- Built-in Inline Filter in Grid for Date, Numeric and String values
- Built-in Inline Editor for Grid components
- Change components CSS styles on demand from code
- Loading icon for all data components
- Option to prevent update of component layout
- Option to customize the drag and drop functionality with wait and resolve methods in data components
- Option to select a date using keyboard in DatePicker
- Option to change row visibility on demand in data components
- Export to JSON now supports exporting specific objects from data components
- Fixed the locales settings not appearing for Calendar in DatePicker
- Fixed the issue with resizing of Columns in Grid components when view is horizontally scrolled
- Fixed the issues with appearance of resize cursor for columns when view is scrolled
- Fixed the issue that prevented change of cell value from a droplist editor
- Fixed the issue with that sorts the grid on column click when column is also resizing
- Editor Text is now correctly updated when using Midnight Themes
- If column is fixed, the resize cursor no longer appears
- Context Menu style is now applied also to submenus
- Other minor bug fixes
- New CSS custom properties for all web components
- Option to import templates from a file
- CellTouched event available in Grid
- SelectedIndexChanged event available for Select component
- Custom style settings for drag and drop component that can be changed on demand
- Fixed the issue that causes Calendar to throw an error if provided date value is undefined
- Other minor bug fixes
- Improved performance during data load and update
- Option to set header and footer height from code in Grid components
- CommonService now provides support for conversion of numbers, dates and strings in standard formats
- Scrolling using Touch in Grid is now fully functional
- Fixed the issue that caused incorrect subheader titles during horizontal scrolling in Grid
- Sort order indicator is now displayed also when column is sorted, regardless whether it is selected or not
- Fixed the bug that caused incorrect sorting column when there are multi-level headers
- Initial Release