This theme is primarily used for:
- Adding ORCID support
- Adding a little tickbox to the registration process, as well as the IDP review page (after registering with ORCID).
- Minimal styling changes.
- Overriding the realm name in various places.
Changes are deliberately kept minimal to make it easier to maintain the theme.
Based on upstream commit:
nvm use
corepack install
yarn install --immutable
If you get:
error This project's package.json defines "packageManager": "yarn@4.5.1". However the current global version of Yarn is 1.22.22.
then uninstall the global yarn version (e.g. homebrew install yarn
) and try yarn install
For a quick preview of the theme, you can use Storybook:
yarn storybook
Then visit http://localhost:6006/
Not so useful right now as it doesn't show the right pages yet:
npx keycloakify start-keycloak
(needs port 8080 to be available, so shut down your cluster if you have one running)
Then visit (ensure ad blocker is disabled if you get an error).
You need to have Maven installed to build the theme (Maven >= 3.1.1, Java >= 7).
The mvn
command must be in the $PATH.
- macOS:
brew install maven
- On Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install maven
- On Windows:
choco install openjdk
andchoco install maven
(Or download from here)
npm run build-keycloak-theme
Note that by default Keycloakify generates multiple .jar files for different versions of Keycloak.
You can customize this behavior, see documentation here.