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Consumer Kafka

Mostafa Asgari edited this page Dec 7, 2017 · 3 revisions

The "kafka" consumer module connects to a single Kafka cluster and consumes the __consumer_offsets topic in the cluster. This is the special internal topic where all consumer offsets and group metadata are committed. This information is then sent to the Storage subsystem for use in group status evaluations. This retrieves information on all "new consumer" clients, as well as older consumers that have switched over to Kafka-committed offsets.


The subheading must be a unique name, such as [consumer.myconsumers]. The "myconsumers" part is the name that will be used when logging.

servers=[ "", "", "" ]
Key Value Type Required Default Value Description
class-name string yes (empty) This is the name of the consumer module type. For this module, it must be "kafka"
cluster string yes (empty) This is the name of the cluster to which the consumers in this module belong.
servers list of hostname:port yes (none) A list of strings in the form "hostname:port" that point to the servers in the Kafka cluster. At least one is required.
client-profile string no (empty) The name of a configured client-profile section. If no profile is specified, a default configuration for the client will be used.
offsets-topic string no __consumer_offsets The name of the internal topic used for consumer offsets.
start-latest boolean no false If true, start consuming the offsets topic from the last (latest) offset. Otherwise, start from the earliest offset.
group-whitelist string (regex) no (empty) If specified, only send offsets for groups that match this regular expression.
group-blacklist string (regex) no (empty) If specified, only send offsets for groups that DO NOT match this regular expression. This is processed after the whitelist (if specified).