CLDF Metadata: cldf-metadata.json
Sources: sources.bib
property | value |
dc:bibliographicCitation | Nagano, Yasuhiko and Prins, Marielle (2013): rGyalrongic Languages Database. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. |
dc:conformsTo | CLDF Wordlist |
dc:format | |
dc:identifier | |
dc:license | |
dcat:accessURL | |
prov:wasDerivedFrom | |
prov:wasGeneratedBy |
rdf:ID | naganorgyalrongic |
rdf:type | |
Table forms.csv
Raw lexical data item as it can be pulled out of the original datasets.
This is the basis for creating rows in CLDF representations of the data by
- splitting the lexical item into forms
- cleaning the forms
- potentially tokenizing the form
property | value |
dc:conformsTo | CLDF FormTable |
dc:extent | 10085 |
Name/Property | Datatype | Description |
ID | string |
Primary key |
Local_ID | string |
Language_ID | string |
References languages.csv::ID |
Parameter_ID | string |
References parameters.csv::ID |
Value | string |
Form | string |
Segments | list of string (separated by ) |
Comment | string |
Source | list of string (separated by ; ) |
References sources.bib::BibTeX-key |
Cognacy |
string |
Loan |
boolean |
Graphemes |
string |
Profile |
string |
Table languages.csv
property | value |
dc:conformsTo | CLDF LanguageTable |
dc:extent | 10 |
Name/Property | Datatype | Description |
ID | string |
Primary key |
Name | string |
Glottocode | string |
Glottolog_Name |
string |
ISO639P3code | string |
Macroarea | string |
Latitude | decimal ≥ -90 ≤ 90 |
Longitude | decimal ≥ -180 ≤ 180 |
Family |
string |
SubGroup |
string |
Source_ID |
string |
Short_Name |
string |
Table parameters.csv
property | value |
dc:conformsTo | CLDF ParameterTable |
dc:extent | 1256 |
Name/Property | Datatype | Description |
ID | string |
Primary key |
Name | string |
Concepticon_ID | string |
Concepticon_Gloss |
string |
SrcId |
string |
Number |
string |