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A Game of Type-Safe Tic-Tac-Toe

I held a functional programming workshop recently where the topic was implementing a browser based Tic-Tac-Toe on top of a Haskell web server. This is a rundown of the resulting game, where I demonstrate some of the ways to leverage Haskell's type system to gain stronger compile time guarantees.

While many of these techniques are slightly overkill for such as simple game, they will hopefully give you some ideas that you can take advantage of in more complicated Haskell projects.

A Kind of Piece

The fundamental elements of Tic-Tac-Toe are the game pieces, which can be either Xs or Os. This maps naturally to the simple, algebraic data-type

data Piece = X | O deriving Eq

However, we can encode several interesting properties on the type-level by promoting the Piece type to a type-kind and thus, X and O into types. This is done by the language extension DataKinds which was introduced in GHC 7.4.1.

We can use the types X and O as phantom types to tag other types. For example, instead of just having a Player type, we can have Player X and Player O and when those players make moves on the game board, the moves can be tagged as Move X and Move O. This adds additional compile-time guarantees to our program, because we can formulate the APIs so that it's impossible for the Player X to make a Move O due to a programming error if the program type-checks.

Sometimes we need to reify the Piece type into Piece value, so define the following type-class

class ReifyPiece (p :: Piece) where
    reifyPiece :: f p -> Piece

instance ReifyPiece X where
    reifyPiece _ = X

instance ReifyPiece O where
    reifyPiece _ = O

The p :: Piece in the type-class declaration is a kind signature for the type variable p. This restricts the type of p to those types that have the kind Piece, i.e. the types X and O.

Since data-types that are promoted from constructors cannot have any values, X and O are, in practice, limited to appearing in phantom types. Therefore the reifyPiece function takes in a value of some parametric type f that has p as a type-parameter. Now we can, for example, call reifyPiece with any value of type Move X and get back the Piece value X.

The Order of Play

Using the Piece kind, we can even encode in the types the fact that Player X and Player O must take alternating turns when playing the game. For this, we need a type family for switching from X to O and back.

type family Other (p :: Piece) :: Piece
type instance Other X = O
type instance Other O = X

The type family Other is the type-level equivalent of the function

other :: Piece -> Piece
other X = O
other O = X

Even though writing type-level functions is a bit more limited and verbose the relationship to value-level functions should be quite evident.

Now, to encode the current state of the game, we use the Game data type

data Game (turn :: Piece) = Game Board (GameStatus turn)

The turn type-variable indicates whether it's currently X's or O's turn to play. GameStatus is a GADT (generalized algebraic data type) which indicates whether the game still expects a new turn or if it has ended in a victory or draw.

type ProcessMove turn = Move turn -> Maybe (Game (Other turn))

data GameStatus (turn :: Piece) where
    Turn  :: ProcessMove turn -> GameStatus turn
    Draw  :: GameStatus turn
    Win   :: Piece -> GameStatus turn

The ProcessMove type alias describes a function that takes a move from the player whose turn it currently is and returns a new Game value for the opponent's turn (or Nothing if the move was invalid). Since the return value has the phantom type Other turn this causes type parameter to switch between X and O.

Board and Position are opaque types that we interface with using the following functions.

newBoard :: Board
putPiece :: Piece -> Position -> Board -> Board
isFull   :: Board -> Bool
(!)      :: Board -> Position -> Maybe Piece

In addition, we have the value lanes which lists all the possible lanes that can be filled up to win teh game (i.e. rows, columns and diagonals) and the accessor movePos which returns the position where a move was played.

lanes    :: [[Position]]
movePos  :: Move turn -> Position

The only function we expose from the game logic module is

newGame :: Game X
newGame = Game newBoard $ Turn $ makeMove newBoard

The type of newGame encodes the property that X always goes first in a newly created game and the makeMove function alternates between accepting Move X and Move O values to produce the next turn of the game.

makeMove :: CyclicTurn turn => Board -> ProcessMove turn
makeMove board move
    | Nothing <- board ! pos = Game board' <$> (gameOver <|> nextTurn)
    | otherwise              = Nothing
        piece  = reifyPiece move
        pos    = movePos move
        board' = putPiece piece pos board

        gameOver = victory <|> draw
        nextTurn = Just $ Turn $ makeMove board'

        draw     = maybeIf (isFull board') Draw
        victory  = msum $ map check lanes

        check lane = maybeIf allMatch $ Win piece where
            allMatch = all (\p -> board' ! p == Just piece) lane

The CyclicTurn constraint is to help GHC realize that any Move turn can be reified to a Piece since Move X is an instance of ReifyPiece as is Move O and for all types t of the Piece kind Other (Other t) is equal to t.

type CyclicTurn turn =
    ( ReifyPiece turn
    , ReifyPiece (Other turn)
    , Other (Other turn) ~ turn

Let's go through the makeMove function part by part.

makeMove board move
    | Nothing <- board ! pos = Game board' <$> (gameOver <|> nextTurn)
    | otherwise              = Nothing

The guard verifies that the move is valid (i.e. the position on the board is empty) with a pattern guard. We do not have to check that the given position is within game board bounds because Position is an opaque data type for which constructing invalid values is impossible.

If the move is valid, we return a Game value with the updated board (board') and a new GameStatus which is either gameOver or nextTurn.

        gameOver = victory <|> draw
        nextTurn = Just $ Turn $ makeMove board'

gameOver happens with either victory or draw which both have the type Maybe (GameStatus turn). nextTurn is always a Just, so the first guard in the function can never return a Nothing. nextTurn calls makeMove recursively and because the return type of makeMove is Maybe (Game (Other turn)) type-inference will handle switching the X to O and O to X in the recursive call.

        draw     = maybeIf (isFull board') Draw
        victory  = msum $ map check lanes

        check lane = maybeIf allMatch $ Win piece where
            allMatch = all (\p -> board' ! p == Just piece) lane

Checking for draw or victory is straightforward with the Board API we are given. maybeIf is a small utility function for returning a Maybe value based on a boolean predicate.

maybeIf :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a
maybeIf p a = if p then Just a else Nothing

Interfacing with the Unsafe World of JavaScript

The actual game implementation runs as a web server to which browsers connect using WebSockets. There's a thin abstraction layer on top of raw WebSockets which introduces two concepts: notifications and requests. Notifications are fire-and-forget sort of messages while requests require an answer from the other end of the connection.

The messaging layer uses JSON for serialization and, naturally, when the Haskell program receives a new message and deserializes it, there is no static type information available. If we look at requests which are initiated by the server, one way to determine the response type is to let the caller decide it via return value polymorphism.

request :: (ToJSON request, FromJSON response) => request -> IO response

The response type parameter will usually get inferred from the calling context, but this can sometimes result in hard to find bugs if, due to faulty implementation, the reponse type ends up being inferred as something other than we expected. Another weakness in this approach is that when using polymorphic functions, the reponse type might be left ambiguous, forcing us to add inline type annotations at the function call site.

Because of the above reasons, the messaging layer requires requests to have the kind (* -> *) so that every request type contains the type of the expected response. I.e.

request :: (Request request, FromJSON response) => request response -> IO response

Now we can use a GADT to define the different requests in our communication protocol. For example:

data ServerRequest response where
    AskName    :: ServerRequest String
    AskMove    :: ServerRequest (Move t)
    AskNewGame :: ServerRequest Bool

The Request type-class is defined as

class Request r where
    reqToJSON   :: r a -> Value
    reqFromJSON :: Value -> Result (Some r)

Since we cannot know the correct phantom type for a request that we deserialize from some arbitrary JSON string, we need to erase the phantom type (which indicates the expected type for the response) using the helper GADT Some.

    data Some t where
        Some :: (FromJSON x, ToJSON x) => t x -> Some t

Now erasing the phantom type might seem like it undermines the whole extra type-safety, but once again, it's the properties of GADTs that come to our rescue. Handlers for incoming requests are registered with the function

    :: Request req
    => Connection
    -> (forall resp. => req resp -> IO resp)
    -> STM ()

Since the constructor Some loses all information about the type parameter of the request, our function that handles a deserialized request must be able to handle any type. We indicate this with a rank-2 type.

This is different from the signature

    :: Request req
    => Connection
    -> (req resp -> IO resp)
    -> STM ()

in that for the rank-1 version, the concrete types of req and resp are fixed when the function is called, whereas for the rank-2 version the function given as a parameter stays polymorphic.

The erased phantom type can be recovered by matching to the constructors of the request GADT, because each constructor is associated with a specific phantom type. For example, handling the ServerRequest defined above might look something like

onRequest conn $ \req -> case req of
    AskName    -> return "John Doe"
    AskNewGame -> return True

As you can see, the different branches of the case expression can return different types based on the GADT constructor that was matched. And best of all, if we tried to return the wrong type, for example

    AskName -> return False

we would get a compile time type error.

Taking Sides

As I mentioned earlier, the Piece kind is used to tag the types Move and Player as well. However, the way the game works is that when players connect to the server they are put to a queue and at this point they are not yet playing with either X's or O's. The Player type is actually defined like this

data User (piece :: Maybe Piece) = User
    { userName :: String
    , userConn :: Connection

type NewPlayer    = User Nothing
type Player piece = User (Just piece)

Since the DataKinds extension promotes all types into kinds, this includes standard library types such as Maybe. That means that we can use the Maybe kind to encode optional phantom types.

The user module exports the following functions:

newUser     :: String -> Connection -> NewPlayer
assignSides :: NewPlayer -> NewPlayer -> Random (Player X, Player O)
stripSide   :: Player t -> NewPlayer

For receiving moves from the players, we use the function

requestMove :: Player piece -> IO (Future (Move piece))

which ensures that the move has the same Piece tag that the issuing player has.

Playing the Game

When there are at least two players queued up on the server, the server pairs them up, assigns random sides with the assignSides function and starts a thread which runs the actual game:

type Cyclic a b = (a ~ Other b, b ~ Other a)

playGame :: TChan NewPlayer -> (Player X, Player O) -> IO ()
playGame queue (px, po) = start >> play >> both requeue where

    start = atomically $ do
        notify (userConn px) $ FoundOpponent $ userName po
        notify (userConn po) $ FoundOpponent $ userName px

    play = playTurn px po newGame

    playTurn :: Cyclic t t' => Player t -> Player t' -> Game t -> IO ()
    playTurn p p' (Game b st) = sendBoard >> foldGameStatus turn draw win st where
        turn f = loop where
            loop        = requestMove p >>= resolveMove
            resolveMove = join . atomically . foldFuture disconnect nextTurn
            disconnect  = atomically $ notifyResult p' WonGame
            nextTurn m  = maybe loop (playTurn p' p) (f m)

        draw = atomically $ both $ \u -> notifyResult u DrawGame

        win _ = atomically $ do
            notifyResult p  LostGame
            notifyResult p' WonGame

        sendBoard = atomically $ both $ \u -> notify (userConn u) (GameBoard b)

    notifyResult u = notify (userConn u) . GameOver

    both :: Monad m => (forall t. Player t -> m ()) -> m ()
    both op = op px >> op po

    requeue :: Player t -> IO ()
    requeue p = void $ forkIO $ do
        yes <- request (userConn p) AskNewGame
        when yes $ atomically $ writeTChan queue $ stripSide p

While I'm not going to go into too much detail here, the part that is relevant for this type-safety article is the way that playTurn takes in Player X and Player O and then swaps them around in the recursive call in nextTurn. This way the first parameter always contains the player whose turn it is, and the tag X or O has to match the type of move Game is expecting for this turn. This way, were we to, for example, forget to swap the two players, we would get a compile time type-error, preventing the same player from getting to play all the turns.

The full source code for the game can be browsed at GitHub.

Sami Hangaslammi <[](mailto://>

Leonidas Oy <>