diff --git a/.README.html b/.README.html index 1cd3197..051a7b2 100644 --- a/.README.html +++ b/.README.html @@ -147,6 +147,8 @@


id="toc-defined-in-defaultsmainyml">Defined in defaults/main.yml +
  • Variables Exported by the +Role
  • Example Playbooks
  • +
  • The role is capable of exporting existing cluster configuration: +
  • Requirements

    See below

    @@ -372,6 +384,12 @@

    Role Variables

    Defined in defaults/main.yml



    boolean, default: false


    Export existing cluster configuration. See Variables Exported by the +Role for details.



    boolean, default: true

    RHEL and CentOS only, enable repositories containing needed @@ -424,7 +442,8 @@

    Defined in

    boolean, default: true

    If set to true, HA cluster will be configured on the hosts according to other variables. If set to false, all HA -Cluster configuration will be purged from target hosts.

    +Cluster configuration will be purged from target hosts. If set to +null, HA cluster configuration will not be changed.


    boolean, default: true

    @@ -1772,6 +1791,8 @@


    Note that you cannot run qnetd on a cluster node as fencing would disrupt qnetd operation.


    If you set ha_cluster_qnetd: null, then qnetd host +configuration will not be changed.

    You may take a look at an example.


    @@ -1860,6 +1881,118 @@

    SBD watchdog and devices

    Always refer to the devices using the long, stable device name (/dev/disk/by-id/). +

    Variables Exported by the +Role


    The role contains ha_cluster_info module which exports +current cluster configuration in a dictionary matching the structure of +this role variables. If the role is run with these variables, it +recreates the same cluster.


    Note that the dictionary of variables may not be complete and manual +modification of it is expected. Most notably, you need to set ha_cluster_hacluster_password.


    Note that depending on pcs version installed on managed nodes, +certain variables may not be present in the export.

    + +

    To export current cluster configuration and store it in +ha_cluster_facts variable, run the role with +ha_cluster_export_configuration: true. This triggers the +export once the role finishes configuring a cluster or a qnetd host. If +you want to trigger the export without modifying existing configuration, +run the role like this:

    - hosts: node1
    +  vars:
    +    ha_cluster_cluster_present: null
    +    ha_cluster_qnetd: null
    +    ha_cluster_export_configuration: true
    +  roles:
    +    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Note: By default, +ha_cluster_cluster_present is set to true and +ha_cluster_qnetd.present is set to false. If +you do not set the variables as shown in the example above, the role +will reconfigure your cluster on the specified hosts, remove qnetd +configuration from the specified hosts, and then export +configuration.


    You may use the ha_cluster_facts variable in your +playbook depending on your needs.


    If you just want to see the content of the variable, use the ansible +debug module like this:

    - hosts: node1
    +  vars:
    +    ha_cluster_cluster_present: null
    +    ha_cluster_qnetd: null
    +    ha_cluster_export_configuration: true
    +  roles:
    +    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster
    +  tasks:
    +    - name: Print ha_cluster_info_result variable
    +      debug:
    +        var: ha_cluster_facts

    Or you may want to save the configuration to a file on your +controller node in YAML format with a task similar to this one, so that +you can write a playbook around it:

    - hosts: node1
    +  vars:
    +    ha_cluster_cluster_present: null
    +    ha_cluster_qnetd: null
    +    ha_cluster_export_configuration: true
    +  roles:
    +    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster
    +  tasks:
    +    - name: Save current cluster configuration to a file
    +      delegate_to: localhost
    +      copy:
    +        content: "{{ ha_cluster_facts | to_nice_yaml(sort_keys=false) }}"
    +        dest: /path/to/file

    Example Playbooks

    Following examples show what the structure of the role variables looks like. They are not guides or best practices for configuring a @@ -1872,772 +2005,772 @@

    Configuring omitted in each example playbook, we highly recommend to set them to true in your playbooks using the ha_cluster role.

    - name: Manage HA cluster and firewall and selinux
    -  hosts: node1 node2
    -  vars:
    -    ha_cluster_manage_firewall: true
    -    ha_cluster_manage_selinux: true
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster
    - name: Manage HA cluster and firewall and selinux
    +  hosts: node1 node2
    +  vars:
    +    ha_cluster_manage_firewall: true
    +    ha_cluster_manage_selinux: true
    +  roles:
    +    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Creating pcsd TLS cert and key files using the certificate role

    This example creates self-signed pcsd certificate and private key files in /var/lib/pcsd with the file name FILENAME.crt and FILENAME.key, respectively.

    - name: Manage HA cluster with certificates
    -  hosts: node1 node2
    -  vars:
    -    ha_cluster_pcsd_certificates:
    -      - name: FILENAME
    -        common_name: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
    -        ca: self-sign
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster
    - name: Manage HA cluster with certificates
    +  hosts: node1 node2
    +  vars:
    +    ha_cluster_pcsd_certificates:
    +      - name: FILENAME
    +        common_name: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
    +        ca: self-sign
    +  roles:
    +    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Creating a cluster running no resources

    - name: Manage HA cluster with no resources
    -  hosts: node1 node2
    -  vars:
    -    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    -    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster
    - name: Manage HA cluster with no resources
    +  hosts: node1 node2
    +  vars:
    +    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    +    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    +  roles:
    +    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Advanced Corosync configuration

    - name: Manage HA cluster with Corosync options
    -  hosts: node1 node2
    -  vars:
    -    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    -    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    -    ha_cluster_transport:
    -      type: knet
    -      options:
    -        - name: ip_version
    -          value: ipv4-6
    -        - name: link_mode
    -          value: active
    -      links:
    -        -
    -          - name: linknumber
    -            value: 1
    -          - name: link_priority
    -            value: 5
    -        -
    -          - name: linknumber
    -            value: 0
    -          - name: link_priority
    -            value: 10
    -      compression:
    -        - name: level
    -          value: 5
    -        - name: model
    -          value: zlib
    -      crypto:
    -        - name: cipher
    -          value: none
    -        - name: hash
    -          value: none
    -    ha_cluster_totem:
    -      options:
    -        - name: block_unlisted_ips
    -          value: 'yes'
    -        - name: send_join
    -          value: 0
    -    ha_cluster_quorum:
    -      options:
    -        - name: auto_tie_breaker
    -          value: 1
    -        - name: wait_for_all
    -          value: 1
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster
    - name: Manage HA cluster with Corosync options
    +  hosts: node1 node2
    +  vars:
    +    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    +    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    +    ha_cluster_transport:
    +      type: knet
    +      options:
    +        - name: ip_version
    +          value: ipv4-6
    +        - name: link_mode
    +          value: active
    +      links:
    +        -
    +          - name: linknumber
    +            value: 1
    +          - name: link_priority
    +            value: 5
    +        -
    +          - name: linknumber
    +            value: 0
    +          - name: link_priority
    +            value: 10
    +      compression:
    +        - name: level
    +          value: 5
    +        - name: model
    +          value: zlib
    +      crypto:
    +        - name: cipher
    +          value: none
    +        - name: hash
    +          value: none
    +    ha_cluster_totem:
    +      options:
    +        - name: block_unlisted_ips
    +          value: 'yes'
    +        - name: send_join
    +          value: 0
    +    ha_cluster_quorum:
    +      options:
    +        - name: auto_tie_breaker
    +          value: 1
    +        - name: wait_for_all
    +          value: 1
    +  roles:
    +    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Configuring cluster to use SBD

    Using ha_cluster_node_options variable

    - hosts: node1 node2
    -  vars:
    -    my_sbd_devices:
    -      # This variable is not used by the role directly.
    -      # Its purpose is to define SBD devices once so they don't need
    -      # to be repeated several times in the role variables.
    -      # Instead, variables directly used by the role refer to this variable.
    -      - /dev/disk/by-id/000001
    -      - /dev/disk/by-id/000002
    -      - /dev/disk/by-id/000003
    -    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    -    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    -    ha_cluster_sbd_enabled: true
    -    ha_cluster_sbd_options:
    -      - name: delay-start
    -        value: 'no'
    -      - name: startmode
    -        value: always
    -      - name: timeout-action
    -        value: 'flush,reboot'
    -      - name: watchdog-timeout
    -        value: 30
    -    ha_cluster_node_options:
    -      - node_name: node1
    -        sbd_watchdog_modules:
    -          - iTCO_wdt
    -        sbd_watchdog_modules_blocklist:
    -          - ipmi_watchdog
    -        sbd_watchdog: /dev/watchdog1
    -        sbd_devices: "{{ my_sbd_devices }}"
    -      - node_name: node2
    -        sbd_watchdog_modules:
    -          - iTCO_wdt
    -        sbd_watchdog_modules_blocklist:
    -          - ipmi_watchdog
    -        sbd_watchdog: /dev/watchdog1
    -        sbd_devices: "{{ my_sbd_devices }}"
    -    # Best practice for setting SBD timeouts:
    -    # watchdog-timeout * 2 = msgwait-timeout (set automatically)
    -    # msgwait-timeout * 1.2 = stonith-timeout
    -    ha_cluster_cluster_properties:
    -      - attrs:
    -          - name: stonith-timeout
    -            value: 72
    -    ha_cluster_resource_primitives:
    -      - id: fence_sbd
    -        agent: 'stonith:fence_sbd'
    -        instance_attrs:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: devices
    -                value: "{{ my_sbd_devices | join(',') }}"
    -              - name: pcmk_delay_base
    -                value: 30
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster
    - hosts: node1 node2
    +  vars:
    +    my_sbd_devices:
    +      # This variable is not used by the role directly.
    +      # Its purpose is to define SBD devices once so they don't need
    +      # to be repeated several times in the role variables.
    +      # Instead, variables directly used by the role refer to this variable.
    +      - /dev/disk/by-id/000001
    +      - /dev/disk/by-id/000002
    +      - /dev/disk/by-id/000003
    +    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    +    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    +    ha_cluster_sbd_enabled: true
    +    ha_cluster_sbd_options:
    +      - name: delay-start
    +        value: 'no'
    +      - name: startmode
    +        value: always
    +      - name: timeout-action
    +        value: 'flush,reboot'
    +      - name: watchdog-timeout
    +        value: 30
    +    ha_cluster_node_options:
    +      - node_name: node1
    +        sbd_watchdog_modules:
    +          - iTCO_wdt
    +        sbd_watchdog_modules_blocklist:
    +          - ipmi_watchdog
    +        sbd_watchdog: /dev/watchdog1
    +        sbd_devices: "{{ my_sbd_devices }}"
    +      - node_name: node2
    +        sbd_watchdog_modules:
    +          - iTCO_wdt
    +        sbd_watchdog_modules_blocklist:
    +          - ipmi_watchdog
    +        sbd_watchdog: /dev/watchdog1
    +        sbd_devices: "{{ my_sbd_devices }}"
    +    # Best practice for setting SBD timeouts:
    +    # watchdog-timeout * 2 = msgwait-timeout (set automatically)
    +    # msgwait-timeout * 1.2 = stonith-timeout
    +    ha_cluster_cluster_properties:
    +      - attrs:
    +          - name: stonith-timeout
    +            value: 72
    +    ha_cluster_resource_primitives:
    +      - id: fence_sbd
    +        agent: 'stonith:fence_sbd'
    +        instance_attrs:
    +          - attrs:
    +              - name: devices
    +                value: "{{ my_sbd_devices | join(',') }}"
    +              - name: pcmk_delay_base
    +                value: 30
    +  roles:
    +    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Using ha_cluster variable

    The same result can be achieved by specifying node-specific options in inventory like this:

    -  hosts:
    -    node1:
    -      ha_cluster:
    -        sbd_watchdog_modules:
    -          - iTCO_wdt
    -        sbd_watchdog_modules_blocklist:
    -          - ipmi_watchdog
    -        sbd_watchdog: /dev/watchdog1
    -        sbd_devices:
    -          - /dev/disk/by-id/000001
    -          - /dev/disk/by-id/000002
    -          - /dev/disk/by-id/000003
    -    node2:
    -      ha_cluster:
    -        sbd_watchdog_modules:
    -          - iTCO_wdt
    -        sbd_watchdog_modules_blocklist:
    -          - ipmi_watchdog
    -        sbd_watchdog: /dev/watchdog1
    -        sbd_devices:
    -          - /dev/disk/by-id/000001
    -          - /dev/disk/by-id/000002
    -          - /dev/disk/by-id/000003
    +  hosts:
    +    node1:
    +      ha_cluster:
    +        sbd_watchdog_modules:
    +          - iTCO_wdt
    +        sbd_watchdog_modules_blocklist:
    +          - ipmi_watchdog
    +        sbd_watchdog: /dev/watchdog1
    +        sbd_devices:
    +          - /dev/disk/by-id/000001
    +          - /dev/disk/by-id/000002
    +          - /dev/disk/by-id/000003
    +    node2:
    +      ha_cluster:
    +        sbd_watchdog_modules:
    +          - iTCO_wdt
    +        sbd_watchdog_modules_blocklist:
    +          - ipmi_watchdog
    +        sbd_watchdog: /dev/watchdog1
    +        sbd_devices:
    +          - /dev/disk/by-id/000001
    +          - /dev/disk/by-id/000002
    +          - /dev/disk/by-id/000003

    Variables specified in inventory can be omitted when writing the playbook:

    - hosts: node1 node2
    -  vars:
    -    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    -    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    -    ha_cluster_sbd_enabled: true
    -    ha_cluster_sbd_options:
    -      - name: delay-start
    -        value: 'no'
    -      - name: startmode
    -        value: always
    -      - name: timeout-action
    -        value: 'flush,reboot'
    -      - name: watchdog-timeout
    -        value: 30
    -    # Best practice for setting SBD timeouts:
    -    # watchdog-timeout * 2 = msgwait-timeout (set automatically)
    -    # msgwait-timeout * 1.2 = stonith-timeout
    -    ha_cluster_cluster_properties:
    -      - attrs:
    -          - name: stonith-timeout
    -            value: 72
    -    ha_cluster_resource_primitives:
    -      - id: fence_sbd
    -        agent: 'stonith:fence_sbd'
    -        instance_attrs:
    -          - attrs:
    -              # taken from host_vars
    -              # this only works if all nodes have the same sbd_devices
    -              - name: devices
    -                value: "{{ ha_cluster.sbd_devices | join(',') }}"
    -              - name: pcmk_delay_base
    -                value: 30
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    If both the ha_cluster_node_options and -ha_cluster variables contain SBD options, those in -ha_cluster_node_options have precedence.


    Configuring cluster -properties

    - hosts: node1 node2
    -  vars:
    -    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    -    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    -    ha_cluster_cluster_properties:
    -      - attrs:
    -          - name: stonith-enabled
    -            value: 'true'
    -          - name: no-quorum-policy
    -            value: stop
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Creating -a cluster with fencing and several resources

    - hosts: node1 node2
    -  vars:
    -    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    -    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    -    ha_cluster_resource_primitives:
    -      - id: xvm-fencing
    -        agent: 'stonith:fence_xvm'
    -        instance_attrs:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: pcmk_host_list
    -                value: node1 node2
    -      - id: simple-resource
    -        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    -        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    -      - id: resource-with-options
    -        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    -        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    -        instance_attrs:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: fake
    -                value: fake-value
    -              - name: passwd
    -                value: passwd-value
    -        meta_attrs:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: target-role
    -                value: Started
    -              - name: is-managed
    -                value: 'true'
    -        operations:
    -          - action: start
    -            attrs:
    -              - name: timeout
    -                value: '30s'
    -          - action: monitor
    -            attrs:
    -              - name: timeout
    -                value: '5'
    -              - name: interval
    -                value: '1min'
    -      - id: example-1
    -        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    -        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    -      - id: example-2
    -        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    -        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    -      - id: example-3
    -        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    -        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    -      - id: simple-clone
    -        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    -        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    -      - id: clone-with-options
    -        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    -        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    -      - id: bundled-resource
    -        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    -        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    -    ha_cluster_resource_groups:
    -      - id: simple-group
    -        resource_ids:
    -          - example-1
    -          - example-2
    -        meta_attrs:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: target-role
    -                value: Started
    -              - name: is-managed
    -                value: 'true'
    -      - id: cloned-group
    -        resource_ids:
    -          - example-3
    -    ha_cluster_resource_clones:
    -      - resource_id: simple-clone
    -      - resource_id: clone-with-options
    -        promotable: true
    -        id: custom-clone-id
    -        meta_attrs:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: clone-max
    -                value: '2'
    -              - name: clone-node-max
    -                value: '1'
    -      - resource_id: cloned-group
    -        promotable: true
    -    ha_cluster_resource_bundles:
    -      - id: bundle-with-resource
    -        resource-id: bundled-resource
    -        container:
    -          type: podman
    -          options:
    -            - name: image
    -              value: my:image
    -        network_options:
    -          - name: control-port
    -            value: 3121
    -        port_map:
    -          -
    -            - name: port
    -              value: 10001
    -          -
    -            - name: port
    -              value: 10002
    -            - name: internal-port
    -              value: 10003
    -        storage_map:
    -          -
    -            - name: source-dir
    -              value: /srv/daemon-data
    -            - name: target-dir
    -              value: /var/daemon/data
    -          -
    -            - name: source-dir-root
    -              value: /var/log/pacemaker/bundles
    -            - name: target-dir
    -              value: /var/log/daemon
    -        meta_attrs:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: target-role
    -                value: Started
    -              - name: is-managed
    -                value: 'true'
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Configuring -resource and resource operation defaults

    - hosts: node1 node2
         ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
         ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    -    # Set a different `resource-stickiness` value during and outside work
    -    # hours. This allows resources to automatically move back to their most
    -    # preferred hosts, but at a time that (in theory) does not interfere with
    -    # business activities.
    -    ha_cluster_resource_defaults:
    -      meta_attrs:
    -        - id: core-hours
    -          rule: date-spec hours=9-16 weekdays=1-5
    -          score: 2
    -          attrs:
    -            - name: resource-stickiness
    -              value: INFINITY
    -        - id: after-hours
    -          score: 1
    -          attrs:
    -            - name: resource-stickiness
    -              value: 0
    -    # Default the timeout on all 10-second-interval monitor actions on IPaddr2
    -    # resources to 8 seconds.
    -    ha_cluster_resource_operation_defaults:
    -      meta_attrs:
    -        - rule: resource ::IPaddr2 and op monitor interval=10s
    -          score: INFINITY
    -          attrs:
    -            - name: timeout
    -              value: 8s
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Configuring stonith levels

    + ha_cluster_sbd_enabled: true + ha_cluster_sbd_options: + - name: delay-start + value: 'no' + - name: startmode + value: always + - name: timeout-action + value: 'flush,reboot' + - name: watchdog-timeout + value: 30 + # Best practice for setting SBD timeouts: + # watchdog-timeout * 2 = msgwait-timeout (set automatically) + # msgwait-timeout * 1.2 = stonith-timeout + ha_cluster_cluster_properties: + - attrs: + - name: stonith-timeout + value: 72 + ha_cluster_resource_primitives: + - id: fence_sbd + agent: 'stonith:fence_sbd' + instance_attrs: + - attrs: + # taken from host_vars + # this only works if all nodes have the same sbd_devices + - name: devices + value: "{{ ha_cluster.sbd_devices | join(',') }}" + - name: pcmk_delay_base + value: 30 + + roles: + - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster +

    If both the ha_cluster_node_options and +ha_cluster variables contain SBD options, those in +ha_cluster_node_options have precedence.


    Configuring cluster +properties

    - hosts: node1 node2
         ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
         ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    -    ha_cluster_resource_primitives:
    -      - id: apc1
    -        agent: 'stonith:fence_apc_snmp'
    -        instance_attrs:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: ip
    -                value: apc1.example.com
    -              - name: username
    -                value: user
    -              - name: password
    -                value: secret
    -              - name: pcmk_host_map
    -                value: node1:1;node2:2
    -      - id: apc2
    -        agent: 'stonith:fence_apc_snmp'
    -        instance_attrs:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: ip
    -                value: apc2.example.com
    -              - name: username
    -                value: user
    -              - name: password
    -                value: secret
    -              - name: pcmk_host_map
    -                value: node1:1;node2:2
    -    # Nodes have redundant power supplies, apc1 and apc2. Cluster must ensure
    -    # that when attempting to reboot a node, both power supplies are turned off
    -    # before either power supply is turned back on.
    -    ha_cluster_stonith_levels:
    -      - level: 1
    -        target: node1
    -        resource_ids:
    -          - apc1
    -          - apc2
    -      - level: 1
    -        target: node2
    -        resource_ids:
    -          - apc1
    -          - apc2
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Creating a cluster -with resource constraints

    + ha_cluster_cluster_properties: + - attrs: + - name: stonith-enabled + value: 'true' + - name: no-quorum-policy + value: stop + + roles: + - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster +

    Creating +a cluster with fencing and several resources

    - hosts: node1 node2
         ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
         ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    -    # In order to use constraints, we need resources the constraints will apply
    -    # to.
    -    ha_cluster_resource_primitives:
    -      - id: xvm-fencing
    -        agent: 'stonith:fence_xvm'
    -        instance_attrs:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: pcmk_host_list
    -                value: node1 node2
    -      - id: example-1
    -        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    -        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    -      - id: example-2
    -        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    -        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    -      - id: example-3
    -        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    -        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    -      - id: example-4
    -        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    -        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    -      - id: example-5
    -        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    -        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    -      - id: example-6
    -        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    -        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    -    # location constraints
    -    ha_cluster_constraints_location:
    -      # resource ID and node name
    -      - resource:
    -          id: example-1
    -        node: node1
    -        options:
    -          - name: score
    -            value: 20
    -      # resource pattern and node name
    -      - resource:
    -          pattern: example-\d+
    -        node: node1
    -        options:
    -          - name: score
    -            value: 10
    -      # resource ID and rule
    -      - resource:
    -          id: example-2
    -        rule: '#uname eq node2 and date in_range 2022-01-01 to 2022-02-28'
    -      # resource pattern and rule
    -      - resource:
    -          pattern: example-\d+
    -        rule: node-type eq weekend and date-spec weekdays=6-7
    -    # colocation constraints
    -    ha_cluster_constraints_colocation:
    -      # simple constraint
    -      - resource_leader:
    -          id: example-3
    -        resource_follower:
    -          id: example-4
    -        options:
    -          - name: score
    -            value: -5
    -      # set constraint
    -      - resource_sets:
    -          - resource_ids:
    -              - example-1
    -              - example-2
    -          - resource_ids:
    -              - example-5
    -              - example-6
    -            options:
    -              - name: sequential
    -                value: "false"
    -        options:
    -          - name: score
    -            value: 20
    -    # order constraints
    -    ha_cluster_constraints_order:
    -      # simple constraint
    -      - resource_first:
    -          id: example-1
    -        resource_then:
    -          id: example-6
    -        options:
    -          - name: symmetrical
    -            value: "false"
    -      # set constraint
    -      - resource_sets:
    -          - resource_ids:
    -              - example-1
    -              - example-2
    -            options:
    -              - name: require-all
    -                value: "false"
    -              - name: sequential
    -                value: "false"
    -          - resource_ids:
    -              - example-3
    -          - resource_ids:
    -              - example-4
    -              - example-5
    -            options:
    -              - name: sequential
    -                value: "false"
    -    # ticket constraints
    -    ha_cluster_constraints_ticket:
    -      # simple constraint
    -      - resource:
    -          id: example-1
    -        ticket: ticket1
    -        options:
    -          - name: loss-policy
    -            value: stop
    -      # set constraint
    -      - resource_sets:
    -          - resource_ids:
    -              - example-3
    -              - example-4
    -              - example-5
    -        ticket: ticket2
    -        options:
    -          - name: loss-policy
    -            value: fence
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Configuring a -cluster using a quorum device


    Configuring a quorum device


    Before you can add a quorum device to a cluster, you need to set the -device up. This is only needed to be done once for each quorum device. -Once it has been set up, you can use a quorom device in any number of -clusters.


    Note that you cannot run a quorum device on a cluster node.

    + ha_cluster_resource_primitives: + - id: xvm-fencing + agent: 'stonith:fence_xvm' + instance_attrs: + - attrs: + - name: pcmk_host_list + value: node1 node2 + - id: simple-resource + # wokeignore:rule=dummy + agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy' + - id: resource-with-options + # wokeignore:rule=dummy + agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy' + instance_attrs: + - attrs: + - name: fake + value: fake-value + - name: passwd + value: passwd-value + meta_attrs: + - attrs: + - name: target-role + value: Started + - name: is-managed + value: 'true' + operations: + - action: start + attrs: + - name: timeout + value: '30s' + - action: monitor + attrs: + - name: timeout + value: '5' + - name: interval + value: '1min' + - id: example-1 + # wokeignore:rule=dummy + agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy' + - id: example-2 + # wokeignore:rule=dummy + agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy' + - id: example-3 + # wokeignore:rule=dummy + agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy' + - id: simple-clone + # wokeignore:rule=dummy + agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy' + - id: clone-with-options + # wokeignore:rule=dummy + agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy' + - id: bundled-resource + # wokeignore:rule=dummy + agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy' + ha_cluster_resource_groups: + - id: simple-group + resource_ids: + - example-1 + - example-2 + meta_attrs: + - attrs: + - name: target-role + value: Started + - name: is-managed + value: 'true' + - id: cloned-group + resource_ids: + - example-3 + ha_cluster_resource_clones: + - resource_id: simple-clone + - resource_id: clone-with-options + promotable: true + id: custom-clone-id + meta_attrs: + - attrs: + - name: clone-max + value: '2' + - name: clone-node-max + value: '1' + - resource_id: cloned-group + promotable: true + ha_cluster_resource_bundles: + - id: bundle-with-resource + resource-id: bundled-resource + container: + type: podman + options: + - name: image + value: my:image + network_options: + - name: control-port + value: 3121 + port_map: + - + - name: port + value: 10001 + - + - name: port + value: 10002 + - name: internal-port + value: 10003 + storage_map: + - + - name: source-dir + value: /srv/daemon-data + - name: target-dir + value: /var/daemon/data + - + - name: source-dir-root + value: /var/log/pacemaker/bundles + - name: target-dir + value: /var/log/daemon + meta_attrs: + - attrs: + - name: target-role + value: Started + - name: is-managed + value: 'true' + + roles: + - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster +

    Configuring +resource and resource operation defaults

    - hosts: nodeQ
    +class="sourceCode yaml">- hosts: node1 node2
    -    ha_cluster_cluster_present: false
    +    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
         ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    -    ha_cluster_qnetd:
    -      present: true
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Configuring a -cluster to use a quorum device

    + # Set a different `resource-stickiness` value during and outside work + # hours. This allows resources to automatically move back to their most + # preferred hosts, but at a time that (in theory) does not interfere with + # business activities. + ha_cluster_resource_defaults: + meta_attrs: + - id: core-hours + rule: date-spec hours=9-16 weekdays=1-5 + score: 2 + attrs: + - name: resource-stickiness + value: INFINITY + - id: after-hours + score: 1 + attrs: + - name: resource-stickiness + value: 0 + # Default the timeout on all 10-second-interval monitor actions on IPaddr2 + # resources to 8 seconds. + ha_cluster_resource_operation_defaults: + meta_attrs: + - rule: resource ::IPaddr2 and op monitor interval=10s + score: INFINITY + attrs: + - name: timeout + value: 8s + + roles: + - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Configuring stonith levels

    - hosts: node1 node2
         ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
         ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    -    ha_cluster_quorum:
    -      device:
    -        model: net
    -        model_options:
    -          - name: host
    -            value: nodeQ
    -          - name: algorithm
    -            value: lms
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Configuring node attributes

    + ha_cluster_resource_primitives: + - id: apc1 + agent: 'stonith:fence_apc_snmp' + instance_attrs: + - attrs: + - name: ip + value: apc1.example.com + - name: username + value: user + - name: password + value: secret + - name: pcmk_host_map + value: node1:1;node2:2 + - id: apc2 + agent: 'stonith:fence_apc_snmp' + instance_attrs: + - attrs: + - name: ip + value: apc2.example.com + - name: username + value: user + - name: password + value: secret + - name: pcmk_host_map + value: node1:1;node2:2 + # Nodes have redundant power supplies, apc1 and apc2. Cluster must ensure + # that when attempting to reboot a node, both power supplies are turned off + # before either power supply is turned back on. + ha_cluster_stonith_levels: + - level: 1 + target: node1 + resource_ids: + - apc1 + - apc2 + - level: 1 + target: node2 + resource_ids: + - apc1 + - apc2 + + roles: + - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster +

    Creating a cluster +with resource constraints

    - hosts: node1 node2
         ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
         ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    -    ha_cluster_node_options:
    -      - node_name: node1
    -        attributes:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: attribute1
    -                value: value1A
    -              - name: attribute2
    -                value: value2A
    -      - node_name: node2
    -        attributes:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: attribute1
    -                value: value1B
    -              - name: attribute2
    -                value: value2B
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Configuring ACLs

    + # In order to use constraints, we need resources the constraints will apply + # to. + ha_cluster_resource_primitives: + - id: xvm-fencing + agent: 'stonith:fence_xvm' + instance_attrs: + - attrs: + - name: pcmk_host_list + value: node1 node2 + - id: example-1 + # wokeignore:rule=dummy + agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy' + - id: example-2 + # wokeignore:rule=dummy + agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy' + - id: example-3 + # wokeignore:rule=dummy + agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy' + - id: example-4 + # wokeignore:rule=dummy + agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy' + - id: example-5 + # wokeignore:rule=dummy + agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy' + - id: example-6 + # wokeignore:rule=dummy + agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy' + # location constraints + ha_cluster_constraints_location: + # resource ID and node name + - resource: + id: example-1 + node: node1 + options: + - name: score + value: 20 + # resource pattern and node name + - resource: + pattern: example-\d+ + node: node1 + options: + - name: score + value: 10 + # resource ID and rule + - resource: + id: example-2 + rule: '#uname eq node2 and date in_range 2022-01-01 to 2022-02-28' + # resource pattern and rule + - resource: + pattern: example-\d+ + rule: node-type eq weekend and date-spec weekdays=6-7 + # colocation constraints + ha_cluster_constraints_colocation: + # simple constraint + - resource_leader: + id: example-3 + resource_follower: + id: example-4 + options: + - name: score + value: -5 + # set constraint + - resource_sets: + - resource_ids: + - example-1 + - example-2 + - resource_ids: + - example-5 + - example-6 + options: + - name: sequential + value: "false" + options: + - name: score + value: 20 + # order constraints + ha_cluster_constraints_order: + # simple constraint + - resource_first: + id: example-1 + resource_then: + id: example-6 + options: + - name: symmetrical + value: "false" + # set constraint + - resource_sets: + - resource_ids: + - example-1 + - example-2 + options: + - name: require-all + value: "false" + - name: sequential + value: "false" + - resource_ids: + - example-3 + - resource_ids: + - example-4 + - example-5 + options: + - name: sequential + value: "false" + # ticket constraints + ha_cluster_constraints_ticket: + # simple constraint + - resource: + id: example-1 + ticket: ticket1 + options: + - name: loss-policy + value: stop + # set constraint + - resource_sets: + - resource_ids: + - example-3 + - example-4 + - example-5 + ticket: ticket2 + options: + - name: loss-policy + value: fence + + roles: + - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster +

    Configuring a +cluster using a quorum device


    Configuring a quorum device


    Before you can add a quorum device to a cluster, you need to set the +device up. This is only needed to be done once for each quorum device. +Once it has been set up, you can use a quorom device in any number of +clusters.


    Note that you cannot run a quorum device on a cluster node.

    - hosts: node1 node2
    +class="sourceCode yaml">- hosts: nodeQ
    -    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    +    ha_cluster_cluster_present: false
         ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    -    # To use an ACL role permission reference, the reference must exist in CIB.
    -    ha_cluster_resource_primitives:
    -      - id: not-for-operator
    -        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    -        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    -    # ACLs must be enabled (using the enable-acl cluster property) in order to
    -    # be effective.
    -    ha_cluster_cluster_properties:
    -      - attrs:
    -          - name: enable-acl
    -            value: 'true'
    -    ha_cluster_acls:
    -      acl_roles:
    -        - id: operator
    -          description: HA cluster operator
    -          permissions:
    -            - kind: write
    -              xpath: //crm_config//nvpair[@name='maintenance-mode']
    -            - kind: deny
    -              reference: not-for-operator
    -        - id: administrator
    -          permissions:
    -            - kind: write
    -              xpath: /cib
    -      acl_users:
    -        - id: alice
    -          roles:
    -            - operator
    -            - administrator
    -        - id: bob
    -          roles:
    -            - administrator
    -      acl_groups:
    -        - id: admins
    -          roles:
    -            - administrator
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Configuring utilization

    + ha_cluster_qnetd: + present: true + + roles: + - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Configuring a +cluster to use a quorum device

    - hosts: node1 node2
         ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
         ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    -    # For utilization to have an effect, the `placement-strategy` property
    -    # must be set and its value must be different from the value `default`.
    -    ha_cluster_cluster_properties:
    -      - attrs:
    -          - name: placement-strategy
    -            value: utilization
    -    ha_cluster_node_options:
    -      - node_name: node1
    -        utilization:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: utilization1
    -                value: 1
    -              - name: utilization2
    -                value: 2
    -      - node_name: node2
    -        utilization:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: utilization1
    -                value: 3
    -              - name: utilization2
    -                value: 4
    -    ha_cluster_resource_primitives:
    -      - id: resource1
    -        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    -        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    -        utilization:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: utilization1
    -                value: 2
    -              - name: utilization2
    -                value: 3
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Configuring Alerts

    + ha_cluster_quorum: + device: + model: net + model_options: + - name: host + value: nodeQ + - name: algorithm + value: lms + + roles: + - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster +

    Configuring node attributes

    - hosts: node1 node2
         ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
         ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    -    ha_cluster_alerts:
    -      - id: alert1
    -        path: /alert1/path
    -        description: Alert1 description
    -        instance_attrs:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: alert_attr1_name
    -                value: alert_attr1_value
    -        meta_attrs:
    -          - attrs:
    -              - name: alert_meta_attr1_name
    -                value: alert_meta_attr1_value
    -        recipients:
    -          - value: recipient_value
    -            id: recipient1
    -            description: Recipient1 description
    -            instance_attrs:
    -              - attrs:
    -                  - name: recipient_attr1_name
    -                    value: recipient_attr1_value
    -            meta_attrs:
    -              - attrs:
    -                  - name: recipient_meta_attr1_name
    -                    value: recipient_meta_attr1_value
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Purging all cluster -configuration

    + ha_cluster_node_options: + - node_name: node1 + attributes: + - attrs: + - name: attribute1 + value: value1A + - name: attribute2 + value: value2A + - node_name: node2 + attributes: + - attrs: + - name: attribute1 + value: value1B + - name: attribute2 + value: value2B + + roles: + - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster +

    Configuring ACLs

    - hosts: node1 node2
    -    ha_cluster_cluster_present: false
    -  roles:
    -    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster
    + ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster + ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password + # To use an ACL role permission reference, the reference must exist in CIB. + ha_cluster_resource_primitives: + - id: not-for-operator + # wokeignore:rule=dummy + agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy' + # ACLs must be enabled (using the enable-acl cluster property) in order to + # be effective. + ha_cluster_cluster_properties: + - attrs: + - name: enable-acl + value: 'true' + ha_cluster_acls: + acl_roles: + - id: operator + description: HA cluster operator + permissions: + - kind: write + xpath: //crm_config//nvpair[@name='maintenance-mode'] + - kind: deny + reference: not-for-operator + - id: administrator + permissions: + - kind: write + xpath: /cib + acl_users: + - id: alice + roles: + - operator + - administrator + - id: bob + roles: + - administrator + acl_groups: + - id: admins + roles: + - administrator + + roles: + - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster +

    Configuring utilization

    - hosts: node1 node2
    +  vars:
    +    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    +    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    +    # For utilization to have an effect, the `placement-strategy` property
    +    # must be set and its value must be different from the value `default`.
    +    ha_cluster_cluster_properties:
    +      - attrs:
    +          - name: placement-strategy
    +            value: utilization
    +    ha_cluster_node_options:
    +      - node_name: node1
    +        utilization:
    +          - attrs:
    +              - name: utilization1
    +                value: 1
    +              - name: utilization2
    +                value: 2
    +      - node_name: node2
    +        utilization:
    +          - attrs:
    +              - name: utilization1
    +                value: 3
    +              - name: utilization2
    +                value: 4
    +    ha_cluster_resource_primitives:
    +      - id: resource1
    +        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
    +        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    +        utilization:
    +          - attrs:
    +              - name: utilization1
    +                value: 2
    +              - name: utilization2
    +                value: 3
    +  roles:
    +    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Configuring Alerts

    - hosts: node1 node2
    +  vars:
    +    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    +    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    +    ha_cluster_alerts:
    +      - id: alert1
    +        path: /alert1/path
    +        description: Alert1 description
    +        instance_attrs:
    +          - attrs:
    +              - name: alert_attr1_name
    +                value: alert_attr1_value
    +        meta_attrs:
    +          - attrs:
    +              - name: alert_meta_attr1_name
    +                value: alert_meta_attr1_value
    +        recipients:
    +          - value: recipient_value
    +            id: recipient1
    +            description: Recipient1 description
    +            instance_attrs:
    +              - attrs:
    +                  - name: recipient_attr1_name
    +                    value: recipient_attr1_value
    +            meta_attrs:
    +              - attrs:
    +                  - name: recipient_meta_attr1_name
    +                    value: recipient_meta_attr1_value
    +  roles:
    +    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

    Purging all cluster +configuration

    - hosts: node1 node2
    +  vars:
    +    ha_cluster_cluster_present: false
    +  roles:
    +    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster


    See README-ostree.md


    diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 2ba8720..a2e2419 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,6 +1,24 @@ Changelog ========= +[1.21.0] - 2024-12-09 +-------------------- + +### New Features + +- feat: export corosync configuration (#231) + +### Bug Fixes + +- fix: list cloud agent packages by architecture (#244) + +### Other Changes + +- ci: tests update for pcs-0.12 and pacemaker-3 (#238) +- ci: bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 (#239) +- ci: Use Fedora 41, drop Fedora 39 (#242) +- ci: Use Fedora 41, drop Fedora 39 - part two (#243) + [1.20.0] - 2024-10-30 --------------------