- {account.unstaked_balance
- ? Big(account.unstaked_balance).div(YOCTONEAR).toFixed(5)
+ {unstakeInfo.amount
+ ? Big(unstakeInfo.amount).div(YOCTONEAR).toFixed(5)
: "-"}
diff --git a/src/LiNEAR/Data.jsx b/src/LiNEAR/Data/Stake.jsx
similarity index 100%
rename from src/LiNEAR/Data.jsx
rename to src/LiNEAR/Data/Stake.jsx
diff --git a/src/LiNEAR/Data/Unstake.jsx b/src/LiNEAR/Data/Unstake.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee5fa0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/LiNEAR/Data/Unstake.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+const accountId = props.accountId || context.accountId;
+const { config, onLoad } = props;
+if (!config) {
+ return "Component cannot be loaded. Missing `config` props";
+//time in ms
+const SECONDS = 1000;
+const MINUTES = 60 * SECONDS;
+const HOURS = 60 * MINUTES;
+function isValid(a) {
+ if (!a) return false;
+ if (isNaN(Number(a))) return false;
+ if (a === "") return false;
+ return true;
+function getValidators() {
+ const options = {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: {
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify({
+ jsonrpc: "2.0",
+ id: "dontcare",
+ method: "validators",
+ params: [null],
+ }),
+ };
+ return fetch(config.nodeUrl, options).body.result;
+function getBlock(blockId) {
+ const options = {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: {
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify({
+ jsonrpc: "2.0",
+ id: "dontcare",
+ method: "block",
+ params: !!blockId
+ ? {
+ block_id: blockId,
+ }
+ : {
+ finality: "final",
+ },
+ }),
+ };
+ return fetch(config.nodeUrl, options).body.result;
+function latestBlock() {
+ const lastBlock = getBlock();
+ const startBlock = getBlock(lastBlock.header.next_epoch_id);
+ const prevBlock = getBlock(lastBlock.header.epoch_id);
+ let prev_timestamp = Math.round((prevBlock.header.timestamp ?? 0) / 1e6);
+ let start_block_height = startBlock.header.height;
+ let start_timestamp = Math.round((startBlock.header.timestamp ?? 0) / 1e6);
+ let last_block_timestamp = Math.round(
+ (lastBlock.header.timestamp ?? 0) / 1e6
+ );
+ if (start_timestamp < new Date().getTime() - 48 * HOURS) {
+ //genesis or hard-fork
+ start_timestamp = new Date().getTime() - 6 * HOURS;
+ }
+ if (prev_timestamp < new Date().getTime() - 48 * HOURS) {
+ //genesis or hard-fork
+ prev_timestamp = new Date().getTime() - 12 * HOURS;
+ }
+ //const noPrevBloc = startBlock.header.height == prevBlock.header.height;
+ let length = startBlock.header.height - prevBlock.header.height,
+ duration_ms = 0,
+ advance;
+ let start_dtm, ends_dtm, duration_till_now_ms;
+ if (length === 0) {
+ //!prevBlock, genesis or hard-fork
+ length = 43200;
+ duration_ms = 12 * HOURS;
+ //estimated start & prev timestamps
+ advance =
+ Math.round(
+ Number(
+ ((BigInt(lastBlock.header.height) - BigInt(this.start_block_height)) *
+ BigInt(1000000)) /
+ BigInt(this.length)
+ )
+ ) / 1000000;
+ start_timestamp = last_block_timestamp - duration_ms * advance;
+ prev_timestamp = start_timestamp - duration_ms;
+ } else {
+ duration_ms = start_timestamp - prev_timestamp;
+ }
+ start_dtm = new Date(start_timestamp);
+ ends_dtm = new Date(start_timestamp + duration_ms);
+ duration_till_now_ms = last_block_timestamp - start_timestamp;
+ // update function
+ if (isValid(lastBlock.header.height) && isValid(start_block_height)) {
+ advance =
+ Math.round(
+ Big(lastBlock.header.height)
+ .minus(start_block_height)
+ .times(1000000)
+ .div(length)
+ .toNumber()
+ ) / 1000000;
+ if (advance > 0.1) {
+ ends_dtm = new Date(
+ start_timestamp +
+ duration_till_now_ms +
+ duration_till_now_ms * (1 - advance)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ lastEpochDurationHours: duration_ms / HOURS,
+ hoursToEnd:
+ Math.round(
+ ((start_timestamp + duration_ms - new Date().getTime()) / HOURS) * 100
+ ) / 100,
+ };
+function padNumber(n) {
+ if (n < 10) return `0${n}`;
+ return n.toString();
+function queryFinishedTime(epochHeight) {
+ const nowValidator = getValidators();
+ let nowEpochHeight = nowValidator.epoch_height;
+ if (nowEpochHeight >= epochHeight) return {};
+ const { hoursToEnd, lastEpochDurationHours } = latestBlock();
+ const BUFFER = 3; // 3 HOURs buffer
+ const durationHours =
+ hoursToEnd +
+ (epochHeight - nowEpochHeight - 1) * lastEpochDurationHours +
+ if (durationHours) {
+ const finishedTime = new Date(new Date().getTime() + durationHours * HOURS);
+ return {
+ finishedTime: `${finishedTime.getFullYear()}/${padNumber(
+ finishedTime.getMonth() + 1
+ )}/${padNumber(finishedTime.getDate())} ${padNumber(
+ finishedTime.getHours()
+ )}:${padNumber(finishedTime.getMinutes())}:${padNumber(
+ finishedTime.getSeconds()
+ )}`,
+ durationHours: Math.floor(durationHours).toString(),
+ };
+ } else {
+ return {};
+ }
+if (onLoad) {
+ const accountDetails = Near.view(config.contractId, "get_account_details", {
+ account_id: accountId,
+ });
+ const endTime =
+ accountDetails && accountDetails.unstaked_available_epoch_height
+ ? queryFinishedTime(accountDetails.unstaked_available_epoch_height)
+ : {};
+ if (accountDetails) {
+ onLoad({
+ amount: accountDetails.unstaked_balance,
+ canWithdraw: accountDetails.can_withdraw,
+ endTime,
+ });
+ }
+return ;