diff --git a/api_output.py b/api_output.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abc2fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api_output.py
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+import requests
+import json
+import csv
+import io
+from functools import partial
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+import threading
+from sc_logging import logger
+from text_detection_target import TextDetectionTargetWithResult
+from storage import fetch_data, subscribe_to_data
+out_api_url = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "out_api_url", None)
+out_api_encoding = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "out_api_encoding", "JSON")
+def is_valid_url_urllib(url):
+ try:
+ result = urlparse(url)
+ return all([result.scheme, result.netloc])
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+def setup_out_api_url(url):
+ global out_api_url
+ out_api_url = url
+def setup_out_api_encoding(encoding):
+ global out_api_encoding
+ out_api_encoding = encoding
+subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "out_api_url", setup_out_api_url)
+subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "out_api_encoding", setup_out_api_encoding)
+def update_out_api(data: list[TextDetectionTargetWithResult]):
+ if out_api_url is None or out_api_encoding is None:
+ logger.error(f"Output API not set up: {out_api_url}, {out_api_encoding}")
+ return
+ # validate the URL
+ if not is_valid_url_urllib(out_api_url):
+ logger.error(f"Invalid URL: {out_api_url}")
+ return
+ logger.debug(f"Sending data to output API: {out_api_url}")
+ def send_data():
+ try:
+ if out_api_encoding == "JSON":
+ response = send_json(data)
+ elif out_api_encoding == "XML":
+ response = send_xml(data)
+ elif out_api_encoding == "CSV":
+ response = send_csv(data)
+ else:
+ logger.error("Invalid encoding: %s", out_api_encoding)
+ return
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ logger.error(
+ f"Error sending data to output API: {out_api_url}, {response.status_code}"
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error sending data to output API: {out_api_url}, {e}")
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=send_data)
+ thread.start()
+def send_json(data: list[TextDetectionTargetWithResult]):
+ headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
+ response = requests.post(
+ out_api_url,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=json.dumps([result.to_dict() for result in data]),
+ )
+ return response
+def send_xml(data: list[TextDetectionTargetWithResult]):
+ headers = {"Content-Type": "application/xml"}
+ root = ET.Element("root")
+ for targetWithResult in data:
+ resultEl = ET.SubElement(root, "result")
+ resultEl.set("name", targetWithResult.name)
+ resultEl.set("result", targetWithResult.result)
+ resultEl.set("result_state", targetWithResult.result_state.name)
+ resultEl.set("x", str(targetWithResult.x()))
+ resultEl.set("y", str(targetWithResult.y()))
+ resultEl.set("width", str(targetWithResult.width()))
+ resultEl.set("height", str(targetWithResult.height()))
+ xml_data = ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8")
+ response = requests.post(out_api_url, headers=headers, data=xml_data)
+ return response
+def send_csv(data: list[TextDetectionTargetWithResult]):
+ headers = {"Content-Type": "text/csv"}
+ output = io.StringIO()
+ writer = csv.writer(output)
+ writer.writerow(["Name", "Text", "State", "X", "Y", "Width", "Height"])
+ for result in data:
+ writer.writerow(
+ [
+ result.name,
+ result.result,
+ result.result_state.name,
+ result.x(),
+ result.y(),
+ result.width(),
+ result.height(),
+ ]
+ )
+ response = requests.post(out_api_url, headers=headers, data=output.getvalue())
+ return response
diff --git a/camera_thread.py b/camera_thread.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9dcd62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camera_thread.py
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+from PySide6.QtCore import QThread, Signal
+import platform
+import time
+import cv2
+from datetime import datetime
+import threading
+from camera_info import CameraInfo
+from ndi import NDICapture
+from screen_capture_source import ScreenCapture, ScreenCaptureType
+from storage import TextDetectionTargetMemoryStorage, subscribe_to_data, fetch_data
+from tesseract import TextDetector
+from text_detection_target import TextDetectionTargetWithResult
+from sc_logging import logger
+from frame_stabilizer import FrameStabilizer
+from ocr_training_data import ocr_training_data_options
+# Function to set the resolution
+def set_resolution(cap, width, height):
+ cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width)
+ cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height)
+# Function to get the resolution
+def get_resolution(cap):
+ width = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)
+ height = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)
+ return width, height
+# Function to set the camera to the highest resolution
+def set_camera_highest_resolution(cap):
+ # List of common resolutions to try
+ resolutions = [(1920, 1080), (1280, 720), (1024, 768), (800, 600), (640, 480)]
+ # grab one frame to make sure the camera is initialized
+ ret, _ = cap.read()
+ if not ret:
+ logger.warn("Error: camera not initialized")
+ return
+ # grab the current resolution
+ width, height = get_resolution(cap)
+ # If the current resolution is already the highest, return
+ if width >= resolutions[0][0] and height >= resolutions[0][1]:
+ logger.info(
+ "Camera is already at the highest resolution: %d x %d", width, height
+ )
+ return
+ # Try each resolution and select the highest one that works
+ highest_res = resolutions[0]
+ for resolution in resolutions:
+ logger.debug("Trying camera resolution: %d x %d", resolution[0], resolution[1])
+ set_resolution(cap, *resolution)
+ test_width, test_height = get_resolution(cap)
+ logger.debug("Found camera resolution: %d x %d", test_width, test_height)
+ # if found resolution is within close range of the target resolution, use it
+ if (
+ abs(test_width - resolution[0]) < 100
+ and abs(test_height - resolution[1]) < 100
+ ):
+ logger.debug(
+ "Camera highest resolution set to: %d x %d", test_width, test_height
+ )
+ highest_res = (test_width, test_height)
+ break
+ # Set the highest resolution
+ logger.info("Setting camera resolution to: %d x %d", highest_res[0], highest_res[1])
+ set_resolution(cap, *highest_res)
+class FrameCropAndRotation:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.isCropSet = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "crop_mode", False)
+ self.cropTop = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "top_crop", 0)
+ self.cropBottom = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "bottom_crop", 0)
+ self.cropLeft = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "left_crop", 0)
+ self.cropRight = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "right_crop", 0)
+ self.rotation = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "rotation", 0)
+ subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "crop_mode", self.setCropMode)
+ subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "top_crop", self.setCropTop)
+ subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "bottom_crop", self.setCropBottom)
+ subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "left_crop", self.setCropLeft)
+ subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "right_crop", self.setCropRight)
+ subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "rotation", self.setRotation)
+ def setCropMode(self, crop_mode):
+ self.isCropSet = crop_mode
+ def setCropTop(self, crop_top):
+ self.cropTop = crop_top
+ def setCropBottom(self, crop_bottom):
+ self.cropBottom = crop_bottom
+ def setCropLeft(self, crop_left):
+ self.cropLeft = crop_left
+ def setCropRight(self, crop_right):
+ self.cropRight = crop_right
+ def setRotation(self, rotation):
+ self.rotation = rotation
+class OpenCVVideoCaptureWithSettings:
+ def __init__(self, capture_id: int | str, capture_backend: int = cv2.CAP_ANY):
+ self.video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(capture_id, capture_backend)
+ self.video_capture_mutex = threading.Lock()
+ self.capture_id = capture_id
+ self.fps = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "fps", 30)
+ self.width = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "width", 0)
+ self.height = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "height", 0)
+ self.fourcc = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "fourcc", "MJPG")
+ self.backend = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "backend", cv2.CAP_ANY)
+ subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "fps", self.setFps)
+ subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "width", self.setWidth)
+ subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "height", self.setHeight)
+ subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "fourcc", self.setFourcc)
+ subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "backend", self.setBackend)
+ def setFps(self, fps):
+ self.fps = fps
+ self.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, fps)
+ def setWidth(self, width):
+ self.width = width
+ self.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width)
+ def setHeight(self, height):
+ self.height = height
+ self.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height)
+ def setFourcc(self, fourcc: str):
+ self.fourcc = fourcc
+ self.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC, int.from_bytes(fourcc.encode(), "little"))
+ def setBackend(self, backend):
+ self.backend = backend
+ self.release()
+ with self.video_capture_mutex:
+ self.video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(self.capture_id, self.backend)
+ def isOpened(self):
+ with self.video_capture_mutex:
+ return self.video_capture.isOpened()
+ def read(self):
+ with self.video_capture_mutex:
+ return self.video_capture.read()
+ def release(self):
+ with self.video_capture_mutex:
+ self.video_capture.release()
+ def set(self, propId, value):
+ with self.video_capture_mutex:
+ self.video_capture.set(propId, value)
+ def get(self, propId):
+ with self.video_capture_mutex:
+ return self.video_capture.get(propId)
+class TimerThread(QThread):
+ update_signal = Signal(object)
+ update_error = Signal(object)
+ ocr_result_signal = Signal(list)
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ camera_info: CameraInfo,
+ detectionTargetsStorage: TextDetectionTargetMemoryStorage,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.camera_info = camera_info
+ self.homography = None
+ self.detectionTargetsStorage = detectionTargetsStorage
+ self.textDetector = TextDetector() # initialize tesseract
+ self.show_binary = False
+ self.retry_count = 0
+ self.retry_count_max = 50
+ self.retry_high_water_mark = 25
+ self.stabilizationEnabled = False
+ self.framestabilizer = FrameStabilizer()
+ self.video_capture: (
+ OpenCVVideoCaptureWithSettings | NDICapture | ScreenCaptureType | None
+ ) = None
+ self.should_stop = False
+ self.frame_interval = 30
+ self.update_frame_interval = 1000 / fetch_data(
+ "scoresight.json", "detection_cadence", 5
+ )
+ subscribe_to_data(
+ "scoresight.json", "detection_cadence", self.setUpdateFrameInterval
+ )
+ self.preview_frame_interval = 1000
+ self.fps = 1000 / self.frame_interval # frames per second
+ self.pps = 1000 / self.preview_frame_interval # previews per second
+ self.ups = 1000 / self.update_frame_interval # updates per second
+ self.fps_alpha = 0.1 # Smoothing factor
+ self.updateOnChange = True
+ self.crop = FrameCropAndRotation()
+ def setUpdateFrameInterval(self, cadence):
+ self.update_frame_interval = 1000 / cadence
+ def connect_video_capture(self) -> bool:
+ if self.camera_info.type == CameraInfo.CameraType.NDI:
+ self.video_capture = NDICapture(self.camera_info.uuid)
+ elif self.camera_info.type == CameraInfo.CameraType.SCREEN_CAPTURE:
+ self.video_capture = ScreenCapture(self.camera_info.id)
+ else:
+ os_name = platform.system()
+ if (
+ os_name == "Windows"
+ and self.camera_info.type != CameraInfo.CameraType.FILE
+ and self.camera_info.type != CameraInfo.CameraType.URL
+ ):
+ # on windows use the dshow backend by default
+ self.video_capture = OpenCVVideoCaptureWithSettings(
+ self.camera_info.id, cv2.CAP_DSHOW
+ )
+ else:
+ # for files/urls, mac and linux use the default backend
+ self.video_capture = OpenCVVideoCaptureWithSettings(self.camera_info.id)
+ if self.retry_count != self.retry_high_water_mark:
+ # at the high water mark this is a reconnect
+ self.retry_count = 0
+ if not self.video_capture.isOpened():
+ logger.warn(
+ "Error: unable to open camera. Check if the camera is connected."
+ )
+ self.update_error.emit("Error: Unable to play video stream")
+ logger.info("Camera thread stopped")
+ return False
+ # attempt to set the highest resolution
+ # check if camera index is a OpenCV camera index
+ # if self.camera_info.type == CameraInfo.CameraType.OPENCV:
+ # # make sure to open the camera at the highest resolution
+ # set_camera_highest_resolution(self.video_capture)
+ return True
+ def run(self):
+ description_ascii = (
+ self.camera_info.description.encode("ascii", errors="ignore").decode()
+ if type(self.camera_info.description) == str
+ else str(self.camera_info.description)
+ )
+ logger.info("Starting camera thread for: '%s'", description_ascii)
+ if not self.connect_video_capture():
+ self.should_stop = True
+ return
+ self.last_update_timestamp = datetime.now()
+ self.last_frame_timestamp = datetime.now()
+ self.last_emit_time = datetime.now()
+ while not self.should_stop:
+ if self.video_capture is None:
+ logger.warn("Error: video capture is None")
+ break
+ if self.retry_count == self.retry_high_water_mark:
+ logger.warn("Error: retry high water mark exceeded")
+ # reconnect the video cap
+ if self.video_capture is not None:
+ self.video_capture.release()
+ self.video_capture = None
+ if not self.connect_video_capture():
+ self.should_stop = True
+ break
+ self.sleep_fps_target()
+ self.retry_count += 1
+ continue
+ if self.retry_count > self.retry_count_max:
+ logger.warn("Error: retry count exceeded")
+ self.should_stop = True
+ self.update_error.emit("Error: Unable to play video stream")
+ break
+ # Read the frame from the camera
+ ret, frame_rgb = None, None
+ try:
+ ret, frame_rgb = self.video_capture.read()
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.retry_count += 1
+ logger.exception(
+ "Error: unable to read frame from camera (retry count: %d), exception %s",
+ self.retry_count,
+ e,
+ )
+ self.sleep_fps_target()
+ continue
+ if not ret:
+ self.retry_count += 1
+ if self.camera_info.type == CameraInfo.CameraType.FILE:
+ logger.debug("Restarting video file")
+ self.video_capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0)
+ self.sleep_fps_target()
+ continue
+ logger.warn(
+ "Error: unable to read frame from camera, return value False (retry count: %d)",
+ self.retry_count,
+ )
+ self.sleep_fps_target()
+ continue
+ self.retry_count = 0 # good frame, reset the retry count
+ current_time = datetime.now()
+ # calculate the frame rate
+ time_diff_ms = (
+ current_time - self.last_frame_timestamp
+ ).microseconds / 1000
+ if time_diff_ms > 0:
+ self.fps = (
+ self.fps_alpha * (1000 / time_diff_ms)
+ + (1.0 - self.fps_alpha) * self.fps
+ )
+ self.last_frame_timestamp = current_time
+ # check that enough time has passed since last update
+ time_diff_ms = (
+ current_time - self.last_update_timestamp
+ ).microseconds / 1000
+ if time_diff_ms < self.update_frame_interval:
+ # dump this frame since not enough time has passed
+ self.sleep_fps_target()
+ continue
+ # process this frame
+ self.last_update_timestamp = current_time
+ self.ups = (
+ self.fps_alpha * (1000 / time_diff_ms)
+ + (1.0 - self.fps_alpha) * self.ups
+ )
+ # apply rotation if set
+ if self.crop.rotation != 0:
+ # use cv2.rotate to rotate the frame
+ rotateCode = (
+ if self.crop.rotation == 90
+ else (
+ if self.crop.rotation == 270
+ else cv2.ROTATE_180
+ )
+ )
+ frame_rgb = cv2.rotate(frame_rgb, rotateCode)
+ # apply top-level crop if set
+ if self.crop.isCropSet:
+ frame_rgb = frame_rgb[
+ self.crop.cropTop : frame_rgb.shape[0] - self.crop.cropBottom,
+ self.crop.cropLeft : frame_rgb.shape[1] - self.crop.cropRight,
+ ]
+ # Stabilize the frame
+ if self.stabilizationEnabled:
+ frame_rgb = self.framestabilizer.stabilize_frame(frame_rgb)
+ # Apply the homography to the frame
+ if self.homography is not None:
+ frame_rgb = cv2.warpPerspective(
+ frame_rgb, self.homography, (frame_rgb.shape[1], frame_rgb.shape[0])
+ )
+ gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame_rgb, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
+ _, binary = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
+ # Detect text in the target
+ if not self.detectionTargetsStorage.is_empty():
+ detectionTargets = self.detectionTargetsStorage.get_data()
+ texts = self.textDetector.detect_multi_text(
+ binary, gray, detectionTargets
+ )
+ if len(texts) > 0 and len(detectionTargets) == len(texts):
+ # augment the text detection targets with the results
+ results = []
+ for i, result in enumerate(texts):
+ if self.updateOnChange:
+ if (
+ detectionTargets[i].last_text is not None
+ and detectionTargets[i].last_text == result.text
+ ):
+ result.state = (
+ TextDetectionTargetWithResult.ResultState.SameNoChange
+ )
+ results.append(
+ TextDetectionTargetWithResult(
+ detectionTargets[i],
+ result.text,
+ result.state,
+ result.rect,
+ result.extra,
+ )
+ )
+ detectionTargets[i].last_text = result.text
+ # emit the results
+ self.ocr_result_signal.emit(results)
+ if ocr_training_data_options.save_ocr_training_data:
+ # save the image and the text
+ ocr_training_data_options.save_ocr_results_to_folder(
+ binary, gray, results
+ )
+ # Emit the signal to update the pixmap once per second
+ time_diff_prev = (current_time - self.last_emit_time).total_seconds() * 1000
+ if time_diff_prev >= self.preview_frame_interval:
+ if self.show_binary:
+ self.update_signal.emit(binary)
+ else:
+ self.update_signal.emit(frame_rgb)
+ self.last_emit_time = current_time
+ self.pps = (
+ self.fps_alpha * (1000 / time_diff_prev)
+ + (1.0 - self.fps_alpha) * self.pps
+ )
+ self.sleep_fps_target()
+ if self.video_capture is not None:
+ self.video_capture.release()
+ self.video_capture = None
+ logger.info("Camera thread stopped")
+ def sleep_fps_target(self):
+ time_diff_ms = (datetime.now() - self.last_frame_timestamp).microseconds / 1000
+ if time_diff_ms < self.frame_interval:
+ time.sleep((self.frame_interval - time_diff_ms) / 1000.0)
+ # on destroy, stop the timer
+ def __del__(self):
+ logger.info("Stopping camera")
+ self.should_stop = True
+ self.wait()
+ def toggleStabilization(self, state):
+ self.stabilizationEnabled = state
+ if not state:
+ self.framestabilizer.reset()
diff --git a/camera_view.py b/camera_view.py
index 7fa6f7e..4aaa19f 100644
--- a/camera_view.py
+++ b/camera_view.py
@@ -5,402 +5,25 @@
from PySide6.QtCore import Qt
from PySide6.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap, QPainter
-from PySide6.QtCore import QThread, Signal
+from PySide6.QtCore import Signal
-import platform
-import time
import numpy as np
import cv2
-import datetime
-from datetime import datetime
from camera_info import CameraInfo
-from ndi import NDICapture
-from screen_capture_source import ScreenCapture
-from storage import TextDetectionTargetMemoryStorage, subscribe_to_data, fetch_data
-from tesseract import TextDetector
-from text_detection_target import TextDetectionTargetWithResult
+from storage import TextDetectionTargetMemoryStorage, subscribe_to_data
from sc_logging import logger
-from frame_stabilizer import FrameStabilizer
+from camera_thread import TimerThread
-# Function to set the resolution
-def set_resolution(cap, width, height):
- cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width)
- cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height)
-# Function to get the resolution
-def get_resolution(cap):
- width = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)
- height = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)
- return width, height
-# Function to set the camera to the highest resolution
-def set_camera_highest_resolution(cap):
- # List of common resolutions to try
- resolutions = [(1920, 1080), (1280, 720), (1024, 768), (800, 600), (640, 480)]
- # grab one frame to make sure the camera is initialized
- ret, _ = cap.read()
- if not ret:
- logger.warn("Error: camera not initialized")
- return
- # grab the current resolution
- width, height = get_resolution(cap)
- # If the current resolution is already the highest, return
- if width >= resolutions[0][0] and height >= resolutions[0][1]:
- logger.info(
- "Camera is already at the highest resolution: %d x %d", width, height
- )
- return
- # Try each resolution and select the highest one that works
- highest_res = resolutions[0]
- for resolution in resolutions:
- logger.debug("Trying camera resolution: %d x %d", resolution[0], resolution[1])
- set_resolution(cap, *resolution)
- test_width, test_height = get_resolution(cap)
- logger.debug("Found camera resolution: %d x %d", test_width, test_height)
- # if found resolution is within close range of the target resolution, use it
- if (
- abs(test_width - resolution[0]) < 100
- and abs(test_height - resolution[1]) < 100
- ):
- logger.debug(
- "Camera highest resolution set to: %d x %d", test_width, test_height
- )
- highest_res = (test_width, test_height)
- break
- # Set the highest resolution
- logger.info("Setting camera resolution to: %d x %d", highest_res[0], highest_res[1])
- set_resolution(cap, *highest_res)
-class FrameCropAndRotation:
- def __init__(self):
- self.isCropSet = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "crop_mode", False)
- self.cropTop = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "top_crop", 0)
- self.cropBottom = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "bottom_crop", 0)
- self.cropLeft = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "left_crop", 0)
- self.cropRight = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "right_crop", 0)
- self.rotation = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "rotation", 0)
- subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "crop_mode", self.setCropMode)
- subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "top_crop", self.setCropTop)
- subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "bottom_crop", self.setCropBottom)
- subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "left_crop", self.setCropLeft)
- subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "right_crop", self.setCropRight)
- subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "rotation", self.setRotation)
- def setCropMode(self, crop_mode):
- self.isCropSet = crop_mode
- def setCropTop(self, crop_top):
- self.cropTop = crop_top
- def setCropBottom(self, crop_bottom):
- self.cropBottom = crop_bottom
- def setCropLeft(self, crop_left):
- self.cropLeft = crop_left
- def setCropRight(self, crop_right):
- self.cropRight = crop_right
- def setRotation(self, rotation):
- self.rotation = rotation
-class TimerThread(QThread):
- update_signal = Signal(object)
- update_error = Signal(object)
- ocr_result_signal = Signal(list)
+class CameraView(QGraphicsView):
+ first_frame_received_signal = Signal()
def __init__(
- camera_info: CameraInfo,
- detectionTargetsStorage: TextDetectionTargetMemoryStorage,
+ camera_index: CameraInfo,
+ detectionTargetsStorage: TextDetectionTargetMemoryStorage | None = None,
- super().__init__()
- self.camera_info = camera_info
- self.homography = None
- self.detectionTargetsStorage = detectionTargetsStorage
- self.textDetector = TextDetector() # initialize tesseract
- self.show_binary = False
- self.retry_count = 0
- self.retry_count_max = 50
- self.retry_high_water_mark = 25
- self.stabilizationEnabled = False
- self.framestabilizer = FrameStabilizer()
- self.video_capture = None
- self.should_stop = False
- self.frame_interval = 30
- self.update_frame_interval = 1000 / fetch_data(
- "scoresight.json", "detection_cadence", 5
- )
- subscribe_to_data(
- "scoresight.json", "detection_cadence", self.setUpdateFrameInterval
- )
- self.preview_frame_interval = 1000
- self.fps = 1000 / self.frame_interval # frames per second
- self.pps = 1000 / self.preview_frame_interval # previews per second
- self.ups = 1000 / self.update_frame_interval # updates per second
- self.fps_alpha = 0.1 # Smoothing factor
- self.updateOnChange = True
- self.crop = FrameCropAndRotation()
- def setUpdateFrameInterval(self, cadence):
- self.update_frame_interval = 1000 / cadence
- def connect_video_capture(self) -> bool:
- if self.camera_info.type == CameraInfo.CameraType.NDI:
- self.video_capture = NDICapture(self.camera_info.uuid)
- elif self.camera_info.type == CameraInfo.CameraType.SCREEN_CAPTURE:
- self.video_capture = ScreenCapture(self.camera_info.id)
- else:
- os_name = platform.system()
- if (
- os_name == "Windows"
- and self.camera_info.type != CameraInfo.CameraType.FILE
- and self.camera_info.type != CameraInfo.CameraType.URL
- ):
- # on windows use the dshow backend
- self.video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(
- self.camera_info.id, cv2.CAP_DSHOW
- )
- else:
- # for files/urls, mac and linux use the default backend
- self.video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(self.camera_info.id)
- if self.retry_count != self.retry_high_water_mark:
- # at the high water mark this is a reconnect
- self.retry_count = 0
- if not self.video_capture.isOpened():
- logger.warn(
- "Error: unable to open camera. Check if the camera is connected."
- )
- self.update_error.emit("Error: Unable to play video stream")
- logger.info("Camera thread stopped")
- return False
- # attempt to set the highest resolution
- # check if camera index is a OpenCV camera index
- if self.camera_info.type == CameraInfo.CameraType.OPENCV:
- # make sure to open the camera at the highest resolution
- set_camera_highest_resolution(self.video_capture)
- return True
- def run(self):
- description_ascii = (
- self.camera_info.description.encode("ascii", errors="ignore").decode()
- if type(self.camera_info.description) == str
- else str(self.camera_info.description)
- )
- logger.info("Starting camera thread for: '%s'", description_ascii)
- if not self.connect_video_capture():
- self.should_stop = True
- return
- self.last_update_timestamp = datetime.now()
- self.last_frame_timestamp = datetime.now()
- self.last_emit_time = datetime.now()
- while not self.should_stop:
- if self.video_capture is None:
- logger.warn("Error: video capture is None")
- break
- if self.retry_count == self.retry_high_water_mark:
- logger.warn("Error: retry high water mark exceeded")
- # reconnect the video cap
- if self.video_capture is not None:
- self.video_capture.release()
- self.video_capture = None
- if not self.connect_video_capture():
- self.should_stop = True
- break
- self.sleep_fps_target()
- self.retry_count += 1
- continue
- if self.retry_count > self.retry_count_max:
- logger.warn("Error: retry count exceeded")
- self.should_stop = True
- self.update_error.emit("Error: Unable to play video stream")
- break
- # Read the frame from the camera
- ret, frame_rgb = None, None
- try:
- ret, frame_rgb = self.video_capture.read()
- except Exception as e:
- self.retry_count += 1
- logger.exception(
- "Error: unable to read frame from camera (retry count: %d), exception %s",
- self.retry_count,
- e,
- )
- self.sleep_fps_target()
- continue
- if not ret:
- self.retry_count += 1
- if self.camera_info.type == CameraInfo.CameraType.FILE:
- logger.debug("Restarting video file")
- self.video_capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0)
- self.sleep_fps_target()
- continue
- logger.warn(
- "Error: unable to read frame from camera, return value False (retry count: %d)",
- self.retry_count,
- )
- self.sleep_fps_target()
- continue
- self.retry_count = 0 # good frame, reset the retry count
- current_time = datetime.now()
- # calculate the frame rate
- time_diff_ms = (
- current_time - self.last_frame_timestamp
- ).microseconds / 1000
- if time_diff_ms > 0:
- self.fps = (
- self.fps_alpha * (1000 / time_diff_ms)
- + (1.0 - self.fps_alpha) * self.fps
- )
- self.last_frame_timestamp = current_time
- # check that enough time has passed since last update
- time_diff_ms = (
- current_time - self.last_update_timestamp
- ).microseconds / 1000
- if time_diff_ms < self.update_frame_interval:
- # dump this frame since not enough time has passed
- self.sleep_fps_target()
- continue
- # process this frame
- self.last_update_timestamp = current_time
- self.ups = (
- self.fps_alpha * (1000 / time_diff_ms)
- + (1.0 - self.fps_alpha) * self.ups
- )
- # apply rotation if set
- if self.crop.rotation != 0:
- # use cv2.rotate to rotate the frame
- rotateCode = (
- if self.crop.rotation == 90
- else (
- if self.crop.rotation == 270
- else cv2.ROTATE_180
- )
- )
- frame_rgb = cv2.rotate(frame_rgb, rotateCode)
- # apply top-level crop if set
- if self.crop.isCropSet:
- frame_rgb = frame_rgb[
- self.crop.cropTop : frame_rgb.shape[0] - self.crop.cropBottom,
- self.crop.cropLeft : frame_rgb.shape[1] - self.crop.cropRight,
- ]
- # Stabilize the frame
- if self.stabilizationEnabled:
- frame_rgb = self.framestabilizer.stabilize_frame(frame_rgb)
- # Apply the homography to the frame
- if self.homography is not None:
- frame_rgb = cv2.warpPerspective(
- frame_rgb, self.homography, (frame_rgb.shape[1], frame_rgb.shape[0])
- )
- gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame_rgb, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
- _, binary = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
- # Detect text in the target
- if not self.detectionTargetsStorage.is_empty():
- detectionTargets = self.detectionTargetsStorage.get_data()
- texts = self.textDetector.detect_multi_text(
- binary, gray, detectionTargets
- )
- if len(texts) > 0 and len(detectionTargets) == len(texts):
- # augment the text detection targets with the results
- results = []
- for i, result in enumerate(texts):
- if self.updateOnChange:
- if (
- detectionTargets[i].last_text is not None
- and detectionTargets[i].last_text == result.text
- ):
- result.state = (
- TextDetectionTargetWithResult.ResultState.SameNoChange
- )
- results.append(
- TextDetectionTargetWithResult(
- detectionTargets[i],
- result.text,
- result.state,
- result.rect,
- result.extra,
- )
- )
- detectionTargets[i].last_text = result.text
- # emit the results
- self.ocr_result_signal.emit(results)
- # Emit the signal to update the pixmap once per second
- time_diff_prev = (current_time - self.last_emit_time).total_seconds() * 1000
- if time_diff_prev >= self.preview_frame_interval:
- if self.show_binary:
- self.update_signal.emit(binary)
- else:
- self.update_signal.emit(frame_rgb)
- self.last_emit_time = current_time
- self.pps = (
- self.fps_alpha * (1000 / time_diff_prev)
- + (1.0 - self.fps_alpha) * self.pps
- )
- self.sleep_fps_target()
- if self.video_capture is not None:
- self.video_capture.release()
- self.video_capture = None
- logger.info("Camera thread stopped")
- def sleep_fps_target(self):
- time_diff_ms = (datetime.now() - self.last_frame_timestamp).microseconds / 1000
- if time_diff_ms < self.frame_interval:
- time.sleep((self.frame_interval - time_diff_ms) / 1000.0)
- # on destroy, stop the timer
- def __del__(self):
- logger.info("Stopping camera")
- self.should_stop = True
- self.wait()
- def toggleStabilization(self, state):
- self.stabilizationEnabled = state
- if not state:
- self.framestabilizer.reset()
-class CameraView(QGraphicsView):
- first_frame_received_signal = Signal()
- def __init__(self, camera_index, detectionTargetsStorage=None):
self.scene = QGraphicsScene(self)
@@ -415,6 +38,18 @@ def __init__(self, camera_index, detectionTargetsStorage=None):
self.fps_text = None
self.error_text = None
self.showOSD = True
+ self.camera_width = 0
+ self.camera_height = 0
+ subscribe_to_data("scoresight.json", "video_settings", self.resetFrame)
+ def resetFrame(self, data):
+ self.firstFrameReceived = False
+ def getCameraCapture(self):
+ return self.timerThread.video_capture
+ def getCameraInfo(self):
+ return self.timerThread.camera_info
def setUpdateOnChange(self, updateOnChange):
self.timerThread.updateOnChange = updateOnChange
@@ -473,19 +108,25 @@ def update_pixmap(self, frame):
if not self.firstFrameReceived:
self.firstFrameReceived = True
+ self.camera_width = self.timerThread.video_capture.get(
+ )
+ self.camera_height = self.timerThread.video_capture.get(
+ )
# update the fps text
- fps_text = f"Frames/s: {self.timerThread.fps:.2f}\nUpdates/s: {self.timerThread.ups:.2f}\nPreviews/s: {self.timerThread.pps:.2f}"
+ fps_text = f"Frames/s: {self.timerThread.fps:.2f}\nUpdates/s: {self.timerThread.ups:.2f}\nPreviews/s: {self.timerThread.pps:.2f}\nResolution: {int(self.camera_width)}x{int(self.camera_height)}"
if self.fps_text is None:
self.fps_text = self.scene.addText(fps_text)
self.fps_text.setPos(0, 0)
- # scale the text according to the view size so its always the same size
- self.fps_text.setScale(0.002 * self.scenePixmapItem.boundingRect().width())
+ # scale the text according to the view size so its always the same size
+ self.fps_text.setScale(0.0015 * self.scenePixmapItem.boundingRect().width())
def error_event(self, error):
if self.error_text is not None:
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index c1bcb51..86924f5 100644
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -1,1565 +1,50 @@
-from functools import partial
-import os
-import platform
-import sys
-import datetime
-from PySide6.QtWidgets import (
- QApplication,
- QDialog,
- QFileDialog,
- QInputDialog,
- QLabel,
- QMainWindow,
- QMenu,
- QMessageBox,
- QTableWidgetItem,
-from PySide6.QtGui import QIcon, QStandardItemModel, QStandardItem, QDesktopServices
-from PySide6.QtCore import (
- Qt,
- Signal,
- Slot,
- QTranslator,
- QLocale,
- QObject,
- QCoreApplication,
- QEvent,
- QMetaMethod,
- QUrl,
-from dotenv import load_dotenv
-from os import path
-from platformdirs import user_data_dir
-from camera_info import CameraInfo
-from get_camera_info import get_camera_info
-from http_server import start_http_server, update_http_server, stop_http_server
-from screen_capture_source import ScreenCapture
-from source_view import ImageViewer
-from defaults import (
- default_boxes,
- default_info_for_box_name,
- normalize_settings_dict,
- format_prefixes,
-from storage import (
- TextDetectionTargetMemoryStorage,
- fetch_data,
- remove_data,
- store_data,
- store_custom_box_name,
- rename_custom_box_name_in_storage,
- remove_custom_box_name_in_storage,
- fetch_custom_box_names,
-from obs_websocket import (
- create_obs_scene_from_export,
- open_obs_websocket,
- update_text_source,
-from template_fields import evaluate_template_field
-from text_detection_target import TextDetectionTarget, TextDetectionTargetWithResult
-from sc_logging import logger
-from update_check import check_for_updates
-from log_view import LogViewerDialog
-import file_output
-from vmix_output import VMixAPI
-from ui_mainwindow import Ui_MainWindow
-from ui_about import Ui_Dialog as Ui_About
-from ui_connect_obs import Ui_Dialog as Ui_ConnectObs
-from ui_url_source import Ui_Dialog as Ui_UrlSource
-from ui_screen_capture import Ui_Dialog as Ui_ScreenCapture
-def clear_layout(layout):
- while layout.count():
- item = layout.takeAt(0)
- widget = item.widget()
- if widget is not None:
- widget.deleteLater()
- widget = None
- else:
- clear_layout(item.layout())
-class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
- # add a signal to update sources
- update_sources = Signal(list)
- get_sources = Signal()
- def __init__(self, translator: QTranslator, parent: QObject):
- super(MainWindow, self).__init__()
- self.parent_object = parent
- self.ui = Ui_MainWindow()
- logger.info("Starting ScoreSight")
- self.ui.setupUi(self)
- self.translator = translator
- # load env variables
- load_dotenv()
- self.setWindowTitle(f"ScoreSight - v{os.getenv('LOCAL_RELEASE_TAG')}")
- if platform.system() == "Windows":
- # set the icon
- self.setWindowIcon(
- QIcon(
- path.abspath(
- path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "icons/Windows-icon-open.ico")
- )
- )
- )
- self.menubar = self.menuBar()
- file_menu = self.menubar.addMenu("File")
- # check for updates
- check_for_updates(False)
- file_menu.addAction("Check for Updates", lambda: check_for_updates(True))
- file_menu.addAction("About", self.openAboutDialog)
- file_menu.addAction("View Current Log", self.openLogsDialog)
- file_menu.addAction("Import Configuration", self.importConfiguration)
- file_menu.addAction("Export Configuration", self.exportConfiguration)
- file_menu.addAction("Open Configuration Folder", self.openConfigurationFolder)
- # Add "Language" menu
- languageMenu = file_menu.addMenu("Language")
- # Add language options
- self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "English (US)", "en_US")
- self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "French (France)", "fr_FR")
- self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Spanish (Spain)", "es_ES")
- self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "German", "de_DE")
- self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Italian", "it_IT")
- self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Japanese", "ja_JP")
- self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Korean", "ko_KR")
- self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Dutch", "nl_NL")
- self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Polish", "pl_PL")
- self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Portuguese (Brazil)", "pt_BR")
- self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Portuguese (Portugal)", "pt_PT")
- self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Russian", "ru_RU")
- self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Chinese (Simplified)", "zh_CN")
- # Hide the menu bar by default
- self.menubar.setVisible(False)
- # Show the menu bar when the Alt key is pressed
- self.installEventFilter(self)
- self.ui.pushButton_connectObs.clicked.connect(self.openOBSConnectModal)
- self.vmixUiSetup()
- start_http_server()
- self.ui.pushButton_stabilize.setEnabled(True)
- self.ui.pushButton_stabilize.clicked.connect(self.toggleStabilize)
- self.ui.toolButton_topCrop.clicked.connect(self.cropMode)
- # check configuation if crop is enabled
- self.ui.toolButton_topCrop.setChecked(
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "crop_mode", False)
- )
- self.ui.widget_cropPanel.setVisible(self.ui.toolButton_topCrop.isChecked())
- self.ui.widget_cropPanel.setEnabled(self.ui.toolButton_topCrop.isChecked())
- self.ui.spinBox_leftCrop.valueChanged.connect(
- partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "left_crop")
- )
- self.ui.spinBox_leftCrop.setValue(fetch_data("scoresight.json", "left_crop", 0))
- self.ui.spinBox_rightCrop.valueChanged.connect(
- partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "right_crop")
- )
- self.ui.spinBox_rightCrop.setValue(
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "right_crop", 0)
- )
- self.ui.spinBox_topCrop.valueChanged.connect(
- partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "top_crop")
- )
- self.ui.spinBox_topCrop.setValue(fetch_data("scoresight.json", "top_crop", 0))
- self.ui.spinBox_bottomCrop.valueChanged.connect(
- partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "bottom_crop")
- )
- self.ui.spinBox_bottomCrop.setValue(
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "bottom_crop", 0)
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_enableOutAPI.toggled.connect(
- partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "enable_out_api")
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_enableOutAPI.setChecked(
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "enable_out_api", False)
- )
- # connect toolButton_rotate
- self.ui.toolButton_rotate.clicked.connect(self.rotateImage)
- self.ui.widget_detectionCadence.setVisible(True)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_detectionCadence.setValue(
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "detection_cadence", 5)
- )
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_detectionCadence.valueChanged.connect(
- self.detectionCadenceChanged
- )
- self.ui.toolButton_addBox.clicked.connect(self.addBox)
- self.ui.toolButton_removeBox.clicked.connect(self.removeCustomBox)
- self.obs_websocket_client = None
- ocr_models = [
- "Daktronics",
- "General Scoreboard",
- "General Fonts (English)",
- "General Scoreboard Large",
- ]
- self.ui.comboBox_ocrModel.addItems(ocr_models)
- self.ui.comboBox_ocrModel.setCurrentIndex(
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "ocr_model", 1)
- ) # default to General Scoreboard
- self.ui.frame_source_view.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.groupBox_target_settings.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.pushButton_makeBox.clicked.connect(self.makeBox)
- self.ui.pushButton_removeBox.clicked.connect(self.removeBox)
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.itemClicked.connect(self.listItemClicked)
- # connect the edit triggers
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.editBoxName)
- self.ui.pushButton_refresh_sources.clicked.connect(
- lambda: self.get_sources.emit()
- )
- self.detectionTargetsStorage = TextDetectionTargetMemoryStorage()
- self.detectionTargetsStorage.data_changed.connect(self.detectionTargetsChanged)
- self.ui.pushButton_createOBSScene.clicked.connect(self.createOBSScene)
- self.ui.pushButton_selectFolder.clicked.connect(self.selectOutputFolder)
- self.ui.toolButton_trashFolder.clicked.connect(self.clearOutputFolder)
- self.ui.pushButton_stopUpdates.toggled.connect(self.toggleStopUpdates)
- self.ui.comboBox_ocrModel.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.ocrModelChanged)
- self.ui.pushButton_restoreDefaults.clicked.connect(self.restoreDefaults)
- self.ui.toolButton_zoomReset.clicked.connect(self.resetZoom)
- self.ui.toolButton_osd.toggled.connect(self.toggleOSD)
- self.ui.toolButton_showOCRrects.toggled.connect(self.toggleOCRRects)
- self.ui.checkBox_smoothing.toggled.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "smoothing")
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_skip_empty.toggled.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "skip_empty")
- )
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_conf_thresh.valueChanged.connect(
- self.confThreshChanged
- )
- self.ui.lineEdit_format.textChanged.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "format_regex")
- )
- self.ui.comboBox_fieldType.currentIndexChanged.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "type")
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_skip_similar_image.toggled.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "skip_similar_image")
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_autocrop.toggled.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "autocrop")
- )
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_cleanup.valueChanged.connect(self.cleanupThreshChanged)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_dilate.valueChanged.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "dilate")
- )
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_skew.valueChanged.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "skew")
- )
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_vscale.valueChanged.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "vscale")
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_removeLeadingZeros.toggled.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "remove_leading_zeros")
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_rescalePatch.toggled.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "rescale_patch")
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_normWHRatio.toggled.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "normalize_wh_ratio")
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_invertPatch.toggled.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "invert_patch")
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_dotDetector.toggled.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "dot_detector")
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_ordinalIndicator.toggled.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "ordinal_indicator")
- )
- self.ui.comboBox_binarizationMethod.currentIndexChanged.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "binarization_method")
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_templatefield.toggled.connect(self.makeTemplateField)
- self.ui.lineEdit_templatefield.textChanged.connect(
- partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "templatefield_text")
- )
- self.ui.comboBox_formatPrefix.currentIndexChanged.connect(
- self.formatPrefixChanged
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_updateOnchange.toggled.connect(self.toggleUpdateOnChange)
- # populate the tableWidget_boxes with the default and custom boxes
- custom_boxes_names = fetch_custom_box_names()
- for box_name in [box["name"] for box in default_boxes] + custom_boxes_names:
- item = QTableWidgetItem(
- QIcon(
- path.abspath(
- path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "icons/circle-x.svg")
- )
- ),
- box_name,
- )
- item.setData(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, "unchecked")
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.insertRow(self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount())
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setItem(
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount() - 1, 0, item
- )
- disabledItem = QTableWidgetItem()
- disabledItem.setFlags(Qt.ItemFlag.NoItemFlags)
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setItem(
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount() - 1, 1, disabledItem
- )
- self.image_viewer = None
- self.obs_connect_modal = None
- self.source_name = None
- self.updateOCRResults = True
- self.log_dialog = None
- if fetch_data("scoresight.json", "open_on_startup", False):
- logger.info("Opening log dialog on startup")
- self.openLogsDialog()
- if fetch_data("scoresight.json", "obs"):
- self.connectObs()
- self.out_folder = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "output_folder")
- if self.out_folder:
- if not path.exists(self.out_folder):
- self.out_folder = None
- remove_data("scoresight.json", "output_folder")
- else:
- self.ui.lineEdit_folder.setText(self.out_folder)
- self.first_csv_append = True
- self.last_aggregate_save = datetime.datetime.now()
- self.ui.checkBox_saveCsv.toggled.connect(
- partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "save_csv")
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_saveCsv.setChecked(
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "save_csv", False)
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_saveXML.toggled.connect(
- partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "save_xml")
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_saveXML.setChecked(
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "save_xml", False)
- )
- self.ui.comboBox_appendMethod.currentIndexChanged.connect(
- partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "append_method")
- )
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_aggsPerSecond.valueChanged.connect(
- partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "aggs_per_second")
- )
- self.ui.comboBox_appendMethod.setCurrentIndex(
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "append_method", 3)
- )
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_aggsPerSecond.setValue(
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "aggs_per_second", 5)
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_updateOnchange.setChecked(
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "update_on_change", True)
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_vmix_send_same.setChecked(
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "vmix_send_same", False)
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_vmix_send_same.toggled.connect(
- partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "vmix_send_same")
- )
- self.update_sources.connect(self.updateSources)
- self.get_sources.connect(self.getSources)
- self.get_sources.emit()
- def rotateImage(self):
- # store the rotation in the scoresight.json
- rotation = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "rotation", 0)
- rotation += 90
- if rotation >= 360:
- rotation = 0
- self.globalSettingsChanged("rotation", rotation)
- def cropMode(self):
- # if the toolButton_topCrop is unchecked, go to crop mode
- if self.ui.toolButton_topCrop.isChecked():
- self.ui.widget_cropPanel.setVisible(True)
- self.ui.widget_cropPanel.setEnabled(True)
- self.globalSettingsChanged("crop_mode", True)
- else:
- self.ui.widget_cropPanel.setVisible(False)
- self.ui.widget_cropPanel.setEnabled(False)
- self.globalSettingsChanged("crop_mode", False)
- def globalSettingsChanged(self, settingName, value):
- store_data("scoresight.json", settingName, value)
- def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
- if event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress and event.key() == Qt.Key_Alt:
- self.menubar.setVisible(True)
- elif event.type() == QEvent.FocusOut and self.menubar.isVisible():
- self.menubar.setVisible(False)
- elif event.type() == QEvent.WindowDeactivate and self.menubar.isVisible():
- self.menubar.setVisible(False)
- return super().eventFilter(obj, event)
- def focusOutEvent(self, event):
- if self.menubar.isVisible():
- self.menubar.setVisible(False)
- super().focusOutEvent(event)
- def changeEvent(self, event):
- if event.type() == QEvent.WindowDeactivate and self.menubar.isVisible():
- self.menubar.setVisible(False)
- super().changeEvent(event)
- def changeLanguage(self, locale):
- locale_file = path.abspath(
- path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "translations", f"scoresight_{locale}.qm")
- )
- logger.info(f"Changing language to {locale_file}")
- if not self.translator.load(locale_file):
- logger.error(f"Could not load translation for {locale_file}")
- return
- appInstance = QApplication.instance()
- if appInstance:
- logger.info(f"installing translator for {locale}")
- appInstance.installTranslator(self.translator)
- self.ui.retranslateUi(self)
- def addLanguageOption(self, menu: QMenu, language_name: str, locale: str):
- menu.addAction(language_name, lambda: self.changeLanguage(locale))
- def toggleUpdateOnChange(self, value):
- self.globalSettingsChanged("update_on_change", value)
- if self.image_viewer:
- self.image_viewer.setUpdateOnChange(value)
- def formatPrefixChanged(self, index):
- if index == 12:
- return # do nothing if "Select Preset" is selected
- # based on the selected index, set the format prefix
- # change lineEdit_format to the selected format prefix
- self.ui.lineEdit_format.setText(format_prefixes[index])
- def importConfiguration(self):
- # open a file dialog to select a configuration file
- file, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
- self, "Open Configuration File", "", "Configuration Files (*.json)"
- )
- if not file:
- return
- # load the configuration from the file
- if not self.detectionTargetsStorage.loadBoxesFromFile(file):
- # show an error qmessagebox
- logger.error("Error loading configuration file")
- QMessageBox.critical(
- self,
- "Error",
- "Error loading configuration file",
- QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok,
- )
- return
- def exportConfiguration(self):
- # open a file dialog to select the output file
- file, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
- self, "Save Configuration File", "", "Configuration Files (*.json)"
- )
- if not file:
- return
- # save the configuration to the file
- self.detectionTargetsStorage.saveBoxesToFile(file)
- def openConfigurationFolder(self):
- # open the configuration folder in the file explorer
- QDesktopServices.openUrl(
- QUrl(
- "file:///" + user_data_dir("scoresight"), QUrl.ParsingMode.TolerantMode
- )
- )
- def toggleOSD(self, value):
- if self.image_viewer:
- self.image_viewer.toggleOSD(value)
- def toggleOCRRects(self, value):
- if self.image_viewer:
- self.image_viewer.toggleOCRRects(value)
- def resetZoom(self):
- if self.image_viewer:
- self.image_viewer.resetZoom()
- def detectionCadenceChanged(self, detections_per_second):
- self.globalSettingsChanged("detection_cadence", detections_per_second)
- if self.image_viewer and self.image_viewer.timerThread:
- # convert the detections_per_second to milliseconds
- self.image_viewer.timerThread.update_frame_interval = (
- 1000 / detections_per_second
- )
- def ocrModelChanged(self, index):
- self.globalSettingsChanged("ocr_model", index)
- # update the ocr model in the text detector
- if (
- self.image_viewer
- and self.image_viewer.timerThread
- and self.image_viewer.timerThread.textDetector
- ):
- self.image_viewer.timerThread.textDetector.setOcrModel(index)
- def openLogsDialog(self):
- if self.log_dialog is None:
- # open the logs dialog
- self.log_dialog = LogViewerDialog()
- self.log_dialog.setWindowTitle("Logs")
- # show the dialog, non modal
- self.log_dialog.show()
- def openAboutDialog(self):
- # open the about dialog
- about_dialog = QDialog()
- about_dialog_ui = Ui_About()
- about_dialog_ui.setupUi(about_dialog)
- about_dialog.setWindowTitle("About ScoreSight")
- about_dialog.exec()
- def toggleStabilize(self):
- if not self.image_viewer:
- return
- # start or stop the stabilization
- self.image_viewer.toggleStabilization(self.ui.pushButton_stabilize.isChecked())
- def toggleStopUpdates(self, value):
- self.updateOCRResults = not value
- # change the text on the button
- self.ui.pushButton_stopUpdates.setText(
- self.translator.translate("main", "Resume updates")
- if value
- else self.translator.translate("main", "Stop updates")
- )
- def selectOutputFolder(self):
- # open a Qt dialog to select the output folder
- folder = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(
- self,
- "Select Output Folder",
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "output_folder", ""),
- options=QFileDialog.Option.ShowDirsOnly,
- )
- if folder and len(folder) > 0:
- self.ui.lineEdit_folder.setText(folder)
- self.out_folder = folder
- self.globalSettingsChanged("output_folder", folder)
- def clearOutputFolder(self):
- # clear the output folder
- self.ui.lineEdit_folder.setText("")
- self.out_folder = None
- remove_data("scoresight.json", "output_folder")
- def editSettings(self, settingsMutatorCallback):
- # update the selected item's settings in the detectionTargetsStorage
- item = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.currentItem()
- if item is None:
- logger.info("no item selected")
- return
- item_name = item.text()
- item_obj = self.detectionTargetsStorage.find_item_by_name(item_name)
- if item_obj is None:
- logger.info("item not found: %s", item_name)
- return
- item_obj = settingsMutatorCallback(item_obj)
- self.detectionTargetsStorage.edit_item(item_name, item_obj)
- def restoreDefaults(self):
- # restore the default settings for the selected item
- def restoreDefaultsSettings(item_obj):
- info = default_info_for_box_name(item_obj.name)
- item_obj.settings = normalize_settings_dict({}, info)
- return item_obj
- self.editSettings(restoreDefaultsSettings)
- self.populateSettings(self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.currentItem().text())
- def confThreshChanged(self):
- def editConfThreshSettings(item_obj):
- item_obj.settings["conf_thresh"] = (
- float(self.ui.horizontalSlider_conf_thresh.value()) / 100.0
- )
- return item_obj
- self.editSettings(editConfThreshSettings)
- def cleanupThreshChanged(self):
- def editCleanupThreshSettings(item_obj):
- item_obj.settings["cleanup_thresh"] = (
- float(self.ui.horizontalSlider_cleanup.value()) / 100.0
- )
- return item_obj
- self.editSettings(editCleanupThreshSettings)
- def genericSettingsChanged(self, settingName, value):
- def editGenericSettings(item_obj):
- item_obj.settings[settingName] = value
- return item_obj
- self.editSettings(editGenericSettings)
- def vmixConnectionChanged(self):
- self.vmixUpdater = VMixAPI(
- self.ui.lineEdit_vmixHost.text(),
- self.ui.lineEdit_vmixPort.text(),
- self.ui.inputLineEdit_vmix.text(),
- {},
- )
- self.globalSettingsChanged("vmix_host", self.ui.lineEdit_vmixHost.text())
- self.globalSettingsChanged("vmix_port", self.ui.lineEdit_vmixPort.text())
- self.globalSettingsChanged("vmix_input", self.ui.inputLineEdit_vmix.text())
- def vmixMappingChanged(self, _):
- # store entire mapping data in scoresight.json
- mapping = {}
- model = self.ui.tableView_vmixMapping.model()
- if isinstance(model, QStandardItemModel):
- for i in range(model.rowCount()):
- item = model.item(i, 0)
- value = model.item(i, 1)
- if item and value:
- mapping[item.text()] = value.text()
- self.globalSettingsChanged("vmix_mapping", mapping)
- self.vmixUpdater.set_field_mapping(mapping)
- else:
- logger.error("vmixMappingChanged: model is not a QStandardItemModel")
- def vmixUiSetup(self):
- # populate the vmix connection from storage
- self.ui.lineEdit_vmixHost.setText(
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "vmix_host", "localhost")
- )
- self.ui.lineEdit_vmixPort.setText(
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "vmix_port", "8099")
- )
- self.ui.inputLineEdit_vmix.setText(
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "vmix_input", "1")
- )
- # connect the lineEdits to vmixConnectionChanged
- self.ui.lineEdit_vmixHost.textChanged.connect(self.vmixConnectionChanged)
- self.ui.lineEdit_vmixPort.textChanged.connect(self.vmixConnectionChanged)
- self.ui.inputLineEdit_vmix.textChanged.connect(self.vmixConnectionChanged)
- # create the vmixUpdater
- self.vmixUpdater = VMixAPI(
- self.ui.lineEdit_vmixHost.text(),
- self.ui.lineEdit_vmixPort.text(),
- self.ui.inputLineEdit_vmix.text(),
- {},
- )
- # add standard item model to the tableView_vmixMapping
- self.ui.tableView_vmixMapping.setModel(QStandardItemModel())
- mapping = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "vmix_mapping", {})
- if mapping:
- self.vmixUpdater.set_field_mapping(mapping)
- self.ui.tableView_vmixMapping.model().dataChanged.connect(
- self.vmixMappingChanged
- )
- self.ui.pushButton_startvmix.toggled.connect(self.togglevMix)
- def togglevMix(self, value):
- if not self.vmixUpdater:
- return
- if value:
- self.ui.pushButton_startvmix.setText("🛑 Stop vMix")
- self.vmixUpdater.running = True
- else:
- self.ui.pushButton_startvmix.setText("▶️ Start vMix")
- self.vmixUpdater.running = False
- def updatevMixTable(self, detectionTargets):
- mapping_storage = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "vmix_mapping")
- model = QStandardItemModel()
- model.blockSignals(True)
- for box in detectionTargets:
- # add the detection to the vmix output mapping: tableView_vmixMapping
- # check if the table already has the detectionTarget
- items = model.findItems(box.name, Qt.MatchFlag.MatchExactly)
- if len(items) == 0:
- # add the item to the list
- row = model.rowCount()
- model.insertRow(row)
- model.setItem(row, 0, QStandardItem(box.name))
- # the first item shouldn't be editable
- model.item(row, 0).setFlags(Qt.ItemFlag.NoItemFlags)
- else:
- # update the item in the list
- item = items[0]
- row = item.row()
- # get value from storage or use the box name
- if mapping_storage and box.name in mapping_storage:
- model.setItem(row, 1, QStandardItem(mapping_storage[box.name]))
- else:
- model.setItem(row, 1, QStandardItem(box.name))
- # remove the items that are not in the detectionTargets
- for i in range(model.rowCount()):
- item = model.item(i, 0)
- if not any([box.name == item.text() for box in detectionTargets]):
- model.removeRow(i)
- model.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.tableView_vmixMapping.setModel(model)
- self.ui.tableView_vmixMapping.model().dataChanged.connect(
- self.vmixMappingChanged
- )
- def detectionTargetsChanged(self, detectionTargets):
- for box in detectionTargets:
- logger.debug(f"Change: Detection target: {box.name}")
- # change the list icon to green checkmark
- items = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.findItems(
- box.name, Qt.MatchFlag.MatchExactly
- )
- if len(items) == 0:
- logger.warning(f"Item not found: {box.name}. Adding it to the list.")
- # add the item to the list
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.insertRow(
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount()
- )
- item = QTableWidgetItem(box.name)
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setItem(
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount() - 1, 0, item
- )
- disabledItem = QTableWidgetItem()
- disabledItem.setFlags(Qt.ItemFlag.NoItemFlags)
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setItem(
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount() - 1, 1, disabledItem
- )
- else:
- item = items[0]
- if not box.settings["templatefield"]:
- # this is a detection target
- item.setIcon(
- QIcon(
- path.abspath(
- path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "icons/circle-check.svg")
- )
- )
- )
- item.setData(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, "checked")
- else:
- # this is a template field
- item.setIcon(
- QIcon(
- path.abspath(
- path.join(
- path.dirname(__file__), "icons/template-field.svg"
- )
- )
- )
- )
- item.setData(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, "templatefield")
- self.updatevMixTable(detectionTargets)
- # if save_csv is enabled, truncate the aggregate file
- if self.ui.checkBox_saveCsv.isChecked() and self.out_folder:
- csv_output_file_path = path.abspath(
- path.join(self.out_folder, "results.csv")
- )
- try:
- with open(csv_output_file_path, "w") as f:
- f.write("")
- self.first_csv_append = True
- self.last_aggregate_save = datetime.datetime.now()
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error(f"Error truncating aggregate file: {e}")
- def populateSettings(self, name):
- self.ui.lineEdit_format.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.comboBox_fieldType.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.checkBox_smoothing.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.checkBox_skip_empty.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_conf_thresh.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.checkBox_autocrop.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.checkBox_skip_similar_image.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_cleanup.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_dilate.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_skew.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_vscale.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.checkBox_removeLeadingZeros.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.checkBox_rescalePatch.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.checkBox_normWHRatio.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.checkBox_invertPatch.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.checkBox_ordinalIndicator.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.comboBox_binarizationMethod.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.comboBox_formatPrefix.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.checkBox_templatefield.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.lineEdit_templatefield.blockSignals(True)
- # populate the settings from the detectionTargetsStorage
- item_obj = self.detectionTargetsStorage.find_item_by_name(name)
- if item_obj is None:
- self.ui.lineEdit_format.setText("")
- self.ui.comboBox_fieldType.setCurrentIndex(0)
- self.ui.checkBox_smoothing.setChecked(True)
- self.ui.checkBox_skip_empty.setChecked(True)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_conf_thresh.setValue(50)
- self.ui.checkBox_autocrop.setChecked(False)
- self.ui.checkBox_skip_similar_image.setChecked(False)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_cleanup.setValue(0)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_dilate.setValue(1)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_skew.setValue(0)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_vscale.setValue(10)
- self.ui.label_selectedInfo.setText("")
- self.ui.checkBox_removeLeadingZeros.setChecked(False)
- self.ui.checkBox_rescalePatch.setChecked(False)
- self.ui.checkBox_normWHRatio.setChecked(False)
- self.ui.checkBox_invertPatch.setChecked(False)
- self.ui.checkBox_ordinalIndicator.setChecked(False)
- self.ui.comboBox_binarizationMethod.setCurrentIndex(0)
- self.ui.checkBox_templatefield.setChecked(False)
- self.ui.lineEdit_templatefield.setText("")
- else:
- item_obj.settings = normalize_settings_dict(
- item_obj.settings, default_info_for_box_name(item_obj.name)
- )
- self.ui.label_selectedInfo.setText(f"{item_obj.name}")
- self.ui.lineEdit_format.setText(item_obj.settings["format_regex"])
- self.ui.comboBox_fieldType.setCurrentIndex(item_obj.settings["type"])
- self.ui.checkBox_smoothing.setChecked(item_obj.settings["smoothing"])
- self.ui.checkBox_skip_empty.setChecked(item_obj.settings["skip_empty"])
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_conf_thresh.setValue(
- int(item_obj.settings["conf_thresh"] * 100)
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_autocrop.setChecked(item_obj.settings["autocrop"])
- self.ui.checkBox_skip_similar_image.setChecked(
- item_obj.settings["skip_similar_image"]
- )
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_cleanup.setValue(
- int(item_obj.settings["cleanup_thresh"] * 100)
- )
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_dilate.setValue(item_obj.settings["dilate"])
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_skew.setValue(item_obj.settings["skew"])
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_vscale.setValue(item_obj.settings["vscale"])
- self.ui.checkBox_removeLeadingZeros.setChecked(
- item_obj.settings["remove_leading_zeros"]
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_rescalePatch.setChecked(item_obj.settings["rescale_patch"])
- self.ui.checkBox_normWHRatio.setChecked(
- item_obj.settings["normalize_wh_ratio"]
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_invertPatch.setChecked(item_obj.settings["invert_patch"])
- self.ui.checkBox_dotDetector.setChecked(item_obj.settings["dot_detector"])
- self.ui.checkBox_ordinalIndicator.setChecked(
- item_obj.settings["ordinal_indicator"]
- )
- self.ui.comboBox_binarizationMethod.setCurrentIndex(
- item_obj.settings["binarization_method"]
- )
- self.ui.checkBox_templatefield.setChecked(
- item_obj.settings["templatefield"]
- )
- self.ui.lineEdit_templatefield.setText(
- item_obj.settings["templatefield_text"]
- )
- self.ui.comboBox_formatPrefix.setCurrentIndex(12)
- self.ui.lineEdit_format.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.comboBox_fieldType.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.checkBox_smoothing.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.checkBox_skip_empty.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_conf_thresh.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.checkBox_autocrop.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.checkBox_skip_similar_image.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_cleanup.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_dilate.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_skew.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.horizontalSlider_vscale.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.checkBox_removeLeadingZeros.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.checkBox_rescalePatch.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.checkBox_normWHRatio.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.checkBox_invertPatch.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.checkBox_ordinalIndicator.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.comboBox_binarizationMethod.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.comboBox_formatPrefix.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.checkBox_templatefield.blockSignals(False)
- self.ui.lineEdit_templatefield.blockSignals(False)
- def listItemClicked(self, item):
- user_role = item.data(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole)
- if user_role in ["checked", "templatefield"] and item.column() == 0:
- # enable the remove box button and disable the make box button
- self.ui.pushButton_makeBox.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.pushButton_removeBox.setEnabled(user_role == "checked")
- self.ui.groupBox_target_settings.setEnabled(user_role == "checked")
- self.populateSettings(item.text())
- else:
- # enable the make box button and disable the remove box button
- self.ui.pushButton_removeBox.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.pushButton_makeBox.setEnabled(item.column() == 0)
- self.ui.groupBox_target_settings.setEnabled(False)
- self.populateSettings("")
- if item.column() == 0:
- # if this is not a default box - enable the template field checkbox
- if item.text() not in [box["name"] for box in default_boxes]:
- self.ui.checkBox_templatefield.setEnabled(True)
- self.ui.lineEdit_templatefield.setEnabled(True)
- else:
- self.ui.checkBox_templatefield.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.lineEdit_templatefield.setEnabled(False)
- def openOBSConnectModal(self):
- # disable OBS options
- self.ui.lineEdit_sceneName.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.checkBox_recreate.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.pushButton_createOBSScene.setEnabled(False)
- # load the ui from "connect_obs.ui"
- self.obs_modal_ui = Ui_ConnectObs()
- self.obs_connect_modal = QDialog()
- self.obs_modal_ui.setupUi(self.obs_connect_modal)
- self.obs_connect_modal.setWindowTitle("Connect to OBS")
- # connect the "connect" button to a function
- self.obs_modal_ui.pushButton_connect.clicked.connect(self.connectObs)
- # load the saved data from scoresight.json
- obs_data = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "obs")
- if obs_data:
- self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_ip.setText(obs_data["ip"])
- self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_port.setText(obs_data["port"])
- self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_password.setText(obs_data["password"])
- # show the modal
- self.obs_connect_modal.show()
- # focus the connect button
- self.obs_modal_ui.pushButton_connect.setFocus()
- def connectObs(self):
- # open a websocket connection to OBS using obs_websocket.py
- # enable the save button in the modal if the connection is successful
- if self.obs_connect_modal is not None:
- self.obs_websocket_client = open_obs_websocket(
- {
- "ip": self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_ip.text(),
- "port": self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_port.text(),
- "password": self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_password.text(),
- }
- )
- else:
- self.obs_websocket_client = open_obs_websocket(
- fetch_data("scoresight.json", "obs")
- )
- if not self.obs_websocket_client:
- # show error in label_error
- if self.obs_connect_modal:
- self.obs_modal_ui.label_error.setText("Cannot connect to OBS")
- return
- # connection was successful
- if self.obs_connect_modal:
- store_data(
- "scoresight.json",
- "obs",
- {
- "ip": self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_ip.text(),
- "port": self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_port.text(),
- "password": self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_password.text(),
- },
- )
- self.obs_connect_modal.close()
- self.ui.lineEdit_sceneName.setEnabled(True)
- self.ui.checkBox_recreate.setEnabled(True)
- self.ui.pushButton_createOBSScene.setEnabled(True)
- logger.info("OBS: Connected")
- @Slot()
- def getSources(self):
- self.update_sources.emit(get_camera_info())
- @Slot(list)
- def updateSources(self, camera_sources: list[CameraInfo]):
- self.reset_playing_source()
- # clear all the items after "Screen Capture"
- for i in range(4, self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.count()):
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.removeItem(4)
- # populate the combobox with the sources
- for source in camera_sources:
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.addItem(source.description, source)
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setEnabled(True)
- currentIndexChangedSignal = QMetaMethod.fromSignal(
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndexChanged
- )
- if self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.isSignalConnected(currentIndexChangedSignal):
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndexChanged.disconnect()
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.sourceChanged)
- # enable the source view frame
- self.ui.frame_source_view.setEnabled(True)
- selected_source_from_storage = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "source_selected")
- if type(selected_source_from_storage) == str:
- logger.info(
- "Source selected from storage: %s", selected_source_from_storage
- )
- # check if the source is a file path
- if path.exists(selected_source_from_storage):
- logger.info("File exists: %s", selected_source_from_storage)
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentIndex(1)
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.blockSignals(False)
- self.source_name = selected_source_from_storage
- self.sourceSelectionSucessful()
- else:
- # select the last selected source
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentText(
- selected_source_from_storage
- )
- def reset_playing_source(self):
- if self.image_viewer:
- # remove the image viewer from the layout frame_for_source_view_label
- self.ui.frame_for_source_view_label.layout().removeWidget(self.image_viewer)
- self.image_viewer.close()
- self.image_viewer = None
- # add a label with markdown text
- label_select_source = QLabel("### Open a Camera or Load a File")
- label_select_source.setTextFormat(Qt.TextFormat.MarkdownText)
- label_select_source.setEnabled(False)
- label_select_source.setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter)
- clear_layout(self.ui.frame_for_source_view_label.layout())
- self.ui.frame_for_source_view_label.layout().addWidget(label_select_source)
- def sourceChanged(self, index):
- # get the source name from the combobox
- self.source_name = None
- self.ui.groupBox_sb_info.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.pushButton_fourCorner.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.pushButton_binary.setEnabled(False)
- if self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndex() == 0:
- self.reset_playing_source()
- return
- elif self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndex() == 1:
- logger.info("Open File selection dialog")
- # open a file dialog to select a video file
- file, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
- self, "Open Video File", "", "Video Files (*.mp4 *.avi *.mov)"
- )
- if not file or not path.exists(file):
- # no file selected - change source to "Select a source"
- logger.error("No file selected")
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentText("Select a source")
- return
- else:
- logger.info("File selected: %s", file)
- self.source_name = file
- elif self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndex() == 2:
- # open a dialog to enter the url
- url_dialog = QDialog()
- ui_urlsource = Ui_UrlSource()
- ui_urlsource.setupUi(url_dialog)
- url_dialog.setWindowTitle("URL Source")
- # focus on url input
- ui_urlsource.lineEdit_url.setFocus()
- url_dialog.exec() # wait for the dialog to close
- # check if the dialog was accepted
- if url_dialog.result() != QDialog.DialogCode.Accepted:
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentIndex(0)
- return
- self.source_name = ui_urlsource.lineEdit_url.text()
- if self.source_name == "":
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentIndex(0)
- return
- elif self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndex() == 3:
- # open a dialog to select the screen
- screen_dialog = QDialog()
- ui_screencapture = Ui_ScreenCapture()
- ui_screencapture.setupUi(screen_dialog)
- # set width and height of the dialog
- screen_dialog.setFixedWidth(400)
- screen_dialog.setWindowTitle(
- QCoreApplication.translate(
- "MainWindow", "Screen Capture Selection", None
- )
- )
- # populate comboBox_window with the available windows
- ui_screencapture.comboBox_window.clear()
- ui_screencapture.comboBox_window.addItem(
- QCoreApplication.translate(
- "MainWindow", "Capture the entire screen", None
- ),
- -1,
- )
- for window in ScreenCapture.list_windows():
- ui_screencapture.comboBox_window.addItem(window[0], window[1])
- screen_dialog.exec()
- # check if the dialog was accepted
- if screen_dialog.result() != QDialog.DialogCode.Accepted:
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentIndex(0)
- return
- # get the window ID from the comboBox_window
- window_id = ui_screencapture.comboBox_window.currentData()
- self.source_name = window_id
- # store the source selection in scoresight.json
- self.globalSettingsChanged("source_selected", self.source_name)
- self.sourceSelectionSucessful()
- def itemSelected(self, item_name):
- # select the item in the tableWidget_boxes
- items = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.findItems(
- item_name, Qt.MatchFlag.MatchExactly
- )
- if len(items) == 0:
- return
- item = items[0]
- item.setSelected(True)
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setCurrentItem(item)
- self.listItemClicked(item)
- def fourCornersApplied(self, corners):
- # check the button
- self.ui.pushButton_fourCorner.setChecked(True)
- def sourceSelectionSucessful(self):
- if self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndex() == 0:
- return
- self.ui.frame_source_view.setEnabled(False)
- if self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndex() == 1:
- if self.source_name is None or not path.exists(self.source_name):
- logger.error("No file selected")
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentIndex(0)
- return
- logger.info("Loading file selected: %s", self.source_name)
- camera_info = CameraInfo(
- self.source_name,
- self.source_name,
- self.source_name,
- CameraInfo.CameraType.FILE,
- )
- elif self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndex() == 2:
- if self.source_name is None or self.source_name == "":
- logger.error("No url entered")
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentIndex(0)
- return
- logger.info("Loading url: %s", self.source_name)
- camera_info = CameraInfo(
- self.source_name,
- self.source_name,
- self.source_name,
- CameraInfo.CameraType.URL,
- )
- elif self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndex() == 3:
- if self.source_name is None:
- logger.error("No screen capture selected")
- self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentIndex(0)
- return
- logger.info("Loading screen capture: %s", self.source_name)
- camera_info = CameraInfo(
- self.source_name,
- self.source_name,
- self.source_name,
- CameraInfo.CameraType.SCREEN_CAPTURE,
- )
- else:
- if self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentData() is None:
- return
- logger.info(
- "Loading camera: %s", self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentText()
- )
- camera_info = self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentData()
- if self.image_viewer:
- # remove the image viewer from the layout frame_for_source_view_label
- self.ui.frame_for_source_view_label.layout().removeWidget(self.image_viewer)
- self.image_viewer.close()
- self.image_viewer = None
- # clear self.ui.frame_for_source_view_label
- clear_layout(self.ui.frame_for_source_view_label.layout())
- # set the pixmap to the image viewer
- self.image_viewer = ImageViewer(
- camera_info,
- self.fourCornersApplied,
- self.detectionTargetsStorage,
- self.itemSelected,
- )
- self.ui.pushButton_fourCorner.setEnabled(True)
- self.ui.pushButton_binary.setEnabled(True)
- self.ui.pushButton_fourCorner.toggled.connect(
- self.image_viewer.toggleFourCorner
- )
- self.ui.pushButton_binary.clicked.connect(self.image_viewer.toggleBinary)
- if self.image_viewer.timerThread:
- self.image_viewer.timerThread.ocr_result_signal.connect(self.ocrResult)
- self.image_viewer.timerThread.update_error.connect(self.updateError)
- self.image_viewer.first_frame_received_signal.connect(
- self.cameraConnectedEnableUI
- )
- self.ocrModelChanged(fetch_data("scoresight.json", "ocr_model", 1))
- # set the image viewer to the layout frame_for_source_view_label
- self.ui.frame_for_source_view_label.layout().addWidget(self.image_viewer)
- def cameraConnectedEnableUI(self):
- # enable groupBox_sb_info
- self.ui.groupBox_sb_info.setEnabled(True)
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setEnabled(True)
- self.ui.frame_source_view.setEnabled(True)
- self.ui.widget_viewTools.setEnabled(True)
- # load the boxes from scoresight.json
- self.detectionTargetsStorage.loadBoxesFromStorage()
- self.updateError(None)
- def updateError(self, error):
- if not error:
- return
- logger.error(error)
- self.ui.frame_source_view.setEnabled(True)
- self.ui.widget_viewTools.setEnabled(False)
- def ocrResult(self, results: list[TextDetectionTargetWithResult]):
- # update template fields
- for targetWithResult in results:
- if not targetWithResult.settings["templatefield"]:
- continue
- targetWithResult.result = evaluate_template_field(results, targetWithResult)
- targetWithResult.result_state = (
- TextDetectionTargetWithResult.ResultState.Success
- if targetWithResult.result is not None
- else TextDetectionTargetWithResult.ResultState.Empty
- )
- # update the table widget value items
- for targetWithResult in results:
- if (
- targetWithResult.result_state
- == TextDetectionTargetWithResult.ResultState.Success
- ):
- items = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.findItems(
- targetWithResult.name, Qt.MatchFlag.MatchExactly
- )
- if len(items) == 0:
- continue
- item = items[0]
- # get the value (1 column) of the item
- item = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.item(item.row(), 1)
- item.setText(targetWithResult.result)
- if not self.updateOCRResults:
- # don't update the results, the user has disabled updates
- return
- update_http_server(results)
- # update vmix
- self.vmixUpdater.update_vmix(results)
- if self.out_folder is None:
- return
- if not path.exists(path.abspath(self.out_folder)):
- self.out_folder = None
- remove_data("scoresight.json", "output_folder")
- logger.warning("Output folder does not exist")
- return
- # check if enough time has passed since last file save according to aggs per second
- if (
- datetime.datetime.now() - self.last_aggregate_save
- ).total_seconds() < 1.0 / self.ui.horizontalSlider_aggsPerSecond.value():
- return
- self.last_aggregate_save = datetime.datetime.now()
- # update the obs scene sources with the results, use update_text_source
- for targetWithResult in results:
- if targetWithResult.result is None:
- continue
- if (
- targetWithResult.settings is not None
- and "skip_empty" in targetWithResult.settings
- and targetWithResult.settings["skip_empty"]
- and len(targetWithResult.result) == 0
- ):
- continue
- if (
- targetWithResult.result_state
- != TextDetectionTargetWithResult.ResultState.Success
- ):
- continue
- if (
- self.obs_websocket_client is not None
- and targetWithResult.settings is not None
- ):
- # find the source name for the target from the default boxes
- update_text_source(
- self.obs_websocket_client,
- targetWithResult.settings["obs_source_name"],
- targetWithResult.result,
- )
- # save the results to text files
- file_output.save_text_files(
- results, self.out_folder, self.ui.comboBox_appendMethod.currentIndex()
- )
- # save the results to a csv file
- if self.ui.checkBox_saveCsv.isChecked():
- file_output.save_csv(
- results,
- self.out_folder,
- self.ui.comboBox_appendMethod.currentIndex(),
- self.first_csv_append,
- )
- # save the results to an xml file
- if self.ui.checkBox_saveXML.isChecked():
- file_output.save_xml(
- results,
- self.out_folder,
- )
- def addBox(self):
- # add a new box to the tableWidget_boxes
- # find the number of custom boxes
- custom_boxes = []
- for i in range(self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount()):
- item = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.item(i, 0)
- if item.text() not in [o["name"] for o in default_boxes]:
- custom_boxes.append(item.text())
- i = len(custom_boxes)
- new_box_name = f"Custom {i + 1}"
- custom_boxes_names = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "custom_boxes_names", [])
- # find if the name already exists
- while new_box_name in custom_boxes or new_box_name in custom_boxes_names:
- i += 1
- new_box_name = f"Custom {i + 1}"
- store_custom_box_name(new_box_name)
- item = QTableWidgetItem(
- QIcon(
- path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "icons/circle-x.svg"))
- ),
- new_box_name,
- )
- item.setData(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, "unchecked")
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.insertRow(self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount())
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setItem(
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount() - 1, 0, item
- )
- disabledItem = QTableWidgetItem()
- disabledItem.setFlags(Qt.ItemFlag.NoItemFlags)
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setItem(
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount() - 1, 1, disabledItem
- )
- def removeCustomBox(self):
- item = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.currentItem()
- if not item:
- logger.info("No item selected")
- return
- if item.column() != 0:
- item = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.item(item.row(), 0)
- self.removeBox()
- remove_custom_box_name_in_storage(item.text())
- # only allow removing custom boxes
- if item.text() in [o["name"] for o in default_boxes]:
- logger.info("Cannot remove default box")
- return
- # remove the selected item from the tableWidget_boxes
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.removeRow(item.row())
- def editBoxName(self, item):
- if item.text() in [o["name"] for o in default_boxes]:
- # dont allow editing default boxes
- return
- new_name, ok = QInputDialog.getText(
- self, "Edit Box Name", "New Name:", text=item.text()
- )
- old_name = item.text()
- if ok and new_name != "" and new_name != old_name:
- # check if name doesn't exist already
- for i in range(self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount()):
- if new_name == self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.item(i, 0).text():
- logger.info("Name '%s' already exists", new_name)
- return
- # rename the item in the tableWidget_boxes
- rename_custom_box_name_in_storage(old_name, new_name)
- item.setText(new_name)
- # rename the item in the detectionTargetsStorage
- if not self.detectionTargetsStorage.rename_item(old_name, new_name):
- logger.info("Error renaming item in application storage")
- return
- else:
- # check if the item role isn't "templatefield"
- if item.data(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole) != "templatefield":
- # remove the item from the tableWidget_boxes
- self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.removeRow(item.row())
- def makeBox(self):
- item = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.currentItem()
- if not item:
- return
- # create a new box on self.image_viewer with the name of the selected item from the tableWidget_boxes
- # change the list icon to green checkmark
- item.setIcon(
- QIcon(
- path.abspath(
- path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "icons/circle-check.svg")
- )
- )
- )
- item.setData(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, "checked")
- self.listItemClicked(item)
- # get the size of the box from the name
- info = default_info_for_box_name(item.text())
- self.detectionTargetsStorage.add_item(
- TextDetectionTarget(
- info["x"],
- info["y"],
- info["width"],
- info["height"],
- item.text(),
- normalize_settings_dict({}, info),
- )
- )
- def removeBox(self):
- item = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.currentItem()
- if not item:
- return
- # change the list icon to red x
- item.setIcon(
- QIcon(path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "icons/circle-x.svg")))
- )
- item.setData(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, "unchecked")
- self.listItemClicked(item)
- self.detectionTargetsStorage.remove_item(item.text())
- def makeTemplateField(self, toggled: bool):
- item = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.currentItem()
- if not item:
- return
- if not toggled:
- self.removeBox()
- return
- # create a new box on self.image_viewer with the name of the selected item from the tableWidget_boxes
- # change the list icon to green checkmark
- item.setIcon(
- QIcon(
- path.abspath(
- path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "icons/template-field.svg")
- )
- )
- )
- item.setData(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, "templatefield")
- self.detectionTargetsStorage.add_item(
- TextDetectionTarget(
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- item.text(),
- normalize_settings_dict({"templatefield": True}, None),
- )
- )
- self.listItemClicked(item)
- def createOBSScene(self):
- # get the scene name from the lineEdit_sceneName
- scene_name = self.ui.lineEdit_sceneName.text()
- # clear or create a new scene
- create_obs_scene_from_export(self.obs_websocket_client, scene_name)
- # on destroy, close the OBS connection
- def closeEvent(self, event):
- logger.info("Closing")
- if self.image_viewer:
- self.image_viewer.close()
- self.image_viewer = None
- if self.log_dialog:
- self.log_dialog.close()
- self.log_dialog = None
- # store the boxes to scoresight.json
- self.detectionTargetsStorage.saveBoxesToStorage()
- if self.obs_websocket_client:
- # destroy the client object
- self.obs_websocket_client = None
- super().closeEvent(event)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- # only attempt splash when not on Mac OSX
- os_name = platform.system()
- if os_name != "Darwin":
- try:
- import pyi_splash # type: ignore
- pyi_splash.close()
- except ImportError:
- pass
- app = QApplication(sys.argv)
- # Get system locale
- locale = QLocale.system().name()
- # Load the translation file based on the locale
- translator = QTranslator()
- locale_file = path.abspath(
- path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "translations", f"scoresight_{locale}.qm")
- )
- # check if the file exists
- if not path.exists(locale_file):
- # load the default translation file
- locale_file = path.abspath(
- path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "translations", "scoresight_en_US.qm")
- )
- if translator.load(locale_file):
- app.installTranslator(translator)
- # show the main window
- mainWindow = MainWindow(translator, app)
- mainWindow.show()
- app.exec()
- logger.info("Exiting...")
- stop_http_server()
+from os import path
+import platform
+import sys
+from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication
+from PySide6.QtCore import (
+ QTranslator,
+ QLocale,
+from mainwindow import MainWindow
+from sc_logging import logger
+from http_server import stop_http_server
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # only attempt splash when not on Mac OSX
+ os_name = platform.system()
+ if os_name != "Darwin":
+ try:
+ import pyi_splash # type: ignore
+ pyi_splash.close()
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ app = QApplication(sys.argv)
+ # Get system locale
+ locale = QLocale.system().name()
+ # Load the translation file based on the locale
+ translator = QTranslator()
+ locale_file = path.abspath(
+ path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "translations", f"scoresight_{locale}.qm")
+ )
+ # check if the file exists
+ if not path.exists(locale_file):
+ # load the default translation file
+ locale_file = path.abspath(
+ path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "translations", "scoresight_en_US.qm")
+ )
+ if translator.load(locale_file):
+ app.installTranslator(translator)
+ # show the main window
+ mainWindow = MainWindow(translator, app)
+ mainWindow.show()
+ app.exec()
+ logger.info("Exiting...")
+ stop_http_server()
diff --git a/mainwindow.py b/mainwindow.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4497be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mainwindow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1596 @@
+from functools import partial
+import os
+import platform
+import datetime
+from PySide6.QtWidgets import (
+ QApplication,
+ QDialog,
+ QFileDialog,
+ QInputDialog,
+ QLabel,
+ QMainWindow,
+ QMenu,
+ QMessageBox,
+ QTableWidgetItem,
+from PySide6.QtGui import QIcon, QStandardItemModel, QStandardItem, QDesktopServices
+from PySide6.QtCore import (
+ Qt,
+ Signal,
+ Slot,
+ QTranslator,
+ QObject,
+ QCoreApplication,
+ QEvent,
+ QMetaMethod,
+ QUrl,
+from dotenv import load_dotenv
+from os import path
+from platformdirs import user_data_dir
+from api_output import update_out_api
+from camera_info import CameraInfo
+from get_camera_info import get_camera_info
+from http_server import start_http_server, update_http_server
+from ocr_training_data import OCRTrainingDataDialog
+from screen_capture_source import ScreenCapture
+from source_view import ImageViewer
+from defaults import (
+ default_boxes,
+ default_info_for_box_name,
+ normalize_settings_dict,
+ format_prefixes,
+from storage import (
+ TextDetectionTargetMemoryStorage,
+ fetch_data,
+ remove_data,
+ store_data,
+ store_custom_box_name,
+ rename_custom_box_name_in_storage,
+ remove_custom_box_name_in_storage,
+ fetch_custom_box_names,
+from obs_websocket import (
+ create_obs_scene_from_export,
+ open_obs_websocket,
+ update_text_source,
+from template_fields import evaluate_template_field
+from text_detection_target import TextDetectionTarget, TextDetectionTargetWithResult
+from sc_logging import logger
+from update_check import check_for_updates
+from log_view import LogViewerDialog
+import file_output
+from video_settings import VideoSettingsDialog
+from vmix_output import VMixAPI
+from ui_mainwindow import Ui_MainWindow
+from ui_about import Ui_Dialog as Ui_About
+from ui_connect_obs import Ui_Dialog as Ui_ConnectObs
+from ui_url_source import Ui_Dialog as Ui_UrlSource
+from ui_screen_capture import Ui_Dialog as Ui_ScreenCapture
+def clear_layout(layout):
+ while layout.count():
+ item = layout.takeAt(0)
+ widget = item.widget()
+ if widget is not None:
+ widget.deleteLater()
+ widget = None
+ else:
+ clear_layout(item.layout())
+class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
+ # add a signal to update sources
+ update_sources = Signal(list)
+ get_sources = Signal()
+ def __init__(self, translator: QTranslator, parent: QObject):
+ super(MainWindow, self).__init__()
+ self.parent_object = parent
+ self.ui = Ui_MainWindow()
+ logger.info("Starting ScoreSight")
+ self.ui.setupUi(self)
+ self.translator = translator
+ # load env variables
+ load_dotenv()
+ self.setWindowTitle(f"ScoreSight - v{os.getenv('LOCAL_RELEASE_TAG')}")
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ # set the icon
+ self.setWindowIcon(
+ QIcon(
+ path.abspath(
+ path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "icons/Windows-icon-open.ico")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ self.menubar = self.menuBar()
+ file_menu = self.menubar.addMenu("File")
+ # check for updates
+ check_for_updates(False)
+ file_menu.addAction("Check for Updates", lambda: check_for_updates(True))
+ file_menu.addAction("About", self.openAboutDialog)
+ file_menu.addAction("View Current Log", self.openLogsDialog)
+ file_menu.addAction("Import Configuration", self.importConfiguration)
+ file_menu.addAction("Export Configuration", self.exportConfiguration)
+ file_menu.addAction("Open Configuration Folder", self.openConfigurationFolder)
+ file_menu.addAction("OCR Training Data Setup", self.openOCRTrainingDataDialog)
+ # Add "Language" menu
+ languageMenu = file_menu.addMenu("Language")
+ # Add language options
+ self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "English (US)", "en_US")
+ self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "French (France)", "fr_FR")
+ self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Spanish (Spain)", "es_ES")
+ self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "German", "de_DE")
+ self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Italian", "it_IT")
+ self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Japanese", "ja_JP")
+ self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Korean", "ko_KR")
+ self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Dutch", "nl_NL")
+ self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Polish", "pl_PL")
+ self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Portuguese (Brazil)", "pt_BR")
+ self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Portuguese (Portugal)", "pt_PT")
+ self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Russian", "ru_RU")
+ self.addLanguageOption(languageMenu, "Chinese (Simplified)", "zh_CN")
+ # Hide the menu bar by default
+ self.menubar.setVisible(False)
+ # Show the menu bar when the Alt key is pressed
+ self.installEventFilter(self)
+ self.ui.pushButton_connectObs.clicked.connect(self.openOBSConnectModal)
+ self.vmixUiSetup()
+ start_http_server()
+ self.ui.pushButton_stabilize.setEnabled(True)
+ self.ui.pushButton_stabilize.clicked.connect(self.toggleStabilize)
+ self.ui.toolButton_topCrop.clicked.connect(self.cropMode)
+ # check configuation if crop is enabled
+ self.ui.toolButton_topCrop.setChecked(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "crop_mode", False)
+ )
+ self.ui.widget_cropPanel.setVisible(self.ui.toolButton_topCrop.isChecked())
+ self.ui.widget_cropPanel.setEnabled(self.ui.toolButton_topCrop.isChecked())
+ self.ui.spinBox_leftCrop.valueChanged.connect(
+ partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "left_crop")
+ )
+ self.ui.spinBox_leftCrop.setValue(fetch_data("scoresight.json", "left_crop", 0))
+ self.ui.spinBox_rightCrop.valueChanged.connect(
+ partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "right_crop")
+ )
+ self.ui.spinBox_rightCrop.setValue(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "right_crop", 0)
+ )
+ self.ui.spinBox_topCrop.valueChanged.connect(
+ partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "top_crop")
+ )
+ self.ui.spinBox_topCrop.setValue(fetch_data("scoresight.json", "top_crop", 0))
+ self.ui.spinBox_bottomCrop.valueChanged.connect(
+ partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "bottom_crop")
+ )
+ self.ui.spinBox_bottomCrop.setValue(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "bottom_crop", 0)
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_enableOutAPI.toggled.connect(
+ partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "enable_out_api")
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_enableOutAPI.setChecked(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "enable_out_api", False)
+ )
+ # connect toolButton_rotate
+ self.ui.toolButton_rotate.clicked.connect(self.rotateImage)
+ self.ui.widget_detectionCadence.setVisible(True)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_detectionCadence.setValue(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "detection_cadence", 5)
+ )
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_detectionCadence.valueChanged.connect(
+ self.detectionCadenceChanged
+ )
+ self.ui.toolButton_addBox.clicked.connect(self.addBox)
+ self.ui.toolButton_removeBox.clicked.connect(self.removeCustomBox)
+ self.video_settings_dialog = None
+ self.ui.toolButton_videoSettings.clicked.connect(self.openVideoSettings)
+ self.ui.lineEdit_api_url.textChanged.connect(
+ partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "out_api_url")
+ )
+ self.ui.lineEdit_api_url.setText(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "out_api_url", "")
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_enableOutAPI.toggled.connect(
+ partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "enable_out_api")
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_enableOutAPI.setChecked(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "enable_out_api", False)
+ )
+ self.ui.comboBox_api_encode.currentTextChanged.connect(
+ partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "out_api_encoding")
+ )
+ self.ui.comboBox_api_encode.setCurrentIndex(
+ self.ui.comboBox_api_encode.findText(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "out_api_encoding", "JSON")
+ )
+ )
+ self.obs_websocket_client = None
+ ocr_models = [
+ "Daktronics",
+ "General Scoreboard",
+ "General Fonts (English)",
+ "General Scoreboard Large",
+ ]
+ self.ui.comboBox_ocrModel.addItems(ocr_models)
+ self.ui.comboBox_ocrModel.setCurrentIndex(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "ocr_model", 1)
+ ) # default to General Scoreboard
+ self.ui.frame_source_view.setEnabled(False)
+ self.ui.groupBox_target_settings.setEnabled(False)
+ self.ui.pushButton_makeBox.clicked.connect(self.makeBox)
+ self.ui.pushButton_removeBox.clicked.connect(self.removeBox)
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.itemClicked.connect(self.listItemClicked)
+ # connect the edit triggers
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.editBoxName)
+ self.ui.pushButton_refresh_sources.clicked.connect(
+ lambda: self.get_sources.emit()
+ )
+ self.detectionTargetsStorage = TextDetectionTargetMemoryStorage()
+ self.detectionTargetsStorage.data_changed.connect(self.detectionTargetsChanged)
+ self.ui.pushButton_createOBSScene.clicked.connect(self.createOBSScene)
+ self.ui.pushButton_selectFolder.clicked.connect(self.selectOutputFolder)
+ self.ui.toolButton_trashFolder.clicked.connect(self.clearOutputFolder)
+ self.ui.pushButton_stopUpdates.toggled.connect(self.toggleStopUpdates)
+ self.ui.comboBox_ocrModel.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.ocrModelChanged)
+ self.ui.pushButton_restoreDefaults.clicked.connect(self.restoreDefaults)
+ self.ui.toolButton_zoomReset.clicked.connect(self.resetZoom)
+ self.ui.toolButton_osd.toggled.connect(self.toggleOSD)
+ self.ui.toolButton_showOCRrects.toggled.connect(self.toggleOCRRects)
+ self.ui.checkBox_smoothing.toggled.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "smoothing")
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_skip_empty.toggled.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "skip_empty")
+ )
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_conf_thresh.valueChanged.connect(
+ self.confThreshChanged
+ )
+ self.ui.lineEdit_format.textChanged.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "format_regex")
+ )
+ self.ui.comboBox_fieldType.currentIndexChanged.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "type")
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_skip_similar_image.toggled.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "skip_similar_image")
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_autocrop.toggled.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "autocrop")
+ )
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_cleanup.valueChanged.connect(self.cleanupThreshChanged)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_dilate.valueChanged.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "dilate")
+ )
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_skew.valueChanged.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "skew")
+ )
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_vscale.valueChanged.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "vscale")
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_removeLeadingZeros.toggled.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "remove_leading_zeros")
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_rescalePatch.toggled.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "rescale_patch")
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_normWHRatio.toggled.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "normalize_wh_ratio")
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_invertPatch.toggled.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "invert_patch")
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_dotDetector.toggled.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "dot_detector")
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_ordinalIndicator.toggled.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "ordinal_indicator")
+ )
+ self.ui.comboBox_binarizationMethod.currentIndexChanged.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "binarization_method")
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_templatefield.toggled.connect(self.makeTemplateField)
+ self.ui.lineEdit_templatefield.textChanged.connect(
+ partial(self.genericSettingsChanged, "templatefield_text")
+ )
+ self.ui.comboBox_formatPrefix.currentIndexChanged.connect(
+ self.formatPrefixChanged
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_updateOnchange.toggled.connect(self.toggleUpdateOnChange)
+ # populate the tableWidget_boxes with the default and custom boxes
+ custom_boxes_names = fetch_custom_box_names()
+ for box_name in [box["name"] for box in default_boxes] + custom_boxes_names:
+ item = QTableWidgetItem(
+ QIcon(
+ path.abspath(
+ path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "icons/circle-x.svg")
+ )
+ ),
+ box_name,
+ )
+ item.setData(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, "unchecked")
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.insertRow(self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount())
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setItem(
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount() - 1, 0, item
+ )
+ disabledItem = QTableWidgetItem()
+ disabledItem.setFlags(Qt.ItemFlag.NoItemFlags)
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setItem(
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount() - 1, 1, disabledItem
+ )
+ self.image_viewer = None
+ self.obs_connect_modal = None
+ self.source_name = None
+ self.updateOCRResults = True
+ self.log_dialog = None
+ if fetch_data("scoresight.json", "open_on_startup", False):
+ logger.info("Opening log dialog on startup")
+ self.openLogsDialog()
+ if fetch_data("scoresight.json", "obs"):
+ self.connectObs()
+ self.out_folder = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "output_folder")
+ if self.out_folder:
+ if not path.exists(self.out_folder):
+ self.out_folder = None
+ remove_data("scoresight.json", "output_folder")
+ else:
+ self.ui.lineEdit_folder.setText(self.out_folder)
+ self.first_csv_append = True
+ self.last_aggregate_save = datetime.datetime.now()
+ self.ui.checkBox_saveCsv.toggled.connect(
+ partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "save_csv")
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_saveCsv.setChecked(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "save_csv", False)
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_saveXML.toggled.connect(
+ partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "save_xml")
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_saveXML.setChecked(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "save_xml", False)
+ )
+ self.ui.comboBox_appendMethod.currentIndexChanged.connect(
+ partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "append_method")
+ )
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_aggsPerSecond.valueChanged.connect(
+ partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "aggs_per_second")
+ )
+ self.ui.comboBox_appendMethod.setCurrentIndex(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "append_method", 3)
+ )
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_aggsPerSecond.setValue(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "aggs_per_second", 5)
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_updateOnchange.setChecked(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "update_on_change", True)
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_vmix_send_same.setChecked(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "vmix_send_same", False)
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_vmix_send_same.toggled.connect(
+ partial(self.globalSettingsChanged, "vmix_send_same")
+ )
+ self.ui.pushButton_saveOCRTrainingData.clicked.connect(self.saveOCRTrainingData)
+ self.ui.pushButton_saveOCRTrainingData.setChecked(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "save_ocr_training_data", False)
+ )
+ self.update_sources.connect(self.updateSources)
+ self.get_sources.connect(self.getSources)
+ self.get_sources.emit()
+ def saveOCRTrainingData(self):
+ self.globalSettingsChanged(
+ "save_ocr_training_data", self.ui.pushButton_saveOCRTrainingData.isChecked()
+ )
+ def openVideoSettings(self):
+ # only allow opening the video settings for an OpenCV type source
+ if not self.image_viewer or self.image_viewer is None:
+ return
+ if self.image_viewer.getCameraInfo().type != CameraInfo.CameraType.OPENCV:
+ return
+ if self.video_settings_dialog is None:
+ # open the logs dialog
+ self.video_settings_dialog = VideoSettingsDialog()
+ self.video_settings_dialog.setWindowTitle("Video Settings")
+ self.video_settings_dialog.init_ui(self.image_viewer.getCameraCapture())
+ # show the dialog, non modal
+ self.video_settings_dialog.show()
+ def rotateImage(self):
+ # store the rotation in the scoresight.json
+ rotation = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "rotation", 0)
+ rotation += 90
+ if rotation >= 360:
+ rotation = 0
+ self.globalSettingsChanged("rotation", rotation)
+ def cropMode(self):
+ # if the toolButton_topCrop is unchecked, go to crop mode
+ if self.ui.toolButton_topCrop.isChecked():
+ self.ui.widget_cropPanel.setVisible(True)
+ self.ui.widget_cropPanel.setEnabled(True)
+ self.globalSettingsChanged("crop_mode", True)
+ else:
+ self.ui.widget_cropPanel.setVisible(False)
+ self.ui.widget_cropPanel.setEnabled(False)
+ self.globalSettingsChanged("crop_mode", False)
+ def globalSettingsChanged(self, settingName, value):
+ store_data("scoresight.json", settingName, value)
+ def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
+ if event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress and event.key() == Qt.Key_Alt:
+ self.menubar.setVisible(True)
+ elif event.type() == QEvent.FocusOut and self.menubar.isVisible():
+ self.menubar.setVisible(False)
+ elif event.type() == QEvent.WindowDeactivate and self.menubar.isVisible():
+ self.menubar.setVisible(False)
+ return super().eventFilter(obj, event)
+ def focusOutEvent(self, event):
+ if self.menubar.isVisible():
+ self.menubar.setVisible(False)
+ super().focusOutEvent(event)
+ def changeEvent(self, event):
+ if event.type() == QEvent.WindowDeactivate and self.menubar.isVisible():
+ self.menubar.setVisible(False)
+ super().changeEvent(event)
+ def changeLanguage(self, locale):
+ locale_file = path.abspath(
+ path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "translations", f"scoresight_{locale}.qm")
+ )
+ logger.info(f"Changing language to {locale_file}")
+ if not self.translator.load(locale_file):
+ logger.error(f"Could not load translation for {locale_file}")
+ return
+ appInstance = QApplication.instance()
+ if appInstance:
+ logger.info(f"installing translator for {locale}")
+ appInstance.installTranslator(self.translator)
+ try:
+ self.ui.retranslateUi(self)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error retranslating UI: {e}")
+ def addLanguageOption(self, menu: QMenu, language_name: str, locale: str):
+ menu.addAction(language_name, lambda: self.changeLanguage(locale))
+ def toggleUpdateOnChange(self, value):
+ self.globalSettingsChanged("update_on_change", value)
+ if self.image_viewer:
+ self.image_viewer.setUpdateOnChange(value)
+ def formatPrefixChanged(self, index):
+ if index == 12:
+ return # do nothing if "Select Preset" is selected
+ # based on the selected index, set the format prefix
+ # change lineEdit_format to the selected format prefix
+ self.ui.lineEdit_format.setText(format_prefixes[index])
+ def importConfiguration(self):
+ # open a file dialog to select a configuration file
+ file, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
+ self, "Open Configuration File", "", "Configuration Files (*.json)"
+ )
+ if not file:
+ return
+ # load the configuration from the file
+ if not self.detectionTargetsStorage.loadBoxesFromFile(file):
+ # show an error qmessagebox
+ logger.error("Error loading configuration file")
+ QMessageBox.critical(
+ self,
+ "Error",
+ "Error loading configuration file",
+ QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok,
+ )
+ return
+ def exportConfiguration(self):
+ # open a file dialog to select the output file
+ file, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
+ self, "Save Configuration File", "", "Configuration Files (*.json)"
+ )
+ if not file:
+ return
+ # save the configuration to the file
+ self.detectionTargetsStorage.saveBoxesToFile(file)
+ def openOCRTrainingDataDialog(self):
+ # open the OCR training data dialog
+ dialog = OCRTrainingDataDialog()
+ dialog.setWindowTitle("OCR Training Data Setup")
+ dialog.exec()
+ def openConfigurationFolder(self):
+ # open the configuration folder in the file explorer
+ QDesktopServices.openUrl(
+ QUrl(
+ "file:///" + user_data_dir("scoresight"), QUrl.ParsingMode.TolerantMode
+ )
+ )
+ def toggleOSD(self, value):
+ if self.image_viewer:
+ self.image_viewer.toggleOSD(value)
+ def toggleOCRRects(self, value):
+ if self.image_viewer:
+ self.image_viewer.toggleOCRRects(value)
+ def resetZoom(self):
+ if self.image_viewer:
+ self.image_viewer.resetZoom()
+ def detectionCadenceChanged(self, detections_per_second):
+ self.globalSettingsChanged("detection_cadence", detections_per_second)
+ if self.image_viewer and self.image_viewer.timerThread:
+ # convert the detections_per_second to milliseconds
+ self.image_viewer.timerThread.update_frame_interval = (
+ 1000 / detections_per_second
+ )
+ def ocrModelChanged(self, index):
+ self.globalSettingsChanged("ocr_model", index)
+ # update the ocr model in the text detector
+ if (
+ self.image_viewer
+ and self.image_viewer.timerThread
+ and self.image_viewer.timerThread.textDetector
+ ):
+ self.image_viewer.timerThread.textDetector.setOcrModel(index)
+ def openLogsDialog(self):
+ if self.log_dialog is None:
+ # open the logs dialog
+ self.log_dialog = LogViewerDialog()
+ self.log_dialog.setWindowTitle("Logs")
+ # show the dialog, non modal
+ self.log_dialog.show()
+ def openAboutDialog(self):
+ # open the about dialog
+ about_dialog = QDialog()
+ about_dialog_ui = Ui_About()
+ about_dialog_ui.setupUi(about_dialog)
+ about_dialog.setWindowTitle("About ScoreSight")
+ about_dialog.exec()
+ def toggleStabilize(self):
+ if not self.image_viewer:
+ return
+ # start or stop the stabilization
+ self.image_viewer.toggleStabilization(self.ui.pushButton_stabilize.isChecked())
+ def toggleStopUpdates(self, value):
+ self.updateOCRResults = not value
+ # change the text on the button
+ self.ui.pushButton_stopUpdates.setText(
+ self.translator.translate("MainWindow", "Resume Updates")
+ if value
+ else self.translator.translate("MainWindow", "Stop Updates")
+ )
+ def selectOutputFolder(self):
+ # open a Qt dialog to select the output folder
+ folder = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(
+ self,
+ "Select Output Folder",
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "output_folder", ""),
+ options=QFileDialog.Option.ShowDirsOnly,
+ )
+ if folder and len(folder) > 0:
+ self.ui.lineEdit_folder.setText(folder)
+ self.out_folder = folder
+ self.globalSettingsChanged("output_folder", folder)
+ def clearOutputFolder(self):
+ # clear the output folder
+ self.ui.lineEdit_folder.setText("")
+ self.out_folder = None
+ remove_data("scoresight.json", "output_folder")
+ def editSettings(self, settingsMutatorCallback):
+ # update the selected item's settings in the detectionTargetsStorage
+ item = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.currentItem()
+ if item is None:
+ logger.info("no item selected")
+ return
+ item_name = item.text()
+ item_obj = self.detectionTargetsStorage.find_item_by_name(item_name)
+ if item_obj is None:
+ logger.info("item not found: %s", item_name)
+ return
+ item_obj = settingsMutatorCallback(item_obj)
+ self.detectionTargetsStorage.edit_item(item_name, item_obj)
+ def restoreDefaults(self):
+ # restore the default settings for the selected item
+ def restoreDefaultsSettings(item_obj):
+ info = default_info_for_box_name(item_obj.name)
+ item_obj.settings = normalize_settings_dict({}, info)
+ return item_obj
+ self.editSettings(restoreDefaultsSettings)
+ self.populateSettings(self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.currentItem().text())
+ def confThreshChanged(self):
+ def editConfThreshSettings(item_obj):
+ item_obj.settings["conf_thresh"] = (
+ float(self.ui.horizontalSlider_conf_thresh.value()) / 100.0
+ )
+ return item_obj
+ self.editSettings(editConfThreshSettings)
+ def cleanupThreshChanged(self):
+ def editCleanupThreshSettings(item_obj):
+ item_obj.settings["cleanup_thresh"] = (
+ float(self.ui.horizontalSlider_cleanup.value()) / 100.0
+ )
+ return item_obj
+ self.editSettings(editCleanupThreshSettings)
+ def genericSettingsChanged(self, settingName, value):
+ def editGenericSettings(item_obj):
+ item_obj.settings[settingName] = value
+ return item_obj
+ self.editSettings(editGenericSettings)
+ def vmixConnectionChanged(self):
+ self.vmixUpdater = VMixAPI(
+ self.ui.lineEdit_vmixHost.text(),
+ self.ui.lineEdit_vmixPort.text(),
+ self.ui.inputLineEdit_vmix.text(),
+ {},
+ )
+ self.globalSettingsChanged("vmix_host", self.ui.lineEdit_vmixHost.text())
+ self.globalSettingsChanged("vmix_port", self.ui.lineEdit_vmixPort.text())
+ self.globalSettingsChanged("vmix_input", self.ui.inputLineEdit_vmix.text())
+ def vmixMappingChanged(self, _):
+ # store entire mapping data in scoresight.json
+ mapping = {}
+ model = self.ui.tableView_vmixMapping.model()
+ if isinstance(model, QStandardItemModel):
+ for i in range(model.rowCount()):
+ item = model.item(i, 0)
+ value = model.item(i, 1)
+ if item and value:
+ mapping[item.text()] = value.text()
+ self.globalSettingsChanged("vmix_mapping", mapping)
+ self.vmixUpdater.set_field_mapping(mapping)
+ else:
+ logger.error("vmixMappingChanged: model is not a QStandardItemModel")
+ def vmixUiSetup(self):
+ # populate the vmix connection from storage
+ self.ui.lineEdit_vmixHost.setText(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "vmix_host", "localhost")
+ )
+ self.ui.lineEdit_vmixPort.setText(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "vmix_port", "8099")
+ )
+ self.ui.inputLineEdit_vmix.setText(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "vmix_input", "1")
+ )
+ # connect the lineEdits to vmixConnectionChanged
+ self.ui.lineEdit_vmixHost.textChanged.connect(self.vmixConnectionChanged)
+ self.ui.lineEdit_vmixPort.textChanged.connect(self.vmixConnectionChanged)
+ self.ui.inputLineEdit_vmix.textChanged.connect(self.vmixConnectionChanged)
+ # create the vmixUpdater
+ self.vmixUpdater = VMixAPI(
+ self.ui.lineEdit_vmixHost.text(),
+ self.ui.lineEdit_vmixPort.text(),
+ self.ui.inputLineEdit_vmix.text(),
+ {},
+ )
+ # add standard item model to the tableView_vmixMapping
+ self.ui.tableView_vmixMapping.setModel(QStandardItemModel())
+ mapping = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "vmix_mapping", {})
+ if mapping:
+ self.vmixUpdater.set_field_mapping(mapping)
+ self.ui.tableView_vmixMapping.model().dataChanged.connect(
+ self.vmixMappingChanged
+ )
+ self.ui.pushButton_startvmix.toggled.connect(self.togglevMix)
+ def togglevMix(self, value):
+ if not self.vmixUpdater:
+ return
+ if value:
+ self.ui.pushButton_startvmix.setText("🛑 Stop vMix")
+ self.vmixUpdater.running = True
+ else:
+ self.ui.pushButton_startvmix.setText("▶️ Start vMix")
+ self.vmixUpdater.running = False
+ def updatevMixTable(self, detectionTargets):
+ mapping_storage = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "vmix_mapping")
+ model = QStandardItemModel()
+ model.blockSignals(True)
+ for box in detectionTargets:
+ # add the detection to the vmix output mapping: tableView_vmixMapping
+ # check if the table already has the detectionTarget
+ items = model.findItems(box.name, Qt.MatchFlag.MatchExactly)
+ if len(items) == 0:
+ # add the item to the list
+ row = model.rowCount()
+ model.insertRow(row)
+ model.setItem(row, 0, QStandardItem(box.name))
+ # the first item shouldn't be editable
+ model.item(row, 0).setFlags(Qt.ItemFlag.NoItemFlags)
+ else:
+ # update the item in the list
+ item = items[0]
+ row = item.row()
+ # get value from storage or use the box name
+ if mapping_storage and box.name in mapping_storage:
+ model.setItem(row, 1, QStandardItem(mapping_storage[box.name]))
+ else:
+ model.setItem(row, 1, QStandardItem(box.name))
+ # remove the items that are not in the detectionTargets
+ for i in range(model.rowCount()):
+ item = model.item(i, 0)
+ if not any([box.name == item.text() for box in detectionTargets]):
+ model.removeRow(i)
+ model.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.tableView_vmixMapping.setModel(model)
+ self.ui.tableView_vmixMapping.model().dataChanged.connect(
+ self.vmixMappingChanged
+ )
+ def detectionTargetsChanged(self, detectionTargets):
+ for box in detectionTargets:
+ logger.debug(f"Change: Detection target: {box.name}")
+ # change the list icon to green checkmark
+ items = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.findItems(
+ box.name, Qt.MatchFlag.MatchExactly
+ )
+ if len(items) == 0:
+ logger.warning(f"Item not found: {box.name}. Adding it to the list.")
+ # add the item to the list
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.insertRow(
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount()
+ )
+ item = QTableWidgetItem(box.name)
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setItem(
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount() - 1, 0, item
+ )
+ disabledItem = QTableWidgetItem()
+ disabledItem.setFlags(Qt.ItemFlag.NoItemFlags)
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setItem(
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount() - 1, 1, disabledItem
+ )
+ else:
+ item = items[0]
+ if not box.settings["templatefield"]:
+ # this is a detection target
+ item.setIcon(
+ QIcon(
+ path.abspath(
+ path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "icons/circle-check.svg")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ item.setData(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, "checked")
+ else:
+ # this is a template field
+ item.setIcon(
+ QIcon(
+ path.abspath(
+ path.join(
+ path.dirname(__file__), "icons/template-field.svg"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ item.setData(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, "templatefield")
+ self.updatevMixTable(detectionTargets)
+ # if save_csv is enabled, truncate the aggregate file
+ if self.ui.checkBox_saveCsv.isChecked() and self.out_folder:
+ csv_output_file_path = path.abspath(
+ path.join(self.out_folder, "results.csv")
+ )
+ try:
+ with open(csv_output_file_path, "w") as f:
+ f.write("")
+ self.first_csv_append = True
+ self.last_aggregate_save = datetime.datetime.now()
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error truncating aggregate file: {e}")
+ def populateSettings(self, name):
+ self.ui.lineEdit_format.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.comboBox_fieldType.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.checkBox_smoothing.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.checkBox_skip_empty.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_conf_thresh.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.checkBox_autocrop.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.checkBox_skip_similar_image.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_cleanup.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_dilate.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_skew.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_vscale.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.checkBox_removeLeadingZeros.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.checkBox_rescalePatch.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.checkBox_normWHRatio.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.checkBox_invertPatch.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.checkBox_ordinalIndicator.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.comboBox_binarizationMethod.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.comboBox_formatPrefix.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.checkBox_templatefield.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.lineEdit_templatefield.blockSignals(True)
+ # populate the settings from the detectionTargetsStorage
+ item_obj = self.detectionTargetsStorage.find_item_by_name(name)
+ if item_obj is None:
+ self.ui.lineEdit_format.setText("")
+ self.ui.comboBox_fieldType.setCurrentIndex(0)
+ self.ui.checkBox_smoothing.setChecked(True)
+ self.ui.checkBox_skip_empty.setChecked(True)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_conf_thresh.setValue(50)
+ self.ui.checkBox_autocrop.setChecked(False)
+ self.ui.checkBox_skip_similar_image.setChecked(False)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_cleanup.setValue(0)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_dilate.setValue(1)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_skew.setValue(0)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_vscale.setValue(10)
+ self.ui.label_selectedInfo.setText("")
+ self.ui.checkBox_removeLeadingZeros.setChecked(False)
+ self.ui.checkBox_rescalePatch.setChecked(False)
+ self.ui.checkBox_normWHRatio.setChecked(False)
+ self.ui.checkBox_invertPatch.setChecked(False)
+ self.ui.checkBox_ordinalIndicator.setChecked(False)
+ self.ui.comboBox_binarizationMethod.setCurrentIndex(0)
+ self.ui.checkBox_templatefield.setChecked(False)
+ self.ui.lineEdit_templatefield.setText("")
+ else:
+ item_obj.settings = normalize_settings_dict(
+ item_obj.settings, default_info_for_box_name(item_obj.name)
+ )
+ self.ui.label_selectedInfo.setText(f"{item_obj.name}")
+ self.ui.lineEdit_format.setText(item_obj.settings["format_regex"])
+ self.ui.comboBox_fieldType.setCurrentIndex(item_obj.settings["type"])
+ self.ui.checkBox_smoothing.setChecked(item_obj.settings["smoothing"])
+ self.ui.checkBox_skip_empty.setChecked(item_obj.settings["skip_empty"])
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_conf_thresh.setValue(
+ int(item_obj.settings["conf_thresh"] * 100)
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_autocrop.setChecked(item_obj.settings["autocrop"])
+ self.ui.checkBox_skip_similar_image.setChecked(
+ item_obj.settings["skip_similar_image"]
+ )
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_cleanup.setValue(
+ int(item_obj.settings["cleanup_thresh"] * 100)
+ )
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_dilate.setValue(item_obj.settings["dilate"])
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_skew.setValue(item_obj.settings["skew"])
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_vscale.setValue(item_obj.settings["vscale"])
+ self.ui.checkBox_removeLeadingZeros.setChecked(
+ item_obj.settings["remove_leading_zeros"]
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_rescalePatch.setChecked(item_obj.settings["rescale_patch"])
+ self.ui.checkBox_normWHRatio.setChecked(
+ item_obj.settings["normalize_wh_ratio"]
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_invertPatch.setChecked(item_obj.settings["invert_patch"])
+ self.ui.checkBox_dotDetector.setChecked(item_obj.settings["dot_detector"])
+ self.ui.checkBox_ordinalIndicator.setChecked(
+ item_obj.settings["ordinal_indicator"]
+ )
+ self.ui.comboBox_binarizationMethod.setCurrentIndex(
+ item_obj.settings["binarization_method"]
+ )
+ self.ui.checkBox_templatefield.setChecked(
+ item_obj.settings["templatefield"]
+ )
+ self.ui.lineEdit_templatefield.setText(
+ item_obj.settings["templatefield_text"]
+ )
+ self.ui.comboBox_formatPrefix.setCurrentIndex(12)
+ self.ui.lineEdit_format.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.comboBox_fieldType.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.checkBox_smoothing.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.checkBox_skip_empty.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_conf_thresh.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.checkBox_autocrop.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.checkBox_skip_similar_image.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_cleanup.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_dilate.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_skew.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.horizontalSlider_vscale.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.checkBox_removeLeadingZeros.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.checkBox_rescalePatch.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.checkBox_normWHRatio.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.checkBox_invertPatch.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.checkBox_ordinalIndicator.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.comboBox_binarizationMethod.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.comboBox_formatPrefix.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.checkBox_templatefield.blockSignals(False)
+ self.ui.lineEdit_templatefield.blockSignals(False)
+ def listItemClicked(self, item):
+ user_role = item.data(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole)
+ if user_role in ["checked", "templatefield"] and item.column() == 0:
+ # enable the remove box button and disable the make box button
+ self.ui.pushButton_makeBox.setEnabled(False)
+ self.ui.pushButton_removeBox.setEnabled(user_role == "checked")
+ self.ui.groupBox_target_settings.setEnabled(user_role == "checked")
+ self.populateSettings(item.text())
+ else:
+ # enable the make box button and disable the remove box button
+ self.ui.pushButton_removeBox.setEnabled(False)
+ self.ui.pushButton_makeBox.setEnabled(item.column() == 0)
+ self.ui.groupBox_target_settings.setEnabled(False)
+ self.populateSettings("")
+ if item.column() == 0:
+ # if this is not a default box - enable the template field checkbox
+ if item.text() not in [box["name"] for box in default_boxes]:
+ self.ui.checkBox_templatefield.setEnabled(True)
+ self.ui.lineEdit_templatefield.setEnabled(True)
+ else:
+ self.ui.checkBox_templatefield.setEnabled(False)
+ self.ui.lineEdit_templatefield.setEnabled(False)
+ def openOBSConnectModal(self):
+ # disable OBS options
+ self.ui.lineEdit_sceneName.setEnabled(False)
+ self.ui.checkBox_recreate.setEnabled(False)
+ self.ui.pushButton_createOBSScene.setEnabled(False)
+ # load the ui from "connect_obs.ui"
+ self.obs_modal_ui = Ui_ConnectObs()
+ self.obs_connect_modal = QDialog()
+ self.obs_modal_ui.setupUi(self.obs_connect_modal)
+ self.obs_connect_modal.setWindowTitle("Connect to OBS")
+ # connect the "connect" button to a function
+ self.obs_modal_ui.pushButton_connect.clicked.connect(self.connectObs)
+ # load the saved data from scoresight.json
+ obs_data = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "obs")
+ if obs_data:
+ self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_ip.setText(obs_data["ip"])
+ self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_port.setText(obs_data["port"])
+ self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_password.setText(obs_data["password"])
+ # show the modal
+ self.obs_connect_modal.show()
+ # focus the connect button
+ self.obs_modal_ui.pushButton_connect.setFocus()
+ def connectObs(self):
+ # open a websocket connection to OBS using obs_websocket.py
+ # enable the save button in the modal if the connection is successful
+ if self.obs_connect_modal is not None:
+ self.obs_websocket_client = open_obs_websocket(
+ {
+ "ip": self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_ip.text(),
+ "port": self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_port.text(),
+ "password": self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_password.text(),
+ }
+ )
+ else:
+ self.obs_websocket_client = open_obs_websocket(
+ fetch_data("scoresight.json", "obs")
+ )
+ if not self.obs_websocket_client:
+ # show error in label_error
+ if self.obs_connect_modal:
+ self.obs_modal_ui.label_error.setText("Cannot connect to OBS")
+ return
+ # connection was successful
+ if self.obs_connect_modal:
+ store_data(
+ "scoresight.json",
+ "obs",
+ {
+ "ip": self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_ip.text(),
+ "port": self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_port.text(),
+ "password": self.obs_modal_ui.lineEdit_password.text(),
+ },
+ )
+ self.obs_connect_modal.close()
+ self.ui.lineEdit_sceneName.setEnabled(True)
+ self.ui.checkBox_recreate.setEnabled(True)
+ self.ui.pushButton_createOBSScene.setEnabled(True)
+ logger.info("OBS: Connected")
+ @Slot()
+ def getSources(self):
+ self.update_sources.emit(get_camera_info())
+ @Slot(list)
+ def updateSources(self, camera_sources: list[CameraInfo]):
+ self.reset_playing_source()
+ # clear all the items after "Screen Capture"
+ for i in range(4, self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.count()):
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.removeItem(4)
+ # populate the combobox with the sources
+ for source in camera_sources:
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.addItem(source.description, source)
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setEnabled(True)
+ currentIndexChangedSignal = QMetaMethod.fromSignal(
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndexChanged
+ )
+ if self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.isSignalConnected(currentIndexChangedSignal):
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndexChanged.disconnect()
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.sourceChanged)
+ # enable the source view frame
+ self.ui.frame_source_view.setEnabled(True)
+ selected_source_from_storage = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "source_selected")
+ if type(selected_source_from_storage) == str:
+ logger.info(
+ "Source selected from storage: %s", selected_source_from_storage
+ )
+ # check if the source is a file path
+ if path.exists(selected_source_from_storage):
+ logger.info("File exists: %s", selected_source_from_storage)
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.blockSignals(True)
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentIndex(1)
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.blockSignals(False)
+ self.source_name = selected_source_from_storage
+ self.sourceSelectionSucessful()
+ else:
+ # select the last selected source
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentText(
+ selected_source_from_storage
+ )
+ def reset_playing_source(self):
+ if self.image_viewer:
+ # remove the image viewer from the layout frame_for_source_view_label
+ self.ui.frame_for_source_view_label.layout().removeWidget(self.image_viewer)
+ self.image_viewer.close()
+ self.image_viewer = None
+ # add a label with markdown text
+ label_select_source = QLabel("### Open a Camera or Load a File")
+ label_select_source.setTextFormat(Qt.TextFormat.MarkdownText)
+ label_select_source.setEnabled(False)
+ label_select_source.setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter)
+ clear_layout(self.ui.frame_for_source_view_label.layout())
+ self.ui.frame_for_source_view_label.layout().addWidget(label_select_source)
+ def sourceChanged(self, index):
+ # get the source name from the combobox
+ self.source_name = None
+ self.ui.groupBox_sb_info.setEnabled(False)
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setEnabled(False)
+ self.ui.pushButton_fourCorner.setEnabled(False)
+ self.ui.pushButton_binary.setEnabled(False)
+ if self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndex() == 0:
+ self.reset_playing_source()
+ return
+ elif self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndex() == 1:
+ logger.info("Open File selection dialog")
+ # open a file dialog to select a video file
+ file, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
+ self, "Open Video File", "", "Video Files (*.mp4 *.avi *.mov)"
+ )
+ if not file or not path.exists(file):
+ # no file selected - change source to "Select a source"
+ logger.error("No file selected")
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentText("Select a source")
+ return
+ else:
+ logger.info("File selected: %s", file)
+ self.source_name = file
+ elif self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndex() == 2:
+ # open a dialog to enter the url
+ url_dialog = QDialog()
+ ui_urlsource = Ui_UrlSource()
+ ui_urlsource.setupUi(url_dialog)
+ url_dialog.setWindowTitle("URL Source")
+ # focus on url input
+ ui_urlsource.lineEdit_url.setFocus()
+ url_dialog.exec() # wait for the dialog to close
+ # check if the dialog was accepted
+ if url_dialog.result() != QDialog.DialogCode.Accepted:
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentIndex(0)
+ return
+ self.source_name = ui_urlsource.lineEdit_url.text()
+ if self.source_name == "":
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentIndex(0)
+ return
+ elif self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndex() == 3:
+ # open a dialog to select the screen
+ screen_dialog = QDialog()
+ ui_screencapture = Ui_ScreenCapture()
+ ui_screencapture.setupUi(screen_dialog)
+ # set width and height of the dialog
+ screen_dialog.setFixedWidth(400)
+ screen_dialog.setWindowTitle(
+ QCoreApplication.translate(
+ "MainWindow", "Screen Capture Selection", None
+ )
+ )
+ # populate comboBox_window with the available windows
+ ui_screencapture.comboBox_window.clear()
+ ui_screencapture.comboBox_window.addItem(
+ QCoreApplication.translate(
+ "MainWindow", "Capture the entire screen", None
+ ),
+ -1,
+ )
+ for window in ScreenCapture.list_windows():
+ ui_screencapture.comboBox_window.addItem(window[0], window[1])
+ screen_dialog.exec()
+ # check if the dialog was accepted
+ if screen_dialog.result() != QDialog.DialogCode.Accepted:
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentIndex(0)
+ return
+ # get the window ID from the comboBox_window
+ window_id = ui_screencapture.comboBox_window.currentData()
+ self.source_name = window_id
+ # store the source selection in scoresight.json
+ self.globalSettingsChanged("source_selected", self.source_name)
+ self.sourceSelectionSucessful()
+ def itemSelected(self, item_name):
+ # select the item in the tableWidget_boxes
+ items = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.findItems(
+ item_name, Qt.MatchFlag.MatchExactly
+ )
+ if len(items) == 0:
+ return
+ item = items[0]
+ item.setSelected(True)
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setCurrentItem(item)
+ self.listItemClicked(item)
+ def fourCornersApplied(self, corners):
+ # check the button
+ self.ui.pushButton_fourCorner.setChecked(True)
+ def sourceSelectionSucessful(self):
+ if self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndex() == 0:
+ return
+ self.ui.frame_source_view.setEnabled(False)
+ if self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndex() == 1:
+ if self.source_name is None or not path.exists(self.source_name):
+ logger.error("No file selected")
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentIndex(0)
+ return
+ logger.info("Loading file selected: %s", self.source_name)
+ camera_info = CameraInfo(
+ self.source_name,
+ self.source_name,
+ self.source_name,
+ CameraInfo.CameraType.FILE,
+ )
+ elif self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndex() == 2:
+ if self.source_name is None or self.source_name == "":
+ logger.error("No url entered")
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentIndex(0)
+ return
+ logger.info("Loading url: %s", self.source_name)
+ camera_info = CameraInfo(
+ self.source_name,
+ self.source_name,
+ self.source_name,
+ CameraInfo.CameraType.URL,
+ )
+ elif self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentIndex() == 3:
+ if self.source_name is None:
+ logger.error("No screen capture selected")
+ self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.setCurrentIndex(0)
+ return
+ logger.info("Loading screen capture: %s", self.source_name)
+ camera_info = CameraInfo(
+ self.source_name,
+ self.source_name,
+ self.source_name,
+ CameraInfo.CameraType.SCREEN_CAPTURE,
+ )
+ else:
+ if self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentData() is None:
+ return
+ logger.info(
+ "Loading camera: %s", self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentText()
+ )
+ camera_info = self.ui.comboBox_camera_source.currentData()
+ if self.image_viewer:
+ # remove the image viewer from the layout frame_for_source_view_label
+ self.ui.frame_for_source_view_label.layout().removeWidget(self.image_viewer)
+ self.image_viewer.close()
+ self.image_viewer = None
+ # clear self.ui.frame_for_source_view_label
+ clear_layout(self.ui.frame_for_source_view_label.layout())
+ # set the pixmap to the image viewer
+ self.image_viewer = ImageViewer(
+ camera_info,
+ self.fourCornersApplied,
+ self.detectionTargetsStorage,
+ self.itemSelected,
+ )
+ self.ui.toolButton_videoSettings.setEnabled(
+ camera_info.type == CameraInfo.CameraType.OPENCV
+ )
+ self.ui.pushButton_fourCorner.setEnabled(True)
+ self.ui.pushButton_binary.setEnabled(True)
+ self.ui.pushButton_fourCorner.toggled.connect(
+ self.image_viewer.toggleFourCorner
+ )
+ self.ui.pushButton_binary.clicked.connect(self.image_viewer.toggleBinary)
+ if self.image_viewer.timerThread:
+ self.image_viewer.timerThread.ocr_result_signal.connect(self.ocrResult)
+ self.image_viewer.timerThread.update_error.connect(self.updateError)
+ self.image_viewer.first_frame_received_signal.connect(
+ self.cameraConnectedEnableUI
+ )
+ self.ocrModelChanged(fetch_data("scoresight.json", "ocr_model", 1))
+ # set the image viewer to the layout frame_for_source_view_label
+ self.ui.frame_for_source_view_label.layout().addWidget(self.image_viewer)
+ def cameraConnectedEnableUI(self):
+ # enable groupBox_sb_info
+ self.ui.groupBox_sb_info.setEnabled(True)
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setEnabled(True)
+ self.ui.frame_source_view.setEnabled(True)
+ self.ui.widget_viewTools.setEnabled(True)
+ # load the boxes from scoresight.json
+ self.detectionTargetsStorage.loadBoxesFromStorage()
+ self.updateError(None)
+ def updateError(self, error):
+ if not error:
+ return
+ logger.error(error)
+ self.ui.frame_source_view.setEnabled(True)
+ self.ui.widget_viewTools.setEnabled(False)
+ def ocrResult(self, results: list[TextDetectionTargetWithResult]):
+ # update template fields
+ for targetWithResult in results:
+ if not targetWithResult.settings["templatefield"]:
+ continue
+ targetWithResult.result = evaluate_template_field(results, targetWithResult)
+ targetWithResult.result_state = (
+ TextDetectionTargetWithResult.ResultState.Success
+ if targetWithResult.result is not None
+ else TextDetectionTargetWithResult.ResultState.Empty
+ )
+ # update the table widget value items
+ for targetWithResult in results:
+ if (
+ targetWithResult.result_state
+ == TextDetectionTargetWithResult.ResultState.Success
+ ):
+ items = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.findItems(
+ targetWithResult.name, Qt.MatchFlag.MatchExactly
+ )
+ if len(items) == 0:
+ continue
+ item = items[0]
+ # get the value (1 column) of the item
+ item = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.item(item.row(), 1)
+ item.setText(targetWithResult.result)
+ if not self.updateOCRResults:
+ # don't update the results, the user has disabled updates
+ return
+ update_http_server(results)
+ if self.ui.checkBox_enableOutAPI.isChecked():
+ update_out_api(results)
+ # update vmix
+ self.vmixUpdater.update_vmix(results)
+ if self.out_folder is None:
+ return
+ if not path.exists(path.abspath(self.out_folder)):
+ self.out_folder = None
+ remove_data("scoresight.json", "output_folder")
+ logger.warning("Output folder does not exist")
+ return
+ # check if enough time has passed since last file save according to aggs per second
+ if (
+ datetime.datetime.now() - self.last_aggregate_save
+ ).total_seconds() < 1.0 / self.ui.horizontalSlider_aggsPerSecond.value():
+ return
+ self.last_aggregate_save = datetime.datetime.now()
+ # update the obs scene sources with the results, use update_text_source
+ for targetWithResult in results:
+ if targetWithResult.result is None:
+ continue
+ if (
+ targetWithResult.settings is not None
+ and "skip_empty" in targetWithResult.settings
+ and targetWithResult.settings["skip_empty"]
+ and len(targetWithResult.result) == 0
+ ):
+ continue
+ if (
+ targetWithResult.result_state
+ != TextDetectionTargetWithResult.ResultState.Success
+ ):
+ continue
+ if (
+ self.obs_websocket_client is not None
+ and targetWithResult.settings is not None
+ ):
+ # find the source name for the target from the default boxes
+ update_text_source(
+ self.obs_websocket_client,
+ targetWithResult.settings["obs_source_name"],
+ targetWithResult.result,
+ )
+ # save the results to text files
+ file_output.save_text_files(
+ results, self.out_folder, self.ui.comboBox_appendMethod.currentIndex()
+ )
+ # save the results to a csv file
+ if self.ui.checkBox_saveCsv.isChecked():
+ file_output.save_csv(
+ results,
+ self.out_folder,
+ self.ui.comboBox_appendMethod.currentIndex(),
+ self.first_csv_append,
+ )
+ # save the results to an xml file
+ if self.ui.checkBox_saveXML.isChecked():
+ file_output.save_xml(
+ results,
+ self.out_folder,
+ )
+ def addBox(self):
+ # add a new box to the tableWidget_boxes
+ # find the number of custom boxes
+ custom_boxes = []
+ for i in range(self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount()):
+ item = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.item(i, 0)
+ if item.text() not in [o["name"] for o in default_boxes]:
+ custom_boxes.append(item.text())
+ i = len(custom_boxes)
+ new_box_name = f"Custom {i + 1}"
+ custom_boxes_names = fetch_data("scoresight.json", "custom_boxes_names", [])
+ # find if the name already exists
+ while new_box_name in custom_boxes or new_box_name in custom_boxes_names:
+ i += 1
+ new_box_name = f"Custom {i + 1}"
+ store_custom_box_name(new_box_name)
+ item = QTableWidgetItem(
+ QIcon(
+ path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "icons/circle-x.svg"))
+ ),
+ new_box_name,
+ )
+ item.setData(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, "unchecked")
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.insertRow(self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount())
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setItem(
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount() - 1, 0, item
+ )
+ disabledItem = QTableWidgetItem()
+ disabledItem.setFlags(Qt.ItemFlag.NoItemFlags)
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.setItem(
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount() - 1, 1, disabledItem
+ )
+ def removeCustomBox(self):
+ item = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.currentItem()
+ if not item:
+ logger.info("No item selected")
+ return
+ if item.column() != 0:
+ item = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.item(item.row(), 0)
+ self.removeBox()
+ remove_custom_box_name_in_storage(item.text())
+ # only allow removing custom boxes
+ if item.text() in [o["name"] for o in default_boxes]:
+ logger.info("Cannot remove default box")
+ return
+ # remove the selected item from the tableWidget_boxes
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.removeRow(item.row())
+ def editBoxName(self, item):
+ if item.text() in [o["name"] for o in default_boxes]:
+ # dont allow editing default boxes
+ return
+ new_name, ok = QInputDialog.getText(
+ self, "Edit Box Name", "New Name:", text=item.text()
+ )
+ old_name = item.text()
+ if ok and new_name != "" and new_name != old_name:
+ # check if name doesn't exist already
+ for i in range(self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.rowCount()):
+ if new_name == self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.item(i, 0).text():
+ logger.info("Name '%s' already exists", new_name)
+ return
+ # rename the item in the tableWidget_boxes
+ rename_custom_box_name_in_storage(old_name, new_name)
+ item.setText(new_name)
+ # rename the item in the detectionTargetsStorage
+ if not self.detectionTargetsStorage.rename_item(old_name, new_name):
+ logger.info("Error renaming item in application storage")
+ return
+ else:
+ # check if the item role isn't "templatefield"
+ if item.data(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole) != "templatefield":
+ # remove the item from the tableWidget_boxes
+ self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.removeRow(item.row())
+ def makeBox(self):
+ item = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.currentItem()
+ if not item:
+ return
+ # create a new box on self.image_viewer with the name of the selected item from the tableWidget_boxes
+ # change the list icon to green checkmark
+ item.setIcon(
+ QIcon(
+ path.abspath(
+ path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "icons/circle-check.svg")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ item.setData(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, "checked")
+ self.listItemClicked(item)
+ # get the size of the box from the name
+ info = default_info_for_box_name(item.text())
+ self.detectionTargetsStorage.add_item(
+ TextDetectionTarget(
+ info["x"],
+ info["y"],
+ info["width"],
+ info["height"],
+ item.text(),
+ normalize_settings_dict({}, info),
+ )
+ )
+ def removeBox(self):
+ item = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.currentItem()
+ if not item:
+ return
+ # change the list icon to red x
+ item.setIcon(
+ QIcon(path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "icons/circle-x.svg")))
+ )
+ item.setData(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, "unchecked")
+ self.listItemClicked(item)
+ self.detectionTargetsStorage.remove_item(item.text())
+ def makeTemplateField(self, toggled: bool):
+ item = self.ui.tableWidget_boxes.currentItem()
+ if not item:
+ return
+ if not toggled:
+ self.removeBox()
+ return
+ # create a new box on self.image_viewer with the name of the selected item from the tableWidget_boxes
+ # change the list icon to green checkmark
+ item.setIcon(
+ QIcon(
+ path.abspath(
+ path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "icons/template-field.svg")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ item.setData(Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, "templatefield")
+ self.detectionTargetsStorage.add_item(
+ TextDetectionTarget(
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ item.text(),
+ normalize_settings_dict({"templatefield": True}, None),
+ )
+ )
+ self.listItemClicked(item)
+ def createOBSScene(self):
+ # get the scene name from the lineEdit_sceneName
+ scene_name = self.ui.lineEdit_sceneName.text()
+ # clear or create a new scene
+ create_obs_scene_from_export(self.obs_websocket_client, scene_name)
+ # on destroy, close the OBS connection
+ def closeEvent(self, event):
+ logger.info("Closing")
+ if self.image_viewer:
+ self.image_viewer.close()
+ self.image_viewer = None
+ if self.log_dialog:
+ self.log_dialog.close()
+ self.log_dialog = None
+ # store the boxes to scoresight.json
+ self.detectionTargetsStorage.saveBoxesToStorage()
+ if self.obs_websocket_client:
+ # destroy the client object
+ self.obs_websocket_client = None
+ super().closeEvent(event)
diff --git a/mainwindow.ui b/mainwindow.ui
index 0933569..7668999 100644
--- a/mainwindow.ui
+++ b/mainwindow.ui
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- 961
+ 901
@@ -1467,12 +1467,7 @@
- Key-Value
- -
- Plain Text
@@ -1517,6 +1512,12 @@
+ false
+ Not implemented yet.
@@ -1727,6 +1728,16 @@
+ -
+ false
+ Video Settings
@@ -1753,6 +1764,16 @@
+ -
+ Save OCR Training Data
+ true
@@ -2109,7 +2130,7 @@
- 961
+ 901
diff --git a/ocr_training_data.py b/ocr_training_data.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40308dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocr_training_data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+import tempfile
+import zipfile
+from PySide6.QtWidgets import QDialog, QFileDialog, QMessageBox
+import cv2
+from numpy import ndarray
+from platformdirs import user_data_dir
+import os
+import uuid
+from sc_logging import logger
+from text_detection_target import TextDetectionResult, TextDetectionTargetWithResult
+from ui_ocr_training_data_dialog import Ui_OCRTrainingDataDialog
+from storage import fetch_data, store_data, subscribe_to_data
+class OCRTrainingDataOptions:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.save_ocr_training_data = fetch_data(
+ "scoresight.json", "save_ocr_training_data", False
+ )
+ subscribe_to_data(
+ "scoresight.json", "save_ocr_training_data", self.set_save_ocr_training_data
+ )
+ self.ocr_training_data_folder = fetch_data(
+ "scoresight.json",
+ "ocr_training_data_folder",
+ os.path.join(user_data_dir("scoresight"), "ocr_training_data"),
+ )
+ subscribe_to_data(
+ "scoresight.json",
+ "ocr_training_data_folder",
+ self.set_ocr_training_data_folder,
+ )
+ self.ocr_training_data_max_size = fetch_data(
+ "scoresight.json", "ocr_training_data_max_size", 10
+ )
+ subscribe_to_data(
+ "scoresight.json",
+ "ocr_training_data_max_size",
+ self.set_ocr_training_data_max_size,
+ )
+ def set_save_ocr_training_data(self, value):
+ self.save_ocr_training_data = value
+ def set_ocr_training_data_folder(self, value):
+ self.ocr_training_data_folder = value
+ def set_ocr_training_data_max_size(self, value):
+ self.ocr_training_data_max_size = value
+ def save_ocr_results_to_folder(
+ self,
+ binary: ndarray,
+ gray: ndarray,
+ result: list[TextDetectionTargetWithResult],
+ ):
+ if self.save_ocr_training_data:
+ # create the folder if it doesn't exist
+ if not os.path.exists(self.ocr_training_data_folder):
+ os.makedirs(self.ocr_training_data_folder)
+ # calculate the size of the folder
+ folder_size = 0
+ for root, _, files in os.walk(self.ocr_training_data_folder):
+ for file in files:
+ folder_size += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(root, file))
+ # check if the folder size is greater than the max size
+ if folder_size > self.ocr_training_data_max_size * 1024 * 1024:
+ logger.error(
+ f"OCR training data folder size exceeds maximum size of {self.ocr_training_data_max_size} MB"
+ )
+ return
+ for r in result:
+ if (
+ r.result_state == TextDetectionTargetWithResult.ResultState.SameNoChange
+ or r.result_state == TextDetectionTargetWithResult.ResultState.Empty
+ or r.result == ""
+ ):
+ continue
+ # generate a name for the image and text file using uuid
+ uuid_for_image = uuid.uuid4()
+ image_name = f"{uuid_for_image}.png"
+ image_gray_name = f"{uuid_for_image}_gray.png"
+ text_name = f"{uuid_for_image}.txt"
+ # crop the patch from the image
+ x, y, w, h = int(r.x()), int(r.y()), int(r.width()), int(r.height())
+ binary_patch = binary[y : y + h, x : x + w]
+ gray_patch = gray[y : y + h, x : x + w]
+ # write the image to the folder
+ cv2.imwrite(
+ os.path.join(self.ocr_training_data_folder, image_name), binary_patch
+ )
+ cv2.imwrite(
+ os.path.join(self.ocr_training_data_folder, image_gray_name), gray_patch
+ )
+ # write the text to the folder
+ with open(
+ os.path.join(self.ocr_training_data_folder, text_name), "w"
+ ) as text_file:
+ text_file.write(r.result)
+ocr_training_data_options = OCRTrainingDataOptions()
+def zip_folder(folder_path, zip_path):
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zipf:
+ for root, _, files in os.walk(folder_path):
+ for file in files:
+ file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
+ arcname = os.path.relpath(file_path, folder_path)
+ zipf.write(file_path, arcname)
+class OCRTrainingDataDialog(QDialog):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.ui = Ui_OCRTrainingDataDialog()
+ self.ui.setupUi(self)
+ self.ui.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.save_settings)
+ self.ui.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.close)
+ self.ui.toolButton_chooseSaveFolder.clicked.connect(self.choose_save_folder)
+ self.ui.lineEdit_saveFolder.setText(
+ ocr_training_data_options.ocr_training_data_folder
+ )
+ self.ui.spinBox_maxSize.setValue(
+ ocr_training_data_options.ocr_training_data_max_size
+ )
+ self.ui.pushButton_openFolder.clicked.connect(self.open_folder)
+ self.ui.pushButton_saveZipFile.clicked.connect(self.save_zip_file)
+ def save_zip_file(self):
+ logger.debug("Saving OCR training data zip file")
+ folder = self.ui.lineEdit_saveFolder.text()
+ if folder:
+ # Create a temporary file to store the zip
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".zip", delete=False) as temp_zip:
+ temp_zip_path = temp_zip.name
+ # Zip the folder
+ try:
+ zip_folder(folder, temp_zip_path)
+ except Exception as e:
+ QMessageBox.critical(
+ None, "Error", f"Failed to create zip file: {str(e)}"
+ )
+ os.unlink(temp_zip_path)
+ return
+ # Ask user where to save the zip file
+ save_path, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
+ None, "Save Zip File", "", "Zip Files (*.zip)"
+ )
+ if save_path:
+ if not save_path.endswith(".zip"):
+ save_path += ".zip"
+ try:
+ # Copy the temp zip to the chosen location
+ with open(temp_zip_path, "rb") as src, open(save_path, "wb") as dst:
+ dst.write(src.read())
+ logger.info(f"Zip file saved to {save_path}")
+ except Exception as e:
+ QMessageBox.critical(
+ None, "Error", f"Failed to save zip file: {str(e)}"
+ )
+ else:
+ logger.info("Zip file was not saved.")
+ # Clean up the temporary file
+ os.unlink(temp_zip_path)
+ else:
+ logger.error("No OCR training data folder set")
+ def open_folder(self):
+ logger.debug("Opening OCR training data save folder")
+ folder = self.ui.lineEdit_saveFolder.text()
+ if folder:
+ os.startfile(folder)
+ def choose_save_folder(self):
+ logger.debug("Choosing OCR training data save folder")
+ folder = self.ui.lineEdit_saveFolder.text()
+ folder = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(
+ self, "Choose OCR training data save folder", folder
+ )
+ if folder:
+ self.ui.lineEdit_saveFolder.setText(folder)
+ def save_settings(self):
+ logger.debug("Saving OCR training data")
+ store_data(
+ "scoresight.json",
+ "ocr_training_data_save_folder",
+ self.ui.lineEdit_saveFolder.text(),
+ )
+ store_data(
+ "scoresight.json",
+ "ocr_training_data_max_size",
+ self.ui.spinBox_maxSize.value(),
+ )
+ self.close()
diff --git a/ocr_training_data_dialog.ui b/ocr_training_data_dialog.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8781bc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocr_training_data_dialog.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ OCRTrainingDataDialog
+ 0
+ 0
+ 267
+ 132
+ 267
+ 0
+ 650
+ 16777215
+ Dialog
+ -
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok
+ -
+ Save Folder
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ -
+ ...
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ Open Folder
+ -
+ Save Zip File
+ -
+ Max Size
+ -
+ Mb
+ 1
+ 10
+ buttonBox
+ accepted()
+ OCRTrainingDataDialog
+ accept()
+ 248
+ 254
+ 157
+ 274
+ buttonBox
+ rejected()
+ OCRTrainingDataDialog
+ reject()
+ 316
+ 260
+ 286
+ 274
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index f5918b5..acc563a 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ cyndilib
diff --git a/scoresight.spec b/scoresight.spec
index bf23955..52aaaee 100644
--- a/scoresight.spec
+++ b/scoresight.spec
@@ -48,8 +48,10 @@ datas = [
sources = [
+ 'api_output.py',
+ 'camera_thread.py',
@@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ sources = [
+ 'mainwindow.py',
+ 'ocr_training_data.py',
@@ -66,13 +70,16 @@ sources = [
+ 'video_settings.py',
+ 'ui_ocr_training_data_dialog.py',
+ 'ui_video_settings.py',
diff --git a/screen_capture_source.py b/screen_capture_source.py
index f6c7142..8f801d9 100644
--- a/screen_capture_source.py
+++ b/screen_capture_source.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import platform
+from typing import Union, Type
class ScreenCaptureNotImplemented:
@@ -19,6 +20,25 @@ def read(self):
return False, None
+# Define a base class or protocol for screen capture
+class ScreenCaptureBase:
+ @staticmethod
+ def list_windows():
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def __init__(self, window_name):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def isOpened(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def release(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def read(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
# This is a simple example of how to use the screen capture source in the
# platform-independent part of the code.
if platform.system() == "Darwin":
@@ -27,3 +47,5 @@ def read(self):
from screen_capture_source_windows import ScreenCaptureWindows as ScreenCapture
ScreenCapture = ScreenCaptureNotImplemented
+ScreenCaptureType = Union[Type[ScreenCapture], Type[ScreenCaptureBase]]
diff --git a/source_view.py b/source_view.py
index 9f1c2c7..102d64a 100644
--- a/source_view.py
+++ b/source_view.py
@@ -6,8 +6,14 @@
+from camera_info import CameraInfo
from camera_view import CameraView
-from storage import fetch_data, remove_data, store_data
+from storage import (
+ TextDetectionTargetMemoryStorage,
+ fetch_data,
+ remove_data,
+ store_data,
from text_detection_target import TextDetectionTarget, TextDetectionTargetWithResult
from sc_logging import logger
from resizable_rect import ResizableRectWithNameTypeAndResult
@@ -37,10 +43,10 @@ def angle_from_center(point):
class ImageViewer(CameraView):
def __init__(
- camera_index,
- fourCornersAppliedCallback,
- detectionTargetsStorage,
- itemSelectedCallback,
+ camera_index: CameraInfo,
+ fourCornersAppliedCallback: callable,
+ detectionTargetsStorage: TextDetectionTargetMemoryStorage | None,
+ itemSelectedCallback: callable,
super().__init__(camera_index, detectionTargetsStorage)
diff --git a/storage.py b/storage.py
index 0c1e042..e6b34ec 100644
--- a/storage.py
+++ b/storage.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
data_subscribers = {}
-def subscribe_to_data(file_path, document_name, callback):
+def subscribe_to_data(file_path: str, document_name: str, callback: callable):
# Subscribe to data changes in a JSON file
# prepend the user data directory
file_path = os.path.join(user_data_dir("scoresight"), file_path)
diff --git a/tesseract.py b/tesseract.py
index fe25e70..490367a 100644
--- a/tesseract.py
+++ b/tesseract.py
@@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
+from defaults import FieldType
from os import path
-import cv2
-from tesserocr import PyTessBaseAPI, RIL, iterate_level
-import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
-from defaults import FieldType
-from storage import fetch_data
-from text_detection_target import TextDetectionTarget, TextDetectionTargetWithResult
-import re
from PySide6.QtCore import QRectF
+from tesserocr import PyTessBaseAPI, RIL, iterate_level
from threading import Lock
-from sc_logging import logger
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+import re
+from storage import fetch_data
+from text_detection_target import (
+ TextDetectionResult,
+ TextDetectionTarget,
+ TextDetectionTargetWithResult,
def autocrop(image_in):
@@ -78,14 +82,6 @@ def is_valid_regex(pattern):
return False
-class TextDetectionResult:
- def __init__(self, text, state, rect=None, extra=None):
- self.text = text
- self.state = state
- self.rect = rect
- self.extra = extra
class TextDetector:
# model name enum: daktronics=0, scoreboard_general=1
class OcrModelIndex:
@@ -570,5 +566,7 @@ def detect_multi_text(
if text == "":
textstate = TextDetectionTargetWithResult.ResultState.Empty
- texts.append(TextDetectionResult(text, textstate, effectiveRect, extras))
+ result = TextDetectionResult(text, textstate, effectiveRect, extras)
+ texts.append(result)
return texts
diff --git a/text_detection_target.py b/text_detection_target.py
index da9a4d4..451f309 100644
--- a/text_detection_target.py
+++ b/text_detection_target.py
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def clear(self):
class TextDetectionTarget(QRectF):
- def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, name, settings: dict | None = None):
+ def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, name: str, settings: dict | None = None):
super().__init__(x, y, width, height)
self.name = name
self.settings = settings
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ class ResultState(enum.Enum):
def __init__(
detection_target: TextDetectionTarget,
- result,
- result_state,
+ result: str,
+ result_state: ResultState,
@@ -88,3 +88,17 @@ def to_dict(self):
"height": self.height(),
+class TextDetectionResult:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ text: str,
+ state: TextDetectionTargetWithResult.ResultState,
+ rect: QRectF | None = None,
+ extra=None,
+ ):
+ self.text = text
+ self.state = state
+ self.rect = rect
+ self.extra = extra
diff --git a/translations/scoresight_en_US.qm b/translations/scoresight_en_US.qm
index ecbbdfd..943d604 100644
Binary files a/translations/scoresight_en_US.qm and b/translations/scoresight_en_US.qm differ
diff --git a/translations/scoresight_en_US.ts b/translations/scoresight_en_US.ts
index 70190bb..6cab4bc 100644
--- a/translations/scoresight_en_US.ts
+++ b/translations/scoresight_en_US.ts
@@ -519,10 +519,15 @@
Stop Updates
+ Resume Updates
diff --git a/ui_about.py b/ui_about.py
index 5c8eac5..c37899a 100644
--- a/ui_about.py
+++ b/ui_about.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Form generated from reading UI file 'about.ui'
-## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 6.7.1
+## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 6.7.2
## WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file!
diff --git a/ui_connect_obs.py b/ui_connect_obs.py
index ab04702..d98e064 100644
--- a/ui_connect_obs.py
+++ b/ui_connect_obs.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Form generated from reading UI file 'connect_obs.ui'
-## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 6.7.1
+## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 6.7.2
## WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file!
diff --git a/ui_log_view.py b/ui_log_view.py
index 028d293..6427dfa 100644
--- a/ui_log_view.py
+++ b/ui_log_view.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Form generated from reading UI file 'log_view.ui'
-## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 6.7.1
+## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 6.7.2
## WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file!
diff --git a/ui_mainwindow.py b/ui_mainwindow.py
index d19a552..20c61ac 100644
--- a/ui_mainwindow.py
+++ b/ui_mainwindow.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Form generated from reading UI file 'mainwindow.ui'
-## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 6.7.1
+## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 6.7.2
## WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file!
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Ui_MainWindow(object):
def setupUi(self, MainWindow):
if not MainWindow.objectName():
- MainWindow.resize(961, 725)
+ MainWindow.resize(901, 725)
self.centralwidget = QWidget(MainWindow)
self.formLayout = QFormLayout(self.centralwidget)
@@ -774,7 +774,6 @@ def setupUi(self, MainWindow):
- self.comboBox_api_encode.addItem("")
self.formLayout_3.setWidget(4, QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.comboBox_api_encode)
@@ -796,6 +795,7 @@ def setupUi(self, MainWindow):
self.checkBox_is_websocket = QCheckBox(self.widget_24)
+ self.checkBox_is_websocket.setEnabled(False)
@@ -898,6 +898,12 @@ def setupUi(self, MainWindow):
+ self.toolButton_videoSettings = QToolButton(self.widget_3)
+ self.toolButton_videoSettings.setObjectName(u"toolButton_videoSettings")
+ self.toolButton_videoSettings.setEnabled(False)
+ self.horizontalLayout_3.addWidget(self.toolButton_videoSettings)
self.pushButton_refresh_sources = QToolButton(self.widget_3)
@@ -910,6 +916,12 @@ def setupUi(self, MainWindow):
+ self.pushButton_saveOCRTrainingData = QPushButton(self.widget_4)
+ self.pushButton_saveOCRTrainingData.setObjectName(u"pushButton_saveOCRTrainingData")
+ self.pushButton_saveOCRTrainingData.setCheckable(True)
+ self.horizontalLayout_4.addWidget(self.pushButton_saveOCRTrainingData)
@@ -1082,7 +1094,7 @@ def setupUi(self, MainWindow):
self.menubar = QMenuBar(MainWindow)
- self.menubar.setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, 961, 20))
+ self.menubar.setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, 901, 20))
@@ -1203,10 +1215,12 @@ def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow):
self.label_21.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"Encode", None))
self.comboBox_api_encode.setItemText(0, QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"JSON", None))
self.comboBox_api_encode.setItemText(1, QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"XML", None))
- self.comboBox_api_encode.setItemText(2, QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"Key-Value", None))
- self.comboBox_api_encode.setItemText(3, QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"Plain Text", None))
+ self.comboBox_api_encode.setItemText(2, QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"CSV", None))
self.lineEdit_api_url.setPlaceholderText(QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"http://", None))
+#if QT_CONFIG(tooltip)
+ self.checkBox_is_websocket.setToolTip(QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"Not implemented yet.", None))
+#endif // QT_CONFIG(tooltip)
self.checkBox_is_websocket.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"Websocket", None))
self.label_20.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"URL", None))
self.tabWidget_outputs.setTabText(self.tabWidget_outputs.indexOf(self.tab_api), QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"API", None))
@@ -1222,10 +1236,12 @@ def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow):
self.comboBox_camera_source.setItemText(2, QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"URL Source (HTTP, RTSP)", None))
self.comboBox_camera_source.setItemText(3, QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"Screen Capture", None))
+ self.toolButton_videoSettings.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"Video Settings", None))
#if QT_CONFIG(tooltip)
self.pushButton_refresh_sources.setToolTip(QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"Refresh Sources", None))
#endif // QT_CONFIG(tooltip)
self.pushButton_refresh_sources.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"Reload", None))
+ self.pushButton_saveOCRTrainingData.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"Save OCR Training Data", None))
self.pushButton_binary.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"Binary View", None))
self.pushButton_fourCorner.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", u"4-corner Correction", None))
#if QT_CONFIG(tooltip)
diff --git a/ui_ocr_training_data_dialog.py b/ui_ocr_training_data_dialog.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f51d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui_ocr_training_data_dialog.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## Form generated from reading UI file 'ocr_training_data_dialog.ui'
+## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 6.7.2
+## WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file!
+from PySide6.QtCore import (QCoreApplication, QDate, QDateTime, QLocale,
+ QMetaObject, QObject, QPoint, QRect,
+ QSize, QTime, QUrl, Qt)
+from PySide6.QtGui import (QBrush, QColor, QConicalGradient, QCursor,
+ QFont, QFontDatabase, QGradient, QIcon,
+ QImage, QKeySequence, QLinearGradient, QPainter,
+ QPalette, QPixmap, QRadialGradient, QTransform)
+from PySide6.QtWidgets import (QAbstractButton, QApplication, QDialog, QDialogButtonBox,
+ QFormLayout, QGridLayout, QHBoxLayout, QLabel,
+ QLineEdit, QPushButton, QSizePolicy, QSpinBox,
+ QToolButton, QWidget)
+class Ui_OCRTrainingDataDialog(object):
+ def setupUi(self, OCRTrainingDataDialog):
+ if not OCRTrainingDataDialog.objectName():
+ OCRTrainingDataDialog.setObjectName(u"OCRTrainingDataDialog")
+ OCRTrainingDataDialog.resize(267, 132)
+ OCRTrainingDataDialog.setMinimumSize(QSize(267, 0))
+ OCRTrainingDataDialog.setMaximumSize(QSize(650, 16777215))
+ self.gridLayout = QGridLayout(OCRTrainingDataDialog)
+ self.gridLayout.setObjectName(u"gridLayout")
+ self.buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(OCRTrainingDataDialog)
+ self.buttonBox.setObjectName(u"buttonBox")
+ self.buttonBox.setOrientation(Qt.Horizontal)
+ self.buttonBox.setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel|QDialogButtonBox.Ok)
+ self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.buttonBox, 2, 0, 1, 1)
+ self.widget = QWidget(OCRTrainingDataDialog)
+ self.widget.setObjectName(u"widget")
+ self.formLayout = QFormLayout(self.widget)
+ self.formLayout.setObjectName(u"formLayout")
+ self.label = QLabel(self.widget)
+ self.label.setObjectName(u"label")
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(0, QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.label)
+ self.widget_2 = QWidget(self.widget)
+ self.widget_2.setObjectName(u"widget_2")
+ sizePolicy = QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Policy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Policy.Fixed)
+ sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0)
+ sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0)
+ sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.widget_2.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth())
+ self.widget_2.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy)
+ self.horizontalLayout = QHBoxLayout(self.widget_2)
+ self.horizontalLayout.setObjectName(u"horizontalLayout")
+ self.horizontalLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.lineEdit_saveFolder = QLineEdit(self.widget_2)
+ self.lineEdit_saveFolder.setObjectName(u"lineEdit_saveFolder")
+ self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.lineEdit_saveFolder)
+ self.toolButton_chooseSaveFolder = QToolButton(self.widget_2)
+ self.toolButton_chooseSaveFolder.setObjectName(u"toolButton_chooseSaveFolder")
+ self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.toolButton_chooseSaveFolder)
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(0, QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.widget_2)
+ self.widget_3 = QWidget(self.widget)
+ self.widget_3.setObjectName(u"widget_3")
+ self.horizontalLayout_2 = QHBoxLayout(self.widget_3)
+ self.horizontalLayout_2.setObjectName(u"horizontalLayout_2")
+ self.horizontalLayout_2.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.pushButton_openFolder = QPushButton(self.widget_3)
+ self.pushButton_openFolder.setObjectName(u"pushButton_openFolder")
+ self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.pushButton_openFolder)
+ self.pushButton_saveZipFile = QPushButton(self.widget_3)
+ self.pushButton_saveZipFile.setObjectName(u"pushButton_saveZipFile")
+ self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.pushButton_saveZipFile)
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(1, QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.widget_3)
+ self.label_2 = QLabel(self.widget)
+ self.label_2.setObjectName(u"label_2")
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(2, QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.label_2)
+ self.spinBox_maxSize = QSpinBox(self.widget)
+ self.spinBox_maxSize.setObjectName(u"spinBox_maxSize")
+ self.spinBox_maxSize.setMinimum(1)
+ self.spinBox_maxSize.setValue(10)
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(2, QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.spinBox_maxSize)
+ self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.widget, 1, 0, 1, 1)
+ self.retranslateUi(OCRTrainingDataDialog)
+ self.buttonBox.accepted.connect(OCRTrainingDataDialog.accept)
+ self.buttonBox.rejected.connect(OCRTrainingDataDialog.reject)
+ QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(OCRTrainingDataDialog)
+ # setupUi
+ def retranslateUi(self, OCRTrainingDataDialog):
+ OCRTrainingDataDialog.setWindowTitle(QCoreApplication.translate("OCRTrainingDataDialog", u"Dialog", None))
+ self.label.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("OCRTrainingDataDialog", u"Save Folder", None))
+ self.toolButton_chooseSaveFolder.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("OCRTrainingDataDialog", u"...", None))
+ self.pushButton_openFolder.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("OCRTrainingDataDialog", u"Open Folder", None))
+ self.pushButton_saveZipFile.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("OCRTrainingDataDialog", u"Save Zip File", None))
+ self.label_2.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("OCRTrainingDataDialog", u"Max Size", None))
+ self.spinBox_maxSize.setSuffix(QCoreApplication.translate("OCRTrainingDataDialog", u"Mb", None))
+ # retranslateUi
diff --git a/ui_screen_capture.py b/ui_screen_capture.py
index cb3513a..70bd188 100644
--- a/ui_screen_capture.py
+++ b/ui_screen_capture.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Form generated from reading UI file 'screen_capture.ui'
-## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 6.7.1
+## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 6.7.2
## WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file!
diff --git a/ui_update_available.py b/ui_update_available.py
index caf9763..368a569 100644
--- a/ui_update_available.py
+++ b/ui_update_available.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Form generated from reading UI file 'update_available.ui'
-## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 6.7.1
+## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 6.7.2
## WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file!
diff --git a/ui_url_source.py b/ui_url_source.py
index e3482b2..f6fa3ac 100644
--- a/ui_url_source.py
+++ b/ui_url_source.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Form generated from reading UI file 'url_source.ui'
-## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 6.7.1
+## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 6.7.2
## WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file!
diff --git a/ui_video_settings.py b/ui_video_settings.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f4aa3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui_video_settings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## Form generated from reading UI file 'video_settings.ui'
+## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 6.7.2
+## WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file!
+from PySide6.QtCore import (QCoreApplication, QDate, QDateTime, QLocale,
+ QMetaObject, QObject, QPoint, QRect,
+ QSize, QTime, QUrl, Qt)
+from PySide6.QtGui import (QBrush, QColor, QConicalGradient, QCursor,
+ QFont, QFontDatabase, QGradient, QIcon,
+ QImage, QKeySequence, QLinearGradient, QPainter,
+ QPalette, QPixmap, QRadialGradient, QTransform)
+from PySide6.QtWidgets import (QAbstractButton, QApplication, QComboBox, QDialog,
+ QDialogButtonBox, QFormLayout, QGridLayout, QLabel,
+ QPlainTextEdit, QSizePolicy, QSpinBox, QWidget)
+class Ui_Dialog(object):
+ def setupUi(self, Dialog):
+ if not Dialog.objectName():
+ Dialog.setObjectName(u"Dialog")
+ Dialog.resize(400, 259)
+ self.gridLayout = QGridLayout(Dialog)
+ self.gridLayout.setObjectName(u"gridLayout")
+ self.widget = QWidget(Dialog)
+ self.widget.setObjectName(u"widget")
+ self.formLayout = QFormLayout(self.widget)
+ self.formLayout.setObjectName(u"formLayout")
+ self.label = QLabel(self.widget)
+ self.label.setObjectName(u"label")
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(2, QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.label)
+ self.comboBox_fourcc = QComboBox(self.widget)
+ self.comboBox_fourcc.addItem("")
+ self.comboBox_fourcc.setObjectName(u"comboBox_fourcc")
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(2, QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.comboBox_fourcc)
+ self.label_2 = QLabel(self.widget)
+ self.label_2.setObjectName(u"label_2")
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(3, QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.label_2)
+ self.spinBox_fps = QSpinBox(self.widget)
+ self.spinBox_fps.setObjectName(u"spinBox_fps")
+ self.spinBox_fps.setMinimum(1)
+ self.spinBox_fps.setMaximum(60)
+ self.spinBox_fps.setValue(30)
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(3, QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.spinBox_fps)
+ self.label_3 = QLabel(self.widget)
+ self.label_3.setObjectName(u"label_3")
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(4, QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.label_3)
+ self.comboBox_resolution = QComboBox(self.widget)
+ self.comboBox_resolution.addItem("")
+ self.comboBox_resolution.addItem("")
+ self.comboBox_resolution.addItem("")
+ self.comboBox_resolution.addItem("")
+ self.comboBox_resolution.addItem("")
+ self.comboBox_resolution.addItem("")
+ self.comboBox_resolution.addItem("")
+ self.comboBox_resolution.addItem("")
+ self.comboBox_resolution.addItem("")
+ self.comboBox_resolution.addItem("")
+ self.comboBox_resolution.addItem("")
+ self.comboBox_resolution.addItem("")
+ self.comboBox_resolution.setObjectName(u"comboBox_resolution")
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(4, QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.comboBox_resolution)
+ self.plainTextEdit_videoProps = QPlainTextEdit(self.widget)
+ self.plainTextEdit_videoProps.setObjectName(u"plainTextEdit_videoProps")
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(5, QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.plainTextEdit_videoProps)
+ self.label_4 = QLabel(self.widget)
+ self.label_4.setObjectName(u"label_4")
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(1, QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.label_4)
+ self.comboBox_captureBackend = QComboBox(self.widget)
+ self.comboBox_captureBackend.addItem("")
+ self.comboBox_captureBackend.setObjectName(u"comboBox_captureBackend")
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(1, QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.comboBox_captureBackend)
+ self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.widget, 1, 0, 1, 1)
+ self.buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(Dialog)
+ self.buttonBox.setObjectName(u"buttonBox")
+ self.buttonBox.setOrientation(Qt.Horizontal)
+ self.buttonBox.setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel|QDialogButtonBox.Ok)
+ self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.buttonBox, 3, 0, 1, 1)
+ self.retranslateUi(Dialog)
+ self.buttonBox.accepted.connect(Dialog.accept)
+ self.buttonBox.rejected.connect(Dialog.reject)
+ QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(Dialog)
+ # setupUi
+ def retranslateUi(self, Dialog):
+ Dialog.setWindowTitle(QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"Dialog", None))
+ self.label.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"Video Format", None))
+ self.comboBox_fourcc.setItemText(0, QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"Default", None))
+ self.label_2.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"FPS", None))
+ self.label_3.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"Resolution", None))
+ self.comboBox_resolution.setItemText(0, QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"Default", None))
+ self.comboBox_resolution.setItemText(1, QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"320x240", None))
+ self.comboBox_resolution.setItemText(2, QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"640x480", None))
+ self.comboBox_resolution.setItemText(3, QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"800x600", None))
+ self.comboBox_resolution.setItemText(4, QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"1280x720", None))
+ self.comboBox_resolution.setItemText(5, QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"1280x960", None))
+ self.comboBox_resolution.setItemText(6, QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"1600x900", None))
+ self.comboBox_resolution.setItemText(7, QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"1980x1080", None))
+ self.comboBox_resolution.setItemText(8, QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"3840x2160", None))
+ self.comboBox_resolution.setItemText(9, QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"2560x1440", None))
+ self.comboBox_resolution.setItemText(10, QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"2048x1080", None))
+ self.comboBox_resolution.setItemText(11, QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"4096x2160", None))
+ self.label_4.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"Capture Backend", None))
+ self.comboBox_captureBackend.setItemText(0, QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"Default / Any", None))
+ # retranslateUi
diff --git a/video_settings.py b/video_settings.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43b3d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/video_settings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+import cv2
+import platform
+from PySide6.QtWidgets import QDialog
+from camera_thread import OpenCVVideoCaptureWithSettings
+from sc_logging import logger
+from ui_video_settings import Ui_Dialog as Ui_VideoSettingsDialog
+from storage import store_data
+def fourcc_to_str(fourcc):
+ if fourcc == 0:
+ return "NULL"
+ if type(fourcc) == str:
+ return fourcc
+ if type(fourcc) != int:
+ fourcc = int(fourcc)
+ return "".join([chr((fourcc >> 8 * i) & 0xFF) for i in range(4)])
+def get_supported_fourcc(cap):
+ fourcc_list = [
+ cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"MJPG"),
+ cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"YUYV"),
+ cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"YUY2"),
+ cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"YU12"),
+ cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"YV12"),
+ cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"RGB3"),
+ cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"H264"),
+ cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"X264"),
+ cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"XVID"),
+ cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"MPEG"),
+ cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"NV12"),
+ cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"I420"),
+ ]
+ original_fourcc = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
+ supported_fourccs = [fourcc_to_str(original_fourcc)]
+ for fourcc in fourcc_list:
+ cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC, fourcc)
+ actual_fourcc = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC))
+ if actual_fourcc == fourcc:
+ fourcc_str = fourcc_to_str(fourcc)
+ if fourcc_str not in supported_fourccs:
+ supported_fourccs.append(fourcc_str)
+ cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC, original_fourcc)
+ return supported_fourccs
+class VideoSettingsDialog(QDialog):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.ui = Ui_VideoSettingsDialog()
+ self.ui.setupUi(self)
+ self.ui.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.save_settings)
+ self.ui.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.close)
+ def init_ui(self, cap: OpenCVVideoCaptureWithSettings):
+ self.cap = cap
+ self.ui.spinBox_fps.setValue(int(self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)))
+ self.ui.comboBox_resolution.setCurrentText(
+ f"{self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)}x{self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)}"
+ )
+ self.populate_supported_fourcc()
+ self.populate_video_props()
+ self.populate_backend_combo()
+ def populate_backend_combo(self):
+ self.ui.comboBox_captureBackend.clear()
+ self.ui.comboBox_captureBackend.addItem("Auto", cv2.CAP_ANY)
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ self.ui.comboBox_captureBackend.addItem("DShow", cv2.CAP_DSHOW)
+ self.ui.comboBox_captureBackend.addItem(
+ "Microsoft Media Foundation", cv2.CAP_MSMF
+ )
+ self.ui.comboBox_captureBackend.addItem(
+ "Microsoft Windows Runtime", cv2.CAP_WINRT
+ )
+ elif platform.system() == "Linux":
+ self.ui.comboBox_captureBackend.addItem("V4L", cv2.CAP_V4L)
+ self.ui.comboBox_captureBackend.addItem("GStreamer", cv2.CAP_GSTREAMER)
+ elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
+ self.ui.comboBox_captureBackend.addItem(
+ "AVFoundation", cv2.CAP_AVFOUNDATION
+ )
+ self.ui.comboBox_captureBackend.setCurrentIndex(
+ self.ui.comboBox_captureBackend.findData(self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_BACKEND))
+ )
+ def populate_video_props(self):
+ # scan all opencv properties and write to plainTextEdit_videoProps
+ video_props = [
+ (
+ ),
+ (
+ ),
+ ]
+ video_props_str = [
+ f"{prop[1]}: {self.cap.get(prop[0])}" for prop in video_props
+ ]
+ self.ui.plainTextEdit_videoProps.setPlainText("\n".join(video_props_str))
+ def populate_supported_fourcc(self):
+ supported_fourccs = get_supported_fourcc(self.cap)
+ self.ui.comboBox_fourcc.clear()
+ self.ui.comboBox_fourcc.addItems(supported_fourccs)
+ def save_settings(self):
+ fps = self.ui.spinBox_fps.value()
+ resolution = self.ui.comboBox_resolution.currentText()
+ if "x" in resolution:
+ resolution = resolution.split("x")
+ width = int(resolution[0])
+ height = int(resolution[1])
+ else:
+ width = -1
+ height = -1
+ fourcc = self.ui.comboBox_fourcc.currentText()
+ store_data("scoresight.json", "fps", fps)
+ store_data("scoresight.json", "width", width)
+ store_data("scoresight.json", "height", height)
+ store_data("scoresight.json", "fourcc", fourcc)
+ store_data(
+ "scoresight.json", "backend", self.ui.comboBox_captureBackend.currentData()
+ )
+ self.close()
diff --git a/video_settings.ui b/video_settings.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc97d9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/video_settings.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ Dialog
+ 0
+ 0
+ 400
+ 259
+ Dialog
+ -
+ Video Format
+ -
+ Default
+ -
+ -
+ 1
+ 60
+ 30
+ -
+ Resolution
+ -
+ Default
+ -
+ 320x240
+ -
+ 640x480
+ -
+ 800x600
+ -
+ 1280x720
+ -
+ 1280x960
+ -
+ 1600x900
+ -
+ 1980x1080
+ -
+ 3840x2160
+ -
+ 2560x1440
+ -
+ 2048x1080
+ -
+ 4096x2160
+ -
+ -
+ Capture Backend
+ -
+ Default / Any
+ -
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok
+ buttonBox
+ accepted()
+ Dialog
+ accept()
+ 248
+ 254
+ 157
+ 274
+ buttonBox
+ rejected()
+ Dialog
+ reject()
+ 316
+ 260
+ 286
+ 274