest assertions wrappers should be used, and (MORE IMPORTANTLY) c) the preprocessor symbol USEGTEST should be defined in the compilation stage.

C/C++ test code

The c/c++ code located in test_example_boost.cpp is even simpler. First we set the fortran file as the CURRENTTESTFILE:

#define CURRENTTESTFILE "test_example_boost.fpp"

end then we include the f90tw header f90tw_boost.h:

#include "f90tw_boost.h"

And that's it! Essentially, the preprocessor will parse the provided fortran file twice (see f90tw_boost.h). In the first pass, creates the definitions for the fortran subroutines declared in test_example_boost.cpp and in the second, creates the boost tests that will call their fortran counterparts.

Again, the implementation using the gtest framework is similar except that a) different f90tw header is used (f90tw_gtest.h](../f90tw/f90tw_gtest.h), b)) and (MORE IMPORTANTLY) b) the preprocessor symbol USEGTEST should be defined in the compilation stage.

Directives implementation

The fortran testing code is located in test_example_gtest.f90. It is a standard fortran source file where the !$f90wt directive is utilized to indicate the test methods to be included in a specific test. For example :

   !$f90tw TESTCODE(TEST, test_gtest, test_example1, add_test_method,
   subroutine add_test_method() BIND(C, name="add_test_method")
   end subroutine add_test_method
   !$f90tw )

the add_test_method will be wrapped in the test_example1 test of the test_gtest test suite.

Essentially, the directive lines will be processed and included in the c/c++ pair file in order to create the tests using exactly the same logic (and preprocessor macros) described in the preprocessor based implementation.

C/C++ test code

The c/c++ code located in test_example_gtest.cpp is almost identical to the one described in the preprocessor based implementation. The only difference is that the CURRENTTESTFILE is set to test_example_gtest.f90.h. The name of the header is the name of the fortran file with the header extension .h appended, and it is created automatically by processing the fortran counterpart (see F90TWTEST cmake function implemented in f90wt/CMakeLists.txt).

Then we include the f90tw header f90tw_gtest.h:

#include "f90tw_boost.h"

Buid the examples

You can see the build details in the CMakeLists.txt. After configuring with -DEXAMPLES=ON and a successful build, the executables test_example_boost<.exe> and test_example_gtest<.exe>, are located in build/example/<conf>/ folder together with the preprocessed fortran test files test_example_boost.f90 in the case of the boost framework example.