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alekz49 edited this page Sep 29, 2011 · 42 revisions

**The Performer**

If the Arranger Window is the panoramic view of your project, then the Performer is the workshop. It's in this pianoroll style canvas where dedicated midi users do much of their work, shaping and molding a midi performance with the primary tool of their trade.

The Performer is, using the same analogy, a complete toolset. Any midi data can be inputted, edited, or removed. The Performer can display several parts at a time, doing away with the need for multiple part windows.

Where possible in this page, we've tried to keep images a natural size, within the limitations of the wiki page dimensions.

This page describes static functions, toolsets, and functions in the Performer.

For information about how to live and step input record and edit in the Performer, see the wiki page:

Working with Midi

Performer Menus

The Performer Canvas

The Performer Orchestra Pit


Vertical Piano Keyboard

Controller Lanes



Useful Commands and Shortcuts

Midi Plugins

Performer Menus

The Performer Menus are modest in size, as we've moved many of the important functions into the Orchestra Pit, and removed actions that have little relevance to working in the Performer itself.

Detailed explanation of the actions remaining in the Performer Menus can be found here:

Performer Menus

The Performer Canvas

The Performer is your artistic canvas, ready for your creative input. It's here that notes are entered,edited, and removed. Program changes can added and removed in the ruler, and you can add and edit any CC information in the controller lanes.

The Performer Orchestra Pit

The Performer Orchestra Pit has 3 Tabs, The Conductor, Tracklist, and Note Info.

The Performer Conductor Tab contains the Patchlist, Patch Sequencer, Utilities, and the Advanced section. The components are as follows:

  • Name and part selection At the top of the Conductor Tab is the name of the track. Either side of the name are two arrows, and these can be use to go to the Previous or Next part.
  • Patchlist And Patch Sequencer The Patchlist and Patch Sequencer comprise our unique and specially built engine to automate the process of loading patches, and adding patches to the timeline ruler in OOM.

A more detailed explanation of the Patch Engine, and its functions, can be found at the wiki page:

Patch Sequencer

Utilities The Utilities panel contains Quantize and Snap settings for the canvas, and each one can set independent of the other, using the dropdown menus. The To dropdown menu contains 4 conditional selections that you can choose from to apply the Quantize and Snap settings to, being All Events, Selected Events, Looped Events, and Selected + Looped Events. All Events is the default.

Below that are some special functions.

Transpose The rising arrow icon when toggled applies transpose to all parts currently loaded in the Performer instance. This depends on the transpose settings next the icon, and whether the checkbox is active. (checked) So the user would set a transpose range in the textbox, check the box, then toggle the icon active to apply transpose.

-12 is down 1 octave, and +12 is up 1 octave. 0, which is the default, represents no transposition.

To the right of the textbox is a small lamp, and this is your midi input indicator, which will light up when you send midi input to the track. The Comment icon on the right toggles on and off text based comments and indications in the main canvas, the primary role being to show patchnames that have been assigned to keyswitches for the currently active track. See the Keyswitch Section of this page for more detailed information.

Below these special functions is the Advanced checkbox, which when checked shows the port and midi information for the current tracks.

Once you've opened the advanced section, you'll see a set of midi controls and parameters for your selected track.

These controls are as follows:

  • ports This is a drop down list of all the midi ports you created for your project. (The example shows 10:1st-violins)
  • CH the value box below that is the output midi channel for the track. You can set this to the channel you wish to send midi data on.
  • in This is your input for the track, and in here you select which input device or port you want to supply midi data to the track. Press the button, and a list will come up showing all the ports you created for your project.
  • Record This button when pressed records all midi settings to the track, from the current parameter values in the Advanced section.
  • H-Bank This is the high bank (MSB) value for the currently loaded bank and patch.
  • L-bank This is the low bank (LSB) value for the currently loaded bank and patch.
  • Prog this is the parameter for the Program Changes.
  • Vol this is the parameter for the midi track volume.
  • Pan this is the parameter for the midi track pan.
  • transpos this is the parameter for midi track transposition.
  • delay this is the parameter for midi track delay.
  • length this parameter sets the default length of an inputted midi note. Be aware that the note will still appear as full length in the Performer Canvas, if you have input the note by Step Input, for example. It will "sound" relative to the percentage you've set.
  • compr. this parameter sets the default midi compr of the midi track.
  • Velocity this parameter sets the default velocity for the midi track.

The Tracklist tab is a Performer specific tab that contains our powerful in house built Tracklist engine. For a more detailed explanation of Tracklist and the functions, go to the wiki page:


The Note Info tab is a Performer specific tab that contains data for a currently selected note in the Performer canvas.

The parameters are as follows:

  • Start This indicates the start position of the note, in reference to the timeline.
  • Len Indicates the length of the note
  • Pitch indicates the pitch of the note
  • Velo On indicates the initial velocity of the note
  • Velo Off indicates the departure velocity of the note.
  • BG Brightness changes the transparency value for notes when they are non-active, and shaded in the background. Some users might prefer a more robust setting, where others will decide on a very faint setting. The choice is yours.


The ruler in the Performer mirrors that in the Composer. It's a constant view of where you are in your project, and a vehicle for aligning Punch in and Out Indicators, as well as Markers. Instrument patches are added to the ruler top bar in the Performer, and above the ruler on the right is a textbox which displays the current patch. This will change as the Playback Cursor passes over patches, if the patches are different.

  • Patches are green flags at the top of the ruler bar
  • Markers are Oranges flags in the middle of the ruler bar. Note that you can add Markers from the Composer, but you can't add Markers in the Performer.

for more information on how to add patches to the ruler, see the wiki page:

Patch Sequencer

There is a separate wiki page for Punch in and out, Loop, and Markers which can be found here:

Punch Loop Marker

Vertical Piano Keyboard

The Vertical Piano Keyboard next to the main canvas on the left isn't just for show. As well as an essential pitch indicator for the main canvas, it's a tool of use for auditioning, and pitch based keyswitch management, as well as your instrument range identifier.


With the Sound icon activated in the Performer Toolbar, press a note on the keyboard with your mouse. You'll hear sound, and the keyboard is responsive to Velocity and duration. for a lower velocity, press the note nearer to the main canvas. For a greater velocity, press the note nearer to the Orchestra Pit.

Note that when you press a note the key changes colour to Gold. As you move the cursor over the main canvas or the keyboard, the associated pitch will highlight as Gold in the keyboard, so you will always know where you are.

Pitch based keyswitch management

The keyboard also displays any keyswitches you've set, using the procedure in the section on this page, called Keyswitches. As described below, if the instrument range of a patch is shown, and you have a greyed area which represents a non playable range, then this is where keyswitches can be safely added. Watch the .gif at the top of this page to see the changes that occur as different patches are displayed in the keyboard, and the difference in playable instrument range for each.

Instrument Range Identification

For any Instrument Set patch that represents an external sample format in which instrument range is coded or scripted (like a GIG or SFZ file for example), and was created using our unique Import function in the Instrument Set manager, the playable range of the patch will be represented in the keyboard. Black and White notes are playable, and will be sounded, and the non playable range will be greyed out.

Controller Lanes

The controller lanes

The controller lanes are your window to midi expression, and it's in the lanes where a mechanical representation written in midi can come to life.

In the controller lanes, with the pencil tool (shortcut is D ) you can draw curves and edit events of all types and any function that is CC editable.

You can also edit lines of events, and draw in new ones with the line tool, for which the shortcut is F. Position the mouse cursor at the point you want to start the line, and click, then position the cursor where you want the line to end, and click again. This works in all lanes.

By default, the Performer opens with Volume, Velocity, and Modulation lanes open, but with the CTRL icon at the bottom of the controller lane section, you can popup a menu to add more lanes. Note that at the moment, additional lanes are not saved in view when the Performer instance is closed.

Each lane has an + and a X in its header. + opens the menu to change the CC type, and X closes the lane.

The value box under each knob in each controller lane will reflect the current values at the playback cursor position, and is editable.


Keyswitches can be set in OOM for any patch you want, from the Instrument Set assigned to the port for the track.

The process is as follows:

In the Performer piano keyboard, on the left of the main canvas, pick a key that is out of the range of your instrument set for the track, in the grey areas above or below the playing range. The playing range can be defined as the black and white keys, and out of the instrument range as the grey.

Right click on a key, and a dialog will open, showing the same instrument set you have for the track. Choose a patch, and in the textbox at the top of the dialog, confirm it's the one you want.

The pic shows the following:

  • At the top of the dialog is Default patch and the key the patch is assigned to, in this case Note:G7.
  • Under this is a textbox with the name of the patch you've selected assigned to the key. If you wish to change this, remove the patch with the trash icon on the right, then select another patch.
  • In the main panel, called Select Patch is our list of groups and patches we choose from, which is the instrument set .idf assigned to the port assigned to this track.
  • The next text box down is called Key Comments, and you can add extra information here of your own choosing.
  • the next text box down is called Patch Key Comments where you can add additional information as you choose.
  • Once you've complete all the details, confirming you have the patch you want, then the button at the bottom of the dialog, called Save Settings

The dialog will close, and the patch you selected will be assigned to the key you've chosen. If you wish to add further patches, then follow the same process for each key. To change a patch assignment, rightclick on the key, remove the patch and select a new one.

Our keyswitch system was designed for speed, and flexibility. It's an ideal way for the user to select their favourite patches from what might be a large selection, and have them accessible at the press of a key.

User Tip. Use a second midi keyboard, with the octave range set to bring your keyswitches into playable range. You can then just press a key on the second keyboard, and get on with creating. Midi tracks in OOM will accept multiple inputs.

This pic shows a large selection of patches assigned to keys. note for the key G7, our demonstration key, there are 3 Text labels from left to right, being the patch, the key comment, and the patch key comment.

The keyswitch canvas text can be shown or hidden by toggling the comments icon in the Utilities panel in the Performer Conductor tab.

Performer Toolbars


This indicator displays the current cursor position

Performer Transport Toolbar

Start (Shortcut Home ) This function is to return the playback cursor to the start of your project.

Return This icon turns on the return function, at the current playback cursor position. When active, the playback cursor will return to the same place in the timeline each time playback is stopped.

Rewind When pressed, this action rewinds the playback cursor along the timeline.

Forward When pressed, this action moves the playback further along the timeline.

Stop This is the stop icon, and when pressed, stops playback.

Play This is the playback icon, and when pressed, initiates playback.

Metronome This toggle icon turns the metronome on and off.

Record This is the global record icon, and when active, records during playback. It turns off again, when playback is stopped.

Mute The Mute icon, when pressed, mutes the current active part.

Solo The Solo icon, when pressed, solos the current active part.

Performer Edit Toolbar

Pointer The pointer is your default to navigate and select with.

Pencil The pencil can be used to draw notes in the main canvas and draw events in the controller lanes. Hold the SHIFT key with the pencil, and draw any curve or shape you want.

Eraser The Eraser tool removes events you click on.

Line The line tool, used in the controller lanes, is used as a click once, click again tool to create smooth sets of events. After selecting the line tool, you click where you want the line to start, and then move the mouse to where you want the line to end, and click again. This draws a line across events, and modifies them accordingly.

Epic Toolbar

The Epic Toolbar contains 4 icons for Epic Pointer, Epic Pencil, Epic Record, and Multipart.

Epic Pointer The Epic pointer when active enables selecting, drawing, and editing events in the canvas across all visible parts with one action.

Epic Pencil The Epic pencil when active when active enables drawing events in all parts selected in the tracklist, and visible in the canvas.. Draw once, and all parts are affected.

Epic Record The Epic Record function enables Record Arm on all tracks currently selected in the tracklist.

Epic Multipart The Epic Multipart icon is a toggle that makes all parts checked in the tracklist visible, or shows only the last selected part.

Performer Step Toolbar

This tool bar contains 3 icons for Step Input, Sound, and Panic.

Step Input This toggle on/off icon enables Step Input into the canvas from the input device set as input in the track.

Sound This toggle on/off icon turns the sound on and off for step input. When turned on, you can hear the notes you're entering.

PANIC This valuable icon when pressed sends a All-notes-off message globally, to all midi output ports. Useful when a synth or sampler misses a note off message, and keeps sounding after playback has stopped.

Punch Toolbar

This tool bar contains 3 icons, for Loop, Punch In, and Punch Out.

Loop This is the loop function tool.

Punch In This is the Punch In icon, used for positioning the punch in indicator in the ruler, and usually associated as one of a pair with the punch out indicator. Both indicators form a section within your project, that can define adding new parts, performing functions within a specified section, and importantly, are your indicators for punch in/out recording and loop boundaries.

Punch Out This is the natural partner of the Punch In Indicator.

For more information about Loop, Punch In, and Punch Out, and their functions, go to the wiki page:

Punch Loop Marker

Useful Commands and Shortcuts

There are some shortcuts in the PR that will help speed up your workflow, and enhance your midi editing experience. Here's a few:

Universal return (Shortcut is U )This shortcut gives you the opportunity to start the playback cursor from the same spot in the timeline, when turned on. It's particularly useful when you want to play over the same section, tweaking as you go, and hearing the result. Simply position the PB cursor where you want play to start, then press U. Each time you press stop, the PB cursor will return to the same point. When you're ready to move on and select a new universal position, simply press CTRL +U again, and move the PB to a new location, repeating the process again, if desired. You can reset the position at any time, even during playback.

**CTRL + RETURN** This action performs a specific task in the Performer, and that is return the focus to the Performer main canvas.
**Zoom and Scroll** The zoom and scroll features in the Performer are excellent, and easy to use with few shortcuts to learn. In summary:
  • Vertical Zoom -- CTRL + SHIFT + PgUp/Pgdown .
  • Horizontal zoom -- CTRL + PgUp/PgDown .
  • Scroll canvas up and down -- SHIFT + PgUp/PgDown .
  • Scroll canvas horizontally -- H/L (left/right).

Note movement navigation -- ALT + left/right/up/down arrows

Midi Plugins

In the Performer Functions menu, there are 2 plugins you can use in the canvas to directly affect selected notes in different ways. The plugins, and a brief explanation of each are as follows:

Gate The gate value for selected events can be applied at a specified value in the Gate dialog, which opens when the Gate menu entry is clicked. Note that OOM midi does not directly gate any internal audio track, but sends midi data externally through the designated output midi port for the current track to the external device the port is connected to. A quick example of this is the midi port going out to a synth or sound device, where the device responds to note on and off messages, which is the format for the OOM midigate plugin.

Velocity The velocity value for a note, or selection of notes, can be applied when the Velocity menu entry is clicked, and the Velocity dialog appears. Note that the Rate value is applied as a percentage of the current velocity value for the note, or notes, not as a percentage of the entire Velocity range between 0-127.

Work in progress....