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Server Settings

Eric Voskuil edited this page Apr 16, 2017 · 16 revisions

The following server settings are implemented in the libbitcoin-server and exposed in Bitcoin Server (BS).

# The lower limit of address and spend indexing, defaults to 0.
index_start_height = 0
# Drop messages at this outgoing backlog level, defaults to 100.
send_high_water = 100
# Drop messages at this incoming backlog level, defaults to 100.
receive_high_water = 100
# The time limit to complete the connection handshake, defaults to 30.
handshake_seconds = 30
# Disable public endpoints, defaults to false.
secure_only = false
# The number of query worker threads per endpoint, defaults to 1 (0 disables service).
query_workers = 1
# The maximum number of query subscriptions, defaults to 0 (subscription disabled).
subscription_limit = 0
# The query subscription expiration time, defaults to 10.
subscription_expiration_minutes = 10
# The heartbeat service interval, defaults to 0 (service disabled).
heartbeat_service_seconds = 0
# Enable the block publishing service, defaults to false.
block_service_enabled = false
# Enable the transaction publishing service, defaults to false.
transaction_service_enabled = false

# The secure query endpoint, defaults to 'tcp://*:9081'.
secure_query_endpoint = tcp://*:9081
# The secure heartbeat endpoint, defaults to 'tcp://*:9082'.
secure_heartbeat_endpoint = tcp://*:9082
# The secure block publishing endpoint, defaults to 'tcp://*:9083'.
secure_block_endpoint = tcp://*:9083
# The secure transaction publishing endpoint, defaults to 'tcp://*:9084'.
secure_transaction_endpoint = tcp://*:9084

# The public query endpoint, defaults to 'tcp://*:9091'.
public_query_endpoint = tcp://*:9091
# The public heartbeat endpoint, defaults to 'tcp://*:9092'.
public_heartbeat_endpoint = tcp://*:9092
# The public block publishing endpoint, defaults to 'tcp://*:9093'.
public_block_endpoint = tcp://*:9093
# The public transaction publishing endpoint, defaults to 'tcp://*:9094'.
public_transaction_endpoint = tcp://*:9094

# The Z85-encoded private key of the server, enables secure endpoints.
#server_private_key =
# Allowed Z85-encoded public key of the client, multiple entries allowed.
#client_public_key =
# Allowed client IP address, multiple entries allowed.
#client_address =
# Blocked client IP address, multiple entries allowed.
#blacklist =


If this is set to 0 (default) all payment addresses in standard inputs and outputs, as well as all stealth metadata, is indexed. This is a large amount of information. To limit this indexing to more recent heights set this value to the desired starting height. This value can be safely changed at any time however the resulting index gaps will affect query results.


Disable public endpoints, defaults to false.


A single query worker (default) can handle a large number of requests. Enable multiple workers to to allow for concurrent query execution as desired.


See the subscription interface. This setting has no effect if there are no query workers.


After this amount of time has passed after registering a subscription the registration may be purged unless renewed. Clients may also explicitly unsubscribe. This setting has no effect if there are no query workers.


The heartbeat endpoint publishing interval.


Enable the block publishing service.


Enable the transaction publishing service.


Bind the public query socket to this endpoint.


Bind the public heartbeat socket to this endpoint.


Bind the public block publishing socket to this endpoint.


Bind the public transaction publishing socket to this endpoint.


Bind the secure query socket to this endpoint.


Bind the secure heartbeat socket to this endpoint.


Bind the secure block publishing socket to this endpoint.


Bind the secure transaction publishing socket to this endpoint.


See secure server setup.


See restricted clients setup.


See filtered clients setup.

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